~~LANG:FR@fr:changelog:1.2RC1~~ ====== Jelix 1.2RC1 ====== This page is listing updates and enhancements added since 1.2b1 version, and that will be available for the 1.2RC1 version. Changelog updated as of : [[http://bitbucket.org/jelix/jelix-trunk/changesets/4ca85f959988|4ca85f959988]] ===== Main improvements ===== * better error handling in the startup of Jelix * many improvements and bug fixes in the new install system * improvements in jForms: * dynamic changes on dependencies of controls (with ajax) * better error reporting on client side * add support of CKEditor for the htmleditor control * support of regular expression in input controls * better error handling with uploads * update of some vendors librairies * little improvements in master_admin ===== Migrating from Jelix 1.1.x ===== Read [[http://docs.jelix.org/en/manual-1.2/installation/migrate|the corresponding chapter]] in the manual of Jelix 1.2. ===== Migrating from Jelix 1.2b1 ===== API of installers has been improved. The "sessionid" system has been removed and replaced by some simplier functions like firstDbExec, firstConfExec and firstExec. You must use these functions instead of sessions id. ===== Details of changes ===== Here are changes appeared since the release of 1.2 beta 1. ==== Enhancements, new features ==== * installers * jInstaller: the sessionid system is replaced by a more powerful and simplier system, using kind of context * jInstallerBase: improvements in copyDirectoryContent and copyFile, allowing overwriting files * Support of parameters for installers * added the support of an option, skipinstaller, to skip an installer when needed * better error handling during the read of dependencies * sqlite script for installers of some modules * optimisations in the jInstaller source code * jInstallChecker: better check of php extensions. Can check database extensions. We can indicate some other extension to check. * Improvements in installWizard: better dbprofile page new confmail page to configure the mailer localization files in fresh for all pages * core * ticket #1126: replaced the config parameter use_error_handler by an argument to the constructor of jCoordinator * replaced all die instruction by exceptions (#1126) * error handlers should take care about the existence of gJconfig (#1126) * initDefaultResponseOfRequest should throw an exception * added a new jqueryPath config option, which allow to specify path of the jquery directory * use request::getIP instead of REMOTE_ADDR when it is possible. jLog::log: store message in memory when message type is undefined * Allow true URLs in errors.log * ticket #1201: API on jRequest to retrieve headers * jUrl, significant engine: allowing to add global option optionalTrailingSlash * Ticket #1186: new method jUrl::getFull, to retrieve an url with the domain name * jforms * ticket #288: dynamic change of the content of a list when it is dependents to an other control * added line breaks in generated html code * refactored code of html builders * ctrl_control now accepts attribute to add on generated html elements * new decorator for errors, it displays errors directly in the html instead of showing an alert. fixed also an issue with the validation of datetime * replaced the css star for required field by a star in html * added support of CKEditor for htmleditor element. callback function for htmleditor init have now two additionnal parameters, skin and language. * ticket #1147: allowing to generate optgroup in menulist and listbox. datasource accept now grouped data. * added localized labels on datepicker buttons * ticket #485: support of regular expression in input controls to check data * ticket #1094: javascript components of jforms should have the possibility to access to jelixWWWPath to have the true path of jelix/. these components receive a configuration object instead of several arguments. * jelix-www * removed unused the plugin date_input for jquery * update jquery to 1.4.2 * updated markitup to 1.1.7 * updated jquery ui to 1.8.2 * Updated wymeditor to 0.5rc2 * ticket #1183: we should compress javascripts we provide * Fixed default configuration of wymeditor, and added a basic configuration, with minimal buttons. * jelix-scripts * changed name of customized configuration file, and allow to have a configuration file for each application * added some comments into the template of dao crud. * createmodule command: add some files for master_admin when using option -admin * closeapp command: new optional parameter, the message to display * various cleaning code in templates * jelix modules * master_admin: added a new main menu item, refdata, for pages allowing to manage reference data * master_admin: default css styles for dashboard widgets * Improved visibility of information in the header of master_admin interface * utils * jIniMultiFilesModifier accepts now directly jIniFileModifier objects as parameters * jIniFileModifier: