Class jDbWidget


Located in /db/jDbWidget.class.php (line 23)

Method Summary
jDbWidget __construct ( $connection)
array fetchAll (string $query, [integer $limitOffset = null], [integer $limitCount = null])
array fetchAllInto (string $query,  $className, [integer $limitOffset = null], [integer $limitCount = null], string $classname)
object the fetchFirst (string $query)
object the fetchFirstInto (string $query, string $classname)
Constructor __construct (line 32)


jDbWidget __construct ( $connection)
  • $connection
fetchAll (line 67)

Get all results of a query

  • return: array of objects which contains results values
  • access: public
array fetchAll (string $query, [integer $limitOffset = null], [integer $limitCount = null])
  • string $query: SQL query
  • integer $limitOffset: the first number of the results or null
  • integer $limitCount: number of results you want, or null
fetchAllInto (line 84)

Get all results of a query and store values into objects which have the given class

  • return: array of objects which contains results values
  • access: public
array fetchAllInto (string $query,  $className, [integer $limitOffset = null], [integer $limitCount = null], string $classname)
  • string $query: SQL query
  • string $classname: class name of future objects
  • integer $limitOffset: the first number of the results or null
  • integer $limitCount: number of results you want, or null
  • $className
fetchFirst (line 41)

Run a query, and return only the first result.

  • return: object which contains values of the record
  • access: public
object the fetchFirst (string $query)
  • string $query: SQL query (without LIMIT instruction !)
fetchFirstInto (line 53)

Run a query, and store values of the first result, into an object which has the given class

  • return: object which contains values of the record
  • access: public
object the fetchFirstInto (string $query, string $classname)
  • string $query: SQL query (without LIMIT instruction !)
  • string $classname: class name of the future object

Documentation generated on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:04:13 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3