~~LANG:FR@fr:telechargement:stable:1.6~~ ====== Jelix 1.6 ====== The latest release of the 1.6 branch is **~~version 1.6~~**. (see [[en:changelog:1.6.x|the changelog]]). ==== Licence ==== Jelix is available under the [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html|LGPL licence]]. So you are free to install, to use, to modify and to distribute them. You can also use them to develop an application which is not free, although Jelix remains free and should be always redistributed under the terms of the LGPL licence. ==== Support ==== **WARNING: this version is not maintained anymore**. There won't be any more regular updates nor security fixes. You are strongly encouraged to use a recent maintained version. * First release: June 2014. * Active support until February 2023. * Security support until February 2023. * See [[en:download|details of the maintenance policy]] ==== PHP compatibility ==== This version is compatible from PHP 5.3 to 8.1 (for the latests minor versions of 1.6). ===== Download and installation ===== Two editions are available. There is no more the "gold" edition. ==== Developer Edition ==== This edition is for developers, to create and develop applications using Jelix. It contains some development stuffs like junittests module, and the core is enhanced with debugging features **important:** when you update jelix, don’t forget to clean your application temp directory. * ~~download jelixdev 1.6~~ ==== Optimized Edition ==== This edition should be used only on production server because it is optimized for this purpose. Use it when you install an application on your public server, to improve performance. (However, you can use of course a developer edition on your production server). **important:** when you update jelix, don’t forget to clean your application temp directory. * ~~download jelixopt 1.6~~ ===== Locales ===== Jelix packages provide only english and french translations. To install other languages, download lang packages from https://download.jelix.org/jelix/langpacks/jelix-1.6/ . Unzip them into @@app/locales/@@ directory of the Jelix application you develop, or into @@var/locales@@ of a Jelix application you installed, as a user. ===== Modules ===== Some modules are available in separate archives: * ~~download module-jtcpdf 1.6~~ ===== Test Application ===== TestApp 1.6 is an application which contains examples. It contains also unit tests on Jelix components, which is useful for Jelix Hackers. Read the INSTALL.txt file given in the archive. * ~~download testapp 1.6~~ To run this application, you should also install the developer edition of Jelix. ===== Documentation ===== ==== API Reference ==== * ~~download apiref 1.6~~