~~LANG:FR@fr:hall-of-fame~~ ====== They use Jelix... ====== **3liz** is a company that is contributing to the project since 2018, and which is using Jelix into their application [[https://lizmap.com|Lizmap]], a GIS application. In the past, these companies used Jelix for their projects. - [[http://www.over-blog.com|Over-blog version 2]], the most important french blogging platform in europe (11 millions pages/day). See [[http://jelix.org/en/news#news4|the news]] or [[http://ljouanneau.com/blog/2007/03/01/637-version-2-dover-blog-et-jelix|Laurent's blog post]] (in french) - [[http://www.kayuko.com/|comparateur de prix de DVD Kayuko.com]] - [[http://www.autolux.ca/index.php5?lang=en_US|www.autolux.ca]]. Luxury Cars Professional Broker at Unbeatable Prices. Made by Benjamin Cartereau. - [[http://afrosoft.co.cc|AfroSoft]], the website of a open-source supporting web company. - [[http://www.nokeweb.com|NokéWeb]], NokéWeb is a web agency based in Paris, France. Many others [[fr:hall-of-fame|in the french version]] of this page. If you have a web site powered by jelix, let us know in the forum or by mail ! :-)