new methods to rename values and section, and to merge sections * jVersionComparator: new method to serialize version numbers in order to compare them easily * added put and delete method on jHttp * ticket #1180: it's better if jMailer provides the text version of the given html template * ticket #1179: new method jDatetime::isNull * ticket #1137: jCrypt : default key in configuration * misc: * ticket #1145: allowing to specify UID attribute in LDAP auth driver * ticket #1182: jTpl: plugin html_meta for jQuery and jQueryUI * jTpl plugin: parameters for formurlparam are now optional and values are retrieved from formurl parameters * Ticket #1053: update PHPMailer to 5.1 ==== Bug fixes ==== * installers and jInstaller * use of table prefix in sql install scripts (#1119) * fixed errors about jacl2_profile in installer of jacl2db * fixed issues in the installation of jacl2db * fixed bugs in jInstallerBase (#1121) * jAppManager should throw exceptions instead of printing errors and exit * sql script for jacl does not take care about db prefix * ticket #1162: fix bug in installer.ini.php when basePath is set with a value other than empty or slash. It caused unknown module errors. * ticket #1175: execSQLScript in installer should be executed inside a transaction * ticket #1176: bad error message in the installer when an error is triggered by jIniFileModifier * jInstaller : modules should be installed in the right order, even if it doesn't have an installer * installwizard: variable typofix in confmail.tpl (#1135) * InstallWizard: we should be able to execute some pages after the page installapp * jInstaller and jIniFileModifier: When writing in ini files, an exception should be thrown when an error appears * jInstallChecker should be able to check if some needed files are writable or no * ticket #1156: fixed some messages in the wizard/checker * jForms * for wysiwyg editors, if the content has only html elements, no text, it should be considered empty and so the check should fail if a content is required * ticket #1149: in datasources, "0" labels or values are ignored * ticket #1154: jForms::clean may lead to an exception when having several entry points with several modules accesses * ticket #1143: htmleditor with only img, video, object, should be considered as valid * ticket #1151: subelements of unselected choice should be marked as disabled instead of readonly. Added also a buton on datetime input to erase the value * Fixed bug on retrieving labels from a datasource in a form, when the datasource is a dao with criterias. New method jIFormsDatasource2::getLabel2. * ticket #1039: use FileInfo instead of mime_content_type * wrong variable used in jforms_jquery.js * Fixed issued on error handling on upload controls * core * ticket #1166 basePath was rewritten in a cli context whereas it shouldn't. * jExceptionHandler should take care about the case where is not yet ready * ticket #1170: jResponse: should not force HTTP/1.1 * ticket #1188: jResponseHtml, type attribut on link tag should be optional. * jDb, jDao * ticket #1130: bad variable name in mssql.tools.php * #1138: jPDOConnection::quote2 added two quotes instead of a single * jDbTools, mysql, parseSQLScript: some empty queries were not detected * ticket #1129: $ should not be allowed in parameters of dao methods * ticket #1193 : fixed bad dsn generation for sqlite with pdo. Improved the sqlite profile by allowing shorcut like app:, lib: and var: in the database name, both for native driver and pdo. * ticket #1046: dao: format of date / time too permissive * jUrl * ticket #1124: fixed issues with jUrl when creating urls of an other entrypoint * jurl significant with sub urls.xml: sometimes, there are two / * fixed bug on significant url: jurl::get didn't return url corresponding to a rest controller * ticket #1207: url significant, regexp special characters inside a path info should be escaped * jelix modules * Fixed infinite recursion when authentification is missing in some case. * master_admin should check the admin password when it is stored with sha1 * utils * jMailer: all headers should be in the content when it sends to file * ticket #1152: bad variable name in jDateTime::substract * ticket #1202: jMailer: failure when using SingleTo feature and mail() function * ticket #1100: wikirenderer: bad code tag parsing * jTpl and tpl plugins * ticket #1148: jTpl: jdatetime plugin should return an empty string if the date is null * ticket #1150: jtpl, number_format modifier should use non-breakable space as thousands separator, instead of a simple space. * ticket #1150: number_format doesn't like utf8 characters * ticket #1172: function gravatar, bad checking of username param * jelix-scripts * ticket #1153: fix warning on command createclassfromdao * ticket #1163: createapp -withcmdline fail in case of non alphanumeric characters in appname ====== Other versions ====== * [[en:changelog|Return to changelog]]