~~LANG:FR@fr:changelog:1.1.2~~ ====== Jelix 1.1.2 ====== Release on 31 march 2009. svn 1380. ==== Migrating from Jelix 1.1.x ==== Read the [[http://docs.jelix.org/en/manual-1.1/installation/migrate|instructions in the manual]]. ===== Details of changes ===== ==== Minor enhancements and new features ==== * number_format modifier takes care now of the configuration (#875) * better labels generated by createform (#879) * jForms: * better display of date and datetime (#866) * Added support of type attribute on output control (#865) * added a new method jFormsBase::createNewToken for builders * master_admin module: * improvement of the design (#863) * improvement of the textual content in templates and messages. (#855) ==== Bug fixed and backported in 1.0.8 ==== * jDb: * mysql error when calling jDbTools with a pdo driver (#895) * jDao: * jDaoConditions: the operator should be checked else it can be a security issue when the operator comes from a request (#888) * jResponseHtml, urls in link element is not escaped. (#768) * bad error message selector in jResponseRedirectUrl. (#894) * bad message name about filter extension in jInstallChecker (#886) * jForms: * there were javascript errors in safari and IE with jforms scripts (#843) * there was an error on datetime checking with jforms scripts and IE (#857) ==== Bug fixed ==== * jDao: * conditions: field names should be enclosed in some db engines (#838). New method jDbConnection::encloseName(). * Template plugins: * use getType instead of getFormatType in meta html (#872) * the jtpl plugin link_to_remote did not make use of jelixWWWPath when calling jquery.js (#867) * jEvent: events should not include unused modules (#822) * remove deprecated "value" attribute in breadcrumb function (#800) * jacl2db_admin, no use of the table prefix in a SQL query (#882) * jControllerDaoCrud: * can't set the id in _afterCreate and _afterUpdate (#835) * there was a php error when trying to submit new data to create or update instead of redirect to the list * jForms: * opening several new same form generated 'invalid token' errors during the submit (#880, #876) * fixed error during jFormsBase::prepareObjectFromControls with datetime properties (#884) * Fixed a bug in createapp command: it didn't use the jelix-script.init.php.tpl template ====== Other versions ====== * [[en:changelog|Return to changelog]]