====== Jelix 1.0 beta 3.1 ====== 2007, 19 october, (svn 617) ===== Improvements ===== * jControllerDaoCrud: * jControllerDaoCrud has now a property to indicate the jDb profil to use for the dao, and it is filled automatically by the createdaocrud command (#285) * added some hook methods on jControllerDaoCrud (#281) * added table headers in the crud_list.tpl (#280) * added a property to specify the records order * jForms: * Added a "profil" parameter to methods of jFormsBase: initFromDao, saveToDao, initControlFromDao, saveControlToDao (#285) ===== Bug fixes ===== * jDao: * quote in content of selectpattern was not escaped (#282) * jDaoBase::findBy : order clause was not generated * jForms: * a key parameter was missing on the jFormsBase:saveToDao method (#275) * bad parameters count in block.form.php (#294) * defaultvalue attribute was not really supported (#295) * bad regular expression to check mail string in jforms.js and jFilter (#297, #304) * deprecated "name" HTML attribute on form element should not be generated (#301) * bad value in "method" attribute on form element (#302) * errors set with setErrorOn were not displayed (#300) * javascript date validation didn't work (#309) * empty parameters for the error and help decorator for the form plugin were not allowed * jControllerDaoCrud: * previous errors in a form for creation, were not erased in some case. Added a new action, precreate, to fix it (#292) * jAcl: it didn't get the user data from the right session variable when the user is stored in other variable than JELIX_USER * createdaocrud command: * optional parameter ctrlname on createdaocrud command was not optional (#283) * junittests module: * bad module context during the run of all unit tests in junittest module (#284) * use of mktime() generated strict message, replace it by time() (#290) * bad argument name in jControllerCmdLine (#291) * bad inclusion of temporary files when APC extension is activated (#189) ---- * [[en:changelog:1.0beta3|Previous version: 1.0beta3]] * [[en:changelog:1.0|Next version: 1.0]]