~~LANG:FR@fr:changelog:1.1.6~~ ====== Jelix 1.1.6 ====== This page is listing updates and enhancements added since 1.1.5 version. Release : 03/26/2010. [[http://bitbucket.org/jelix/jelix-1.1.x/changesets/6fc34c8ae1e2|changesets 6fc34c8ae1e2]] ==== Migrating ==== From 1.1.0-1.1.5: if you use the table jsessions to store sessions in database, you must delete it and recreate with the sql script lib/jelix/core-modules/jelix/install/sql/install.jsession.*. From jelix 1.0.x: read the [[http://docs.jelix.org/en/manual-1.1/installation/migrate|instructions in the manual]]. ===== Details of changes ===== ==== Bugs/Improvements fixed and backported to 1.0.x branch ==== * jCrypt: force to use a long key. short keys could not be enough to have secured data * ticket #1066: foreign key violation when removing a user from jacldb, with pgsql database. * ticket #1007: in jLocale, error with sprintf when the argument is an empty array * ticket #1024: warnings and bad calculation when using jDateTime::toString with ISO 8601 format * ticket #1011: bad spelling of 'unknow' word in error messages * fixed bug: jException didn't recognize multilines messages with an error code. * fixed bug in jDbPDOResultSet::setFetchMode, where an error appear with php5.3 when no given the right parameters count to the native method * ticket #1065: jFilter::isEmail should accept domains without any dot * ticket #1070: jResponseLatexToPdf doesn't generate a pdf ==== Bug fixed ==== * ticket #1005: jForms: uploaded file's mimetype set by the browser may be wrong * ticket #1027: formdatafull should not display secretconfirm value * ticket #1057: Dao storage for jSession didn't support very well serialized object. the data field of the jsessions table has now a binary type. * ticket #1068: fixed issue with history plugin and session * ticket #1025: jtpl should take care of php bug about line feed after a end tag of php ==== Enhancements, new features ==== * ticket #1052: improved security of cookies of jauth. only one encrypted cookie now for persistent auth. * ticket #477: support of postgresql schemas in jdb profiles. you can indicate the search_path value. * added the support of the 'varbinary' datatype in properties of jDao. * added the support of binary contents in jDbConnection::quote * ticket #1054: jDuration::days should be initialized when giving a timestamp. ====== Other versions ====== * [[en:changelog|Return to changelog]]