~~LANG:FR@fr:composants-independants~~ ====== Independent components ====== Some components of Jelix are available separately and usable without Jelix. Install them via Composer, from http://packagist.org. Some of these packages are automatically installed by the package jelix/jelix. ===== The template engine jTpl ===== jTpl is based on the [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/castor|Castor]] template engine (since Jelix 1.7) composer require "jelix/castor" ===== Database abstract layer ===== The library [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/database|JelixDatabase]] is an external version of jDb. It will be used in futur version of Jelix. composer require "jelix/database" The profile system is also available : [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/profiles|JelixProfiles]] composer require "jelix/profiles" ===== Ini files ===== Classes to read and write ini file (by preserving comments), can be installed with the package [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/inifile|jelix/inifile]] composer require "jelix/inifile" ===== Version comparator ===== To parse and compare versions with Composer expressions, you can use the package [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/version|jelix/version]] composer require "jelix/version" ===== Properties files ===== Jelix 1.7+ is using the library [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/properties-file|properties-file]] to read an write properties files, used for locales. composer require "jelix/properties-file" ===== Other libraries ===== * [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/php-redis|jelix/php-redis]]: classes to access to a Redis database * [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/php-redis|jelix/gandi-v5]]: classes to call API of [[https://www.gandi.net|Gandi.net]]. * [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/file-utilities|jelix/file-utilities]]: helpers to manipulate files, path and directories * [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/simplelocalization|jelix/simplelocalization]]: A simple class to manipulate localized messages * [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/webservice-helper|jelix/webservice-helper]]: Classes to generate a WSDL content from classes * [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/wikirenderer|jelix/wikirenderer]]: WikiRenderer is a library to generate HTML or anything else from wiki content. * [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/fakeserverconf|jelix/fakeserverconf]]: Fill the $_SERVER array with various PHP server configuration for unit tests. * [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/buildtools|jelix/buildtools]]: Tools to build package of a project * [[https://packagist.org/packages/jelix/jhttp|jelix/jhttp]]: simple http client for legacy Jelix projects (deprecated).