~~LANG:FR@fr:changelog:1.2.3~~ ====== Jelix 1.2.3 ====== This page is listing updates and enhancements added since 1.2.2 version, and that is available in the 1.2.3 version. Changelog updated as of: [[https://bitbucket.org/jelix/jelix-1.2.x/changesets/5b6ecb66937c|5b6ecb66937c]] Release date: 07/01/2011 ===== Details of changes ===== ==== Enhancements ==== * jImageModifier: path from which images are readed and path to the directory where the cache is stored, are now configurable. New imagemodifier section in the configuration. * ticket #1215 - jTpl compiler should handle more php syntax errors in expressions * Jelix-scripts: it's better if the default profile name for jdb in a new app has the same name of the app ==== Bugs fixed ==== * Fixed a SQL syntax error in autocommit in the mysql driver * jAuth: * ticket #1320 - installer of jauthdb should take care of the crypt function indicated in the configuration to create the admin user * ticket #1382 - error File jIAuthDriver.iface.php doesn't exist when using installapp with opt edition * ticket #1383 - fixed bug: jauthdb installer didn't know the function sha1WithSalt * jForms: * Fixed a duplicated id on generated help * ticket #1325 - javascript, fixed bug with grouped data in ajax context * ticket #1335 - should not output label for choice controls because it doesn't refer to an unique form element * ticket #1329 - ckeditor bindings for jforms should take care about the existing instance for a same editor, in an ajax context * ticket #1377 - better length check in datatype * ticket #1390 - the help icon does not appear in webkit browsers * js: validation of content of choice items didn't take care of controls having multiple fields, and failed silently * js: only location hash should be changed when errors occured * jResponseBinary now escapes quotes in filenames * jDatetime, fixed bug in the support of format iso8601 * jDao, bug fix: isFK on field was always false, even for true foreign keys * ticket #1325, fixed deprecated error with phpmailer * Fixed the value of K_PATH_URL in jTcpdf, images url were not well processed by TCPDF * jFile::getMimeType : it should handle the case where finfo and mime_content_type are not available one the server * ticket #1338 - jDatetime: durationTo should use gmdate to prevent dst problem when counting days ====== Other versions ====== * [[en:changelog|Return to changelog]]