====== Jelix 1.0.3 ====== April, 06, 2008. SVN-848. ===== Updating from Jelix 1.0.2 ===== This release fix only some few little bugs. You can update jelix safely and you don't have to do change in your source code. Here instructions: * You can replace safely the lib directory by the new one provided in the jelix 1.0.3 package. * delete all files in the temp/ directories ===== Little improvements ===== * createapp creates now a default html response and a default template (#496, #480, #516) * added flag to generate or no xml prolog in jResponseXml (#465) * better error handling in cli context (#408) * added support of Session Name in jSession (#417) * added default properties files in iso-8859-15 (#473) * added postgresqlSQL scripts for install * new method in jControllerDaoCrud to allow to setup our own conditions for the record list (#487) * new plugin 'image' for jtpl (#474) * support of CR and LF in firebug log (#500) * session are now disabled in a CLI context (#445) ===== Bugs fixed ===== * Error in jDaoRecord: unknow jLocale::timestampToDate (#445) * module name are transformed with strtolower when using createapp or createmodule command (#456) * error in jSelectorTpl when using a template before the creation of a response (#466) * bad error management when a response doesn't exist (#462) * notice error in jResponseXml (#464) * fixed a little bug in pagelinks plugin, some links were not disabled (#475) * fixed bug in form plugin : bad check of the parameters number (#481) * fixed bug, formcontrols: it shouldn't display submit control if there is a single submit (#482) * html builder : cols and rows attributes are required on textarea (#484) * jResponseZip : addHttpHeaders didn't exist (#488) * jResponseZip : impossible to set the name of the zip (#494) * fixed a bug on the count of unit tests in junitests module * bad error message in jDaoCompiler (#492) * no cmdline controller by default when creating a cmdline application (#418) * fixed bug about infinite loop with non-existent charset (#442) * fixed bug in jDbTools::execSQLScript for mysql and pgsql driver (#813) * call of a deprecated method of jTpl in jZone (#508) * in some case, no error when an ini file is invalid (#470) * moved some session configuration process from jCoordinator into jSession. (#504) * fixed an exception thrown during the execution of jelix-scripts. * jFile::removeDir crash if there are a link inside (#519) * added jSelectorIface and made jSelectorInterface deprecated (#522) * fixed a little bug in jZone::clearAll (#526) * jInstallChecker should not warn about magicquotes if the plugin magicquotes is activated. (#515) ---- * [[en:changelog:1.0.2|Previous version: 1.0.2]] * [[en:changelog:1.0.4|Next version: 1.0.4]]