====== Jelix 1.1beta1 ====== release : september 26th, 2008. svn 1100 Changelog since 1.0.x. ===== Main improvements ===== * many improvements in jForms : * new 1.1 version of the XML format (the 1.0 version is still usable) * new controls : , , , , ... * dynamically add/remove or enable/disable controls * possibility to know the updated values * Integration of jQuery, Wymeditor (wysiwyg html editor) * new jAcl2 API, simpler than jAcl * support of SOAP ==== Updating from Jelix 1.0.x ==== * replace the lib directory by the one in jelix 1.1beta1 * remove all the files in the temp/ directory * update your code as specified hereafter : * remove most of unuseful JELIX_LIB_* constants. Only JELIX_LIB_PATH, JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH and JELIX_LIB_UTILS_PATH still exist. * remove also JELIX_PLUGINS_PATH and JELIX_MODULE_PATH * Rename the "plugins" section to "coordplugins" in your configuration files * Because of misspelling methods and properties, there were methods and properties renamed: * template plugin formdatasfull renamed to formdatafull * template plugin formdatas renamed to formdata * jFormsBase::getDatas() renamed to getAllData() * jFormsDatasource::getDatas() renamed to getData() * jFormsDatasource::$datas renamed to $data * jFormsDataContainer::$datas renamed to $data * jResponseJson::$datas renamed to $data * jResponseRdf::$datas renamed to $data * jControllerDaoCrud::_checkDatas() renamed to _checkData() * The jDateTime::durationTo does not accept a jDateTime object as parameter anymore, but a jDuration object. * in your customized response objects, rename the _commonProcess method to doAfterActions * jForms : * in the templates, the {form} and {formfull} plugins have their list of parameters updated * The name of the root tag of the jForms files is now uniform and is then called "form". Rename the "forms" tags into "form". * The javascript API of jForms has been slightly updated : if you use it (but it is rare), you have to update your scripts. * The API of the jFormBase object has been slightly updated at the level of methods setReadOnly() * The id of the generated html form tags has changed (#423) and also the the ids of the controls to avoid collisions and "guess" it more easily. * The old syntax of the action selectors (with a "_" instead of a ":") is no more supported. You have to change your old selectors. (for those who migrate from a < 1.0 version) ===== Details of changes ===== ==== Enhancements, new features ==== * all little improvements from 1.0.1 to 1.0.5 version * core: * added support of SOAP (#377) * improvements in error handler and exception handler (code refactor) (#467) * made little performance improvement during retrieving of the response object * new CRUD controller, jControllerDaoCrudDfk, for tables which have primary key based on 2 fields * new jResponseHtmlFragment, to send html fragment for ajax requests (#501) * new jResponseCmdLine, for CLI scripts, with a new coordinator jCmdlineCoordinator (#406) * first argument of jController::getResponse is now optional * jLocale: support multiline rendering in strings (#569) * Errors logs: messageLogFormat now supports %url% to log the url causing an error (#638) * Automatic detection of the time zone (#600) * new url engine basic_significant, based on the names of the modules/controllers/methods to generate the urls * jControllerDaoCrud * new _preCreate and _preUpdate methods (#627) * jResponseHtml : * you can now specify your own doctype, by overloading the new outputDoctype() method (#440) * renamed _commonProcess method to doAfterActions (however _commonProcess is still there for the compatibility) * new addLink method() (#657) * jForms : * possibility to add your own builder (XUL, extjs or other) under the form of a plugin (#434). The template plugins for jForms are now more more independents from the output format (then from the builder) * possibility to specify the builder at the level of template plugins (#583) * New version 1.1 of xml format of jForms including : * New control (#212) * New control (#248) * New control (#549) * new control (#564) * New control (#215). Abilities to choose your own engine. Added wymeditor, a javascript script to do html wysiwyg editing. * support of type="html" on and