~~LANG:FR@fr:changelog:1.0.9~~ ====== Jelix 1.0.9 ====== Released on 17 june 2009. svn 1435 ===== Updating from Jelix 1.0.8 ===== This release fixes only a few little bugs. You can update jelix safely and you don't have to make changes in your source code. Here are instructions: * You can replace safely the lib directory by the new one provided in the jelix 1.0.9 package. * delete all files in the temp/ directories ===== Little improvements ===== * none ===== Fixed Bugs ===== * javascript for jforms: fixed a bug in the check of ipv4 fields. * ticket #906: operateurs are missed in jDaoConditions * jDb, pgsql driver: disable autocommit while single_transaction is on * ticket #911: record modifications in updatebefore and insertbefore dao events not taken in account * ticket #929: magic_quotes coord plugin should handle $_FILES * ticket #933 : wrong locales call in jauth controller. ---- * [[en:changelog:1.0.8|Previous version: 1.0.8]] * [[en:changelog:1.0.10|Next version: 1.0.10]]