~~LANG:FR@fr:changelog:1.2.1~~ ====== Jelix 1.2.1 ====== This page is listing updates and enhancements added since 1.2.0 version, and that is available for the 1.2.1 version. Changelog updated as of: [[https://bitbucket.org/jelix/jelix-1.2.x/changeset/fd0ac4ae5d96|fd0ac4ae5d96]]. Release date: 02/02/2011 ===== Details of changes ===== ==== Enhancements ==== ==== Bugs fixed ==== * ticket #1255 - added support of Limit clause with Oracle and PDO * ticket #1256 - fixed sql error when installing jacl2db module * Fixed bug in jInstallerBase: the connection wasn't changed when calling useDbProfile * fixed bugs in various sql scripts for postgresql * Ticket #1259 - sql error in install script for sqlite, in jacl2db module * ticket #1266 - jAcl2DBUserGroup::getGroupCode should not trigger an error when the group does not exist * Ticket #1265 - fixed bug: jCache::call runs function again even if its results is cached for return values == false * Ticket #1260 - there is a javascript error when minification of js file is activated. In fact, Wymeditor doesn't like it, it should be exluded from the list of js file * ticket #1261 - jResponseSitemap shouldn't return regular expressions as urls * In case of errors during the initialisation, fixed the error about timezone issue * Ticket #1267 - better handling of entry point configuration into the url compiler. * ticket #1267 - initadmin should set the modulePaths correctly in the defaultconfig.ini.php so all modules can be recognized * ticket #1251 - fixed french typos ====== Other versions ====== * [[en:changelog|Return to changelog]]