~~LANG:FR@fr:changelog:1.0.12~~ ====== Jelix 1.0.12 ====== release on 03/26/2010. [[http://bitbucket.org/jelix/jelix-1.0.x/changesets/6b9fc7d8b5e6|changeset 6b9fc7d8b5e6]]. ===== Updating from Jelix 1.0.11 ===== This release fixes only a few little bugs. You can update jelix safely and you don't have to make changes in your source code. Here are instructions: * You can replace safely the lib directory by the new one provided in the jelix 1.0.11 package. * delete all files in the temp/ directories ===== Little improvements ===== * jCrypt: force to use a long key. short keys could not be enough to have secured data ===== Fixed Bugs ===== * ticket #1066: foreign key violation when removing a user from jacldb, with pgsql database. * ticket #1007: in jLocale, error with sprintf when the argument is an empty array * ticket #1024: warnings and bad calculation when using jDateTime::toString with ISO 8601 format * ticket #1011: bad spelling of 'unknow' word in error messages * fixed bug: jException didn't recognize multilines messages with an error code. * fixed bug in jDbPDOResultSet::setFetchMode, where an error appear with php5.3 when no given the right parameters count to the native method * ticket #1065: jFilter::isEmail should accept domains without any dot * ticket #1070: jResponseLatexToPdf doesn't generate a pdf ---- * [[en:changelog:1.0.11|Previous version: 1.0.11]] * [[en:changelog:1.0.13|Next version: 1.0.13]] * [[en:changelog|Return to changelog]]