Source for file jAuthUser.class.php
Documentation is available at jAuthUser.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage auth
- * @author Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Loic Mathaud, Julien Issler
- * @copyright 2006-2007 Laurent Jouanneau
- * @copyright 2007 Julien Issler
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence, see LICENCE file
- */
- /**
- * default object to represent a user
- *
- * this is only a data container. In fact, auth drivers can provide
- * other object to embed user data.
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage auth
- */
- abstract class jAuthUser {
- public $login = '';
- public $email ='';
- }
- ?>
Documentation generated on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 13:46:44 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3