Source for file jFormsBuilderBase.class.php
Documentation is available at jFormsBuilderBase.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage forms
- * @author Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Loic Mathaud, Dominique Papin, Julien Issler
- * @copyright 2006-2007 Laurent Jouanneau, 2007 Dominique Papin
- * @copyright 2007 Loic Mathaud
- * @copyright 2008 Julien Issler
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence, see LICENCE file
- */
- /**
- * base class of all builder form classes generated by the jform compiler.
- *
- * a builder form class is a class which help to generate a form for the output
- * (html form for example)
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage forms
- */
- abstract class jFormsBuilderBase {
- /**
- * a form object
- * @var jFormsBase
- */
- protected $_form;
- /**
- * the action selector
- * @var string
- */
- protected $_action;
- /**
- * params for the action
- * @var array
- */
- protected $_actionParams = array();
- /**
- * form name
- */
- protected $_name;
- protected $_endt = '/>';
- /**
- * @param jFormsBase $form a form object
- * @param string $action action selector where form will be submit
- * @param array $actionParams parameters for the action
- */
- public function __construct($form, $action, $actionParams){
- $this->_form = $form;
- $this->_action = $action;
- $this->_actionParams = $actionParams;
- $this->_name = jFormsBuilderBase::generateFormName();
- if($GLOBALS['gJCoord']->response!= null && $GLOBALS['gJCoord']->response->getType() == 'html'){
- $this->_endt = ($GLOBALS['gJCoord']->response->isXhtml()?'/>':'>');
- }
- }
- public function getName(){ return $this->_name; }
- /**
- * output the header content of the form
- * @param array $params some parameters, depending of the type of builder
- */
- abstract public function outputHeader($params);
- /**
- * output the footer content of the form
- */
- abstract public function outputFooter();
- /**
- * displays the content corresponding of the given control
- * @param jFormsControl $ctrl the control to display
- */
- abstract public function outputControl($ctrl);
- /**
- * displays the label corresponding of the given control
- * @param jFormsControl $ctrl the control to display
- */
- abstract public function outputControlLabel($ctrl);
- /**
- * generates a name for the form
- */
- public static function generateFormName(){
- static $number = 0;
- $number++;
- return 'jform'.$number;
- }
- }
- /**
- * HTML form builder
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage forms
- */
- abstract class jFormsHtmlBuilderBase extends jFormsBuilderBase {
- /**
- * output the header content of the form
- * @param array $params some parameters 0=>name of the javascript error decorator
- * 1=> name of the javascript help decorator
- * 2=> name of method
- */
- public function outputHeader($params){
- $url = jUrl::get($this->_action, $this->_actionParams, 2); // retourne le jurl correspondant
- $method = (strtolower($params[2])=='get')?'get':'post';
- echo '<form action="',$url->getPath(),'" method="'.$method.'" id="', $this->_name,'" onsubmit="return jForms.verifyForm(this)"';
- if($this->_form->hasUpload())
- echo ' enctype="multipart/form-data">';
- else
- echo '>';
- if(count($url->params)){
- echo '<div>';
- foreach ($url->params as $p_name => $p_value) {
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="', $p_name ,'" value="', htmlspecialchars($p_value), '"',$this->_endt, "\n";
- }
- echo '</div>';
- }
- echo '<script type="text/javascript">
- //<![CDATA[
- ', $this->getJavascriptCheck($params[0],$params[1]),'
- //]]>
- </script>';
- $errors = $this->_form->getContainer()->errors;
- if(count($errors)){
- $ctrls = $this->_form->getControls();
- echo '<ul class="jforms-error-list">';
- $errRequired='';
- foreach($errors as $cname => $err){
- if($err == jForms::ERRDATA_REQUIRED) {
- if($ctrls[$cname]->alertRequired){
- echo '<li>', $ctrls[$cname]->alertRequired,'</li>';
- }else{
- echo '<li>', jLocale::get('jelix~formserr.js.err.required', $ctrls[$cname]->label),'</li>';
- }
- }elseif ($err != '' && $err != jForms::ERRDATA_INVALID) {
- echo '<li>', $err,'</li>';
- }else{
- if($ctrls[$cname]->alertInvalid){
- echo '<li>', $ctrls[$cname]->alertInvalid,'</li>';
- }else{
- echo '<li>', jLocale::get('jelix~formserr.js.err.invalid', $ctrls[$cname]->label),'</li>';
- }
- }
- }
- echo '</ul>';
- }
- }
- public function outputFooter(){
- echo '</form>';
- }
- public function outputControlLabel($ctrl){
- $required = ($ctrl->required == ''?'':' jforms-required');
- $inError = (isset($this->_form->getContainer()->errors[$ctrl->ref]) ?' jforms-error':'');
- $hint = ($ctrl->hint == ''?'':' title="'.htmlspecialchars($ctrl->hint).'"');
- if($ctrl->type == 'output' || $ctrl->type == 'checkboxes' || $ctrl->type == 'radiobuttons'){
- echo '<span class="jforms-label',$required,$inError,'"',$hint,'>',htmlspecialchars($ctrl->label),'</span>';
- }else if($ctrl->type != 'submit' && $ctrl->type != 'reset'){
- $id = $this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref;
- echo '<label class="jforms-label',$required,$inError,'" for="'.$id.'"',$hint,'>'.htmlspecialchars($ctrl->label).'</label>';
- }
- }
- public function outputControl($ctrl){
- $id = ' name="'.$ctrl->ref.'" id="'.$this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref.'"';
