Interface jIAuthDriverClass


interface for classes used with the jAuthDriverClass

  • see: jAuth
  • since: 1.0b2

Located in /plugins/auth/class/class.auth.php (line 18)

Method Summary
object user createUserObject ()
void deleteByLogin (string $login)
array findAll ()
array findByLoginPattern (string $pattern)
object user getByLogin (string $login)
object user getByLoginPassword (string $login, string $cryptedpassword)
void insert (object $user)
void update (object $user)
void updatePassword (string $login, string $cryptedpassword)
createUserObject (line 48)

create an empty object which will contains user informations

  • return: informations (empty)
  • access: public
object user createUserObject ()
deleteByLogin (line 29)

delete a user

  • access: public
void deleteByLogin (string $login)
  • string $login: login of the user to delete
findAll (line 54)

gets all users

  • return: list of users
  • access: public
array findAll ()
findByLoginPattern (line 61)

gets all users for which the login corresponds to the given pattern

  • return: list of users
  • access: public
array findByLoginPattern (string $pattern)
  • string $pattern: the pattern
getByLogin (line 42)

get user informations

  • return: informations
  • access: public
object user getByLogin (string $login)
  • string $login: login of the user on which we want to get informations
getByLoginPassword (line 77)

get the user corresponding to the given login and encrypted password

  • return: informations
  • deprecated: since 1.2.10
  • access: public
object user getByLoginPassword (string $login, string $cryptedpassword)
  • string $login: the user login
  • string $cryptedpassword: the new encrypted password
insert (line 23)

save a new user

  • access: public
void insert (object $user)
  • object $user: user informations
update (line 35)

update user informations

  • access: public
void update (object $user)
  • object $user: user informations
updatePassword (line 68)

change the password of a user

  • access: public
void updatePassword (string $login, string $cryptedpassword)
  • string $login: the user login
  • string $cryptedpassword: the new encrypted password

Documentation generated on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:01:13 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3