~~LANG:FR@fr:telechargement:stable:1.8~~ ====== Jelix 1.8 ====== The latest release of the 1.8 branch is **~~version 1.8~~**. ==== Licence ==== Jelix is available under the [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html|LGPL licence]]. So you are free to install, to use, to modify and to distribute them. You can also use them to develop an application which is not free, although Jelix remains free and should be always redistributed under the terms of the LGPL licence. ==== Support ==== * First release: April 2023. * Active support until December 2026. * Security support until December 2027. * See [[en:download|details of the maintenance policy]] ==== PHP compatibility ==== This version is compatible from PHP 7.4 to 8.3. ==== Download and installation ==== To install Jelix, you should use [[https://getcomposer.org|Composer]]. Create a composer.json file, declare the @@jelix/jelix@@ package or the @@jelix/jelix-standard@@ package (it has more modules), with the version **~~version 1.8~~**, and launch Composer to install the package. See the manual for details: [[https://docs.jelix.org/en/manual-1.8/installation/create-application|Creating an application]]. For example: mkdir mynewproject cd mynewproject composer init composer require "jelix/jelix-standard:~1.8.8" If you prefer to install Jelix with a traditional zip/tar.gz package, click on the following link: * ~~download jelix 1.8~~ This package contains Jelix and all vendors librairies (not need to install Composer). **important:** when you update jelix, don’t forget to clean your application temp directory. ===== Documentation ===== * [[https://docs.jelix.org/en/manual-1.8/new-features|New features in Jelix 1.8]] * [[en:changelog:1.8.x|All changes in minor versions of Jelix 1.8]] * [[https://docs.jelix.org/en/manual-1.8/installation/requirements|requirements for Jelix]] * [[https://docs.jelix.org/en/manual-1.8/installation/migrate|Tutorial to migrate to Jelix 1.8]] * [[en:documentation:#jelix-18|Autres documentations]] (manuels, tutoriels, références API..) * ~~download apiref 1.8~~ ===== Locales ===== Jelix packages provide only english and french translations. To install other languages, download lang packages from https://download.jelix.org/jelix/langpacks/jelix-1.8/ . Unzip them into @@app/locales/@@ directory of the Jelix application you develop, or into @@var/locales@@ of a Jelix application you installed, as a user.