Source for file jRequest.class.php
Documentation is available at jRequest.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage core
- * @author Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor
- * @copyright 2005-2008 Laurent Jouanneau
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence see LICENCE file or
- */
- /**
- * base class for object which retrieve all parameters of an http request. The
- * process depends on the type of request (ex: xmlrpc..)
- *
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage core
- */
- abstract class jRequest {
- /**
- * request parameters
- * could set from $_GET, $_POST, or from data processing of $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA
- * @var array
- */
- public $params;
- /**
- * the request type code
- * @var string
- */
- public $type;
- /**
- * the type of the default response
- * @var string
- */
- public $defaultResponseType = '';
- /**
- * the path of the entry point in the url
- * if the url is /foo/index.php/bar, its value is /foo/
- * @var string
- */
- public $urlScriptPath;
- /**
- * the name of the entry point
- * if the url is /foo/index.php/bar, its value is index.php
- * @var string
- */
- public $urlScriptName;
- /**
- * the path to the entry point in the url
- * if the url is /foo/index.php/bar, its value is /foo/index.php
- * @var string
- */
- public $urlScript;
- /**
- * the pathinfo part of the url
- * if the url is /foo/index.php/bar, its value is /bar
- * @var string
- */
- public $urlPathInfo;
- /**
- * @var string
- * @deprecated see $urlScriptPath
- */
- public $url_script_path;
- /**
- * @var string
- * @deprecated see $urlScriptName
- */
- public $url_script_name;
- /**
- * @var string
- * @deprecated see $urlPathInfo
- */
- public $url_path_info;
- function __construct(){ }
- /**
- * initialize the request : analyse of http request etc..
- */
- public function init(){
- $this->_initUrlDatas();
- $this->_initParams();
- }
- /**
- * analyse the http request and sets the params property
- */
- abstract protected function _initParams();
- /**
- * init the url* properties
- */
- protected function _initUrlDatas(){
- global $gJConfig;
- if (isset($_SERVER[$gJConfig->urlengine['scriptNameServerVariable']]))
- $this->urlScript = $_SERVER[$gJConfig->urlengine['scriptNameServerVariable']];
- else
- $this->urlScript = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
- $lastslash = strrpos ($this->urlScript, '/');
- $this->url_script_path = $this->urlScriptPath = substr ($this->urlScript, 0, $lastslash ).'/';
- if($gJConfig->urlengine['basePath'] == ''){ // for beginners or simple site, we "guess" the base path
- $gJConfig->urlengine['basePath'] = $this->urlScriptPath;
- if($gJConfig->urlengine['jelixWWWPath']{0} != '/')
- $gJConfig->urlengine['jelixWWWPath'] = $this->urlScriptPath.$gJConfig->urlengine['jelixWWWPath'];
- }else if(strpos($this->urlScriptPath,$gJConfig->urlengine['basePath']) !== 0){
- throw new Exception('Jelix Error: basePath ('.$gJConfig->urlengine['basePath'].') in config file doesn\'t correspond to current base path. You should setup it to '.$this->urlScriptPath);
- }
- $this->url_script_name = $this->urlScriptName = substr ($this->urlScript, $lastslash+1);
- $piiqp = $gJConfig->urlengine['pathInfoInQueryParameter'];
- if ($piiqp) {
- if (isset($_GET[$piiqp])) {
- $pathinfo = $_GET[$piiqp];
- unset($_GET[$piiqp]);
- } else
- $pathinfo = '';
- } else if(isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])){
- $pathinfo = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
- } else if(isset($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'])){
- $pathinfo = $_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'];
- } else
- $pathinfo = '';
- if($pathinfo == $this->urlScript) {
- //when php is used as cgi and if there isn't pathinfo in the url
- $pathinfo = '';
- }
- if ($gJConfig->isWindows && $pathinfo && strpos ($pathinfo, $this->urlScript) !== false){
- //under IIS, we may get /subdir/index.php/mypath/myaction as PATH_INFO, so we fix it
- $pathinfo = substr ($pathinfo, strlen ($this->urlScript));
- }
- $this->url_path_info = $this->urlPathInfo = $pathinfo;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value of a request parameter. If not defined, gets its default value.
- * @param string $name the name of the request parameter
- * @param mixed $defaultValue the default returned value if the parameter doesn't exists
- * @param boolean $useDefaultIfEmpty true: says to return the default value if the parameter value is ""
- * @return mixed the request parameter value
- */
- public function getParam($name, $defaultValue=null, $useDefaultIfEmpty=false){
- if(isset($this->params[$name])){
- if($useDefaultIfEmpty && trim($this->params[$name]) == ''){
- return $defaultValue;
- }else{
- return $this->params[$name];
- }
- }else{
- return $defaultValue;
- }
- }
- /**
- * return a list of class name of allowed response corresponding to the request
- * @return array the list, or false which means everything
- * @see jRequest::getResponse()
- */
- public function allowedResponses(){ return false;}
- /**
- * @param string $respclass the name of a response class
- */
- public function isAllowedResponse($respclass){
- if($ar=$this->allowedResponses()){
- return in_array($respclass, $ar);
- }else
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * get a response object.
- * @param string $name the name of the response type (ex: "html")
- * @param boolean $useOriginal true:don't use the response object redefined by the application
- * @return jResponse the response object
- */
- public function getResponse($type='', $useOriginal = false){
- global $gJCoord, $gJConfig;
- if($type == ''){
- $type = $this->defaultResponseType;
- }
- if($useOriginal){
- if(!isset($gJConfig->_coreResponses[$type])){
- throw new jException('',array($gJCoord->action->resource,$type,$gJCoord->action->getPath()));
- }
- $respclass = $gJConfig->_coreResponses[$type];
- }else{
- if(!isset($gJConfig->responses[$type])){
- throw new jException('',array($gJCoord->action->resource,$type,$gJCoord->action->getPath()));
- }
- $respclass = $gJConfig->responses[$type];
- }
- if(file_exists($path=JELIX_LIB_RESPONSE_PATH.$respclass.'.class.php')){
- require_once ($path);
- }elseif(file_exists($path=JELIX_APP_PATH.'responses/'.$respclass.'.class.php')){
- require_once ($path);
- }else{
- throw new jException('',array($gJCoord->action->resource,$type,$gJCoord->action->getPath()));
- }
- if(!$this->isAllowedResponse($respclass)){
- throw new jException('',array($gJCoord->action->resource,$type,$gJCoord->action->getPath()));
- }
- $response = new $respclass();
- $gJCoord->response= $response;
- return $response;
- }
- }
- ?>
Documentation generated on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 13:47:41 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3