~~LANG:FR@fr:changelog:1.8.x~~ This page is listing updates and enhancements added since 1.8.0 version. ====== Jelix 1.8.3 ====== Released on october 24th, 2023 It fixes some bugs, but it brings also some new features. * New method @@setHtmlAttributes()@@ on the @@jResponseHtml@@ class, to set attributes on the @@@@ element. * New method @@getFileResponse()@@ in @@jController@@ to ease to return a file as a response * jauthdb_admin module: * New event @@jauthdbAdminAfterUpdate@@ when properties of a user has changed. * Fix: uploaded files should be saved after the events @@jauthdbAdminAfterCreate@@ and @@jauthdbAdminAfterUpdate@@, so listeners can save uploaded files into directories other than into the default one. * Use a jForms form to change a password * Add a @@formOptions@@ template variable in templates displaying forms of jauthdb_admin, so other modules can add options for jforms widgets. * new events @@jauthdbAdminPasswordForm@@ and @@jauthdbAdminCheckPasswordForm@@ for the password form * jauthdb: * possibility to authenticate with the email or the login, if there is a configuration parameter @@authenticateWith=login-email@@. * the section @@auth_@@ is now merged with the @@@@ section of @@auth.coord.ini.php@@, so we can redefine some configuration parameter of the @@@@ section, into @@localconfig.ini.php@@ for example. * new method @@getDao()@@ on the jAuth @@db@@ driver * new class @@jAuthPassword@@ to check the strength of a password or to generate a random password * new jforms widget: @@password_html@@ for @@secret@@ controls. Adds a "view" button aside the input. * new jforms widget: @@passwordeditor_html@@ for @@secret@@ controls. It checks the strength of the password, by calculating the entropy, and by comparing the edited password against a list of the most used passwords. Adds also three buttons: a "view" button, a "regenerate" button, and a "copy" button. * jForms: fix generated JS into choice, upload2 and group widgets * new method @@jAcl2DbUserGroup::renameUser()@@ * new configuration parameter to set default value for the @@Return-Path@@ header into jMailer. * Fix debugbar: elements at the same level of the debugbar were not clickable * Fix jDb: support of double quotes around schema names into @@search_path@@ * Fix jDb: jDbSchema for Postgresql did not find table in schemas having upper case letters. Improvements and bug fix from Jelix 1.7.17: * Fix regression into @@jFormsBase::getModifiedControls()@@: some controls like submit were considered as modified although it does not make sens * Fix regression into the debugging of jMailer: the output was not made anymore into logs * Fix error in create:dao command with nullable fields * Fix jforms choice widget, display control value: add a space betwen label and value. * Fix some PHP warning about passing null values to htmlspecialchars * Fix the version into the JELIX_VERSION constant. It was not updated in the latest release. * Fix the migration 1.6->1.7 of configuration file of entry points. ====== Jelix 1.8.2 ====== Released on july 30th, 2023 * Fix the display of the debugbar, when having long lines Improvements and bug fix from Jelix 1.7.16: * Support of a default @@Reply-To@@ header into jMailer * new method @@ConfigurationHelpers::updateEntryPointFile()@@ * new method @@InstallHelpers::updateEntryPointFile()@@ and @@InstallHelpers::removeEntryPoint()@@ * Update header of API documentation * Fix @@Jelix\Utilities\utf8_*@@ functions * tests: fix error into the ldap docker image at startup * tests: fix a warning in upgraderValidityTest with PHP 8.2 ====== Jelix 1.8.1 ====== Released on may 30th, 2023 * jEvent: support of any classes for listeners. The name of listener into the @@events.xml@@ can be the full name of a class. The class must have a namespace and must be autoloadable. * jDao: records can now extend from any classes. The @@extends@@ attribute can now contain a class name instead of a record class selector. The class must have a namespace and must be autoloadable. * jEvent: fix loading of listener. They were instantiated at each notification. * jacl2db: fix a bug when a right is forbidden. All rights were set to "forbid" when a 'view' rights was forbidden. * jacl2db_admin: fix applying forbidden state on "view" rights. * installer: fix default module configurator, it did not load installation parameters and then, installers didn't have calculated parameters. * Upgrade PHPMailer to 6.8 * Upgrade jQuery to 3.7.0 * Upgrade Datatables to 1.13.4 * Upgrade Ckeditor to 38.0.1 ====== Jelix 1.8.0 ====== Release: 2023-04-17 * [[https://docs.jelix.org/en/manual-1.8/new-features|New features in Jelix 1.8.0]] * [[https://docs.jelix.org/en/manual-1.8/installation/migrate|Tutorial to migrate to Jelix 1.8.0]]