~~LANG:FR@fr:changelog:1.1~~ ====== Jelix 1.1 ====== 14 february, 2009. svn 1310. This page is listing updates and enhancements added since 1.0 version, and which are available in Jelix 1.1. ===== Main improvements ===== * many improvements in jForms : * new 1.1 version of the XML format (the 1.0 version is still usable) * new controls : , , , , , , ... * dynamically add/remove or enable/disable controls * static association between some controls * method listing modified values/controls * Integration of jQuery, Wymeditor (wysiwyg html editor) * Automatic protection against CSRF attacks * Builders migrated into jForms plugins * new jAcl2 API, simpler than jAcl * new response htmlfragment useful for AJAX calls * support of SOAP * jTpl template engine enhancements : * support on-the-fly declaration of modifiers and functions * syntax : multilines instruction, on-the-fly echoing of {=expression} * new plugins : cycle, flash, breadcrumb, link_to_remote, number_format, const, image, jmessage, ifctrl.. * new utilities class: jIniFileModifier, jHttp, jDuration, jMessage, jImageModifier... * virtual profiles in jDb * jelix-scripts enhanced * new modules: master_admin and jacl2db_admin ==== Migrating from Jelix 1.0.x ==== Read the [[http://docs.jelix.org/en/manual-1.1/installation/migrate|instructions in the manual]]. ===== Details of changes ===== ==== Enhancements, new features ==== * all little improvements in the 1.0.x branch * core: * added support of SOAP (#377) * Security improvements : new config parameter 'unusedModules' to list modules not installed or not used by the application, so this modules can not be accessed from the web, and are not used by jelix for events and other components. * improvements in error handler and exception handler (code refactor) (#467) * made little performance improvement during retrieving of the response object * new CRUD controller, jControllerDaoCrudDfk, for tables which have primary key based on 2 fields * new jResponseHtmlFragment, to send html fragment for ajax requests (#501) * new jResponseCmdLine, for CLI scripts, with a new coordinator jCmdlineCoordinator (#406) * a CLI script can now be dedicated to the default action, so we don't have to indicate the action as arguments of the script * first argument of jController::getResponse is now optional * jLocale: support multiline rendering in strings (#569) * Errors logs: messageLogFormat now supports %url% to log the url causing an error (#638) * Automatic detection of the time zone (#600) * new url engine basic_significant, based on the names of the modules/controllers/methods to generate the urls. This is the default engine now. * init.php use now spl autoload instead of @@__autoload@@ so other libs could define their own autoload. * Added new option loadClasses in the sessions section, so we can indicate selectors of classes to load before the session_start * jControllerDaoCrud * new _preCreate and _preUpdate methods (#627) * new _getForm and _createForm methods so we can redefine them to personnalize the form before its use. * jResponseHtml : * you can now specify your own doctype, by overloading the new outputDoctype() method (#440) * renamed _commonProcess method to doAfterActions (however _commonProcess is still there for the compatibility) * new addLink method() (#657) * jForms : * possibility to add your own builder (XUL, extjs or other) under the form of a plugin (#434). The template plugins for jForms are now more more independents from the output format (then from the builder) * possibility to specify the builder at the level of template plugins (#583) * New version 1.1 of xml format of jForms including : * New control (#212) * New control (#248) * New control (#549) * new control (#564) * New control (#215). Abilities to choose your own engine. Added wymeditor, a javascript script to do html wysiwyg editing. * New and controls (#196). The html builder displays a datepicker for them. * support of type="html" on and