- $readonly = ($ctrl->readonly?' readonly="readonly"':'');
- $hint = ($ctrl->hint == ''?'':' title="'.htmlspecialchars($ctrl->hint).'"');
- $class = (isset($this->_form->getContainer()->errors[$ctrl->ref]) ?' class="jforms-error"':'');
- switch($ctrl->type){
- case 'input':
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- $size = ($ctrl->size == 0?'' : ' size="'.$ctrl->size.'"');
- echo '<input type="text"',$id,$readonly,$hint,$class,$size,' value="',htmlspecialchars($value),'"',$this->_endt;
- break;
- case 'checkbox':
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if($ctrl->valueOnCheck == $value){
- $v=' checked="checked"';
- }else{
- $v='';
- }
- echo '<input type="checkbox"',$id,$readonly,$hint,$class,$v,' value="',$ctrl->valueOnCheck,'"',$this->_endt;
- break;
- case 'checkboxes':
- $i=0;
- $id=$this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref.'_';
- $attrs=' name="'.$ctrl->ref.'[]" id="'.$id;
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if(is_array($value) && count($value) == 1)
- $value = $value[0];
- $span ='<span class="jforms-chkbox jforms-ctl-'.$ctrl->ref.'"><input type="checkbox"';
- if(is_array($value)){
- $value = array_map(create_function('$v', 'return (string) $v;'),$value);
- foreach($ctrl->datasource->getDatas() as $v=>$label){
- echo $span,$attrs,$i,'" value="',htmlspecialchars($v),'"';
- if(in_array((string) $v,$value,true))
- echo ' checked="checked"';
- echo $readonly,$class,$this->_endt,'<label for="',$id,$i,'">',htmlspecialchars($label),'</label></span>';
- $i++;
- }
- }else{
- $value = (string) $value;
- foreach($ctrl->datasource->getDatas() as $v=>$label){
- echo $span,$attrs,$i,'" value="',htmlspecialchars($v),'"';
- if((string) $v === $value)
- echo ' checked="checked"';
- echo $readonly,$class,$this->_endt,'<label for="',$id,$i,'">',htmlspecialchars($label),'</label></span>';
- $i++;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'radiobuttons':
- $i=0;
- $id=' name="'.$ctrl->ref.'" id="'.$this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref.'_';
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if(is_array($value)){
- if(isset($value[0]))
- $value = $value[0];
- else
- $value='';
- }
- $value = (string) $value;
- $span ='<span class="jforms-radio jforms-ctl-'.$ctrl->ref.'"><input type="radio"';
- foreach($ctrl->datasource->getDatas() as $v=>$label){
- echo $span,$id,$i,'" value="',htmlspecialchars($v),'"',((string) $v===$value?' checked="checked"':''),$readonly,$class,$this->_endt;
- echo '<label for="',$this->_name,'_',$ctrl->ref,'_',$i,'">',htmlspecialchars($label),'</label></span>';
- $i++;
- }
- break;
- case 'menulist':
- echo '<select',$id,$hint,$class,' size="1">';
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if(is_array($value)){
- if(isset($value[0]))
- $value = $value[0];
- else
- $value='';
- }
- $value = (string) $value;
- if (!$ctrl->required) {
- echo '<option value=""',($value===''?' selected="selected"':''),'></option>';
- }
- foreach($ctrl->datasource->getDatas() as $v=>$label){
- echo '<option value="',htmlspecialchars($v),'"',((string) $v===$value?' selected="selected"':''),'>',htmlspecialchars($label),'</option>';
- }
- echo '</select>';
- break;
- case 'listbox':
- if($ctrl->multiple){
- echo '<select name="',$ctrl->ref,'[]" id="',$this->_name,'_',$ctrl->ref,'"',$hint,$class,' size="',$ctrl->size,'" multiple="multiple">';
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if(is_array($value) && count($value) == 1)
- $value = $value[0];
- if(is_array($value)){
- $value = array_map(create_function('$v', 'return (string) $v;'),$value);
- foreach($ctrl->datasource->getDatas() as $v=>$label){
- echo '<option value="',htmlspecialchars($v),'"',(in_array((string) $v,$value,true)?' selected="selected"':''),'>',htmlspecialchars($label),'</option>';
- }
- }else{
- $value = (string) $value;
- foreach($ctrl->datasource->getDatas() as $v=>$label){
- echo '<option value="',htmlspecialchars($v),'"',((string) $v===$value?' selected="selected"':''),'>',htmlspecialchars($label),'</option>';
- }
- }
- echo '</select>';
- }else{
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if(is_array($value)){
- if(count($value) >= 1)
- $value = $value[0];
- else
- $value ='';
- }
- $value = (string) $value;
- echo '<select',$id,$hint,$class,' size="',$ctrl->size,'">';
- foreach($ctrl->datasource->getDatas() as $v=>$label){
- echo '<option value="',htmlspecialchars($v),'"',((string) $v===$value?' selected="selected"':''),'>',htmlspecialchars($label),'</option>';
- }
- echo '</select>';
- }
- break;
- case 'textarea':
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- $rows = ' rows="'.$ctrl->rows.'" cols="'.$ctrl->cols.'"';
- echo '<textarea',$id,$readonly,$hint,$class,$rows,'>',htmlspecialchars($value),'</textarea>';
- break;
- case 'secret':
- case 'secretconfirm':
- $size = ($ctrl->size == 0?'': ' size="'.$ctrl->size.'"');
- echo '<input type="password"',$id,$readonly,$hint,$class,$size,' value="',htmlspecialchars($this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref)),'"',$this->_endt;
- break;
- case 'output':
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- echo '<input type="hidden"',$id,' value="',htmlspecialchars($value),'"',$this->_endt;
- echo '<span class="jforms-value"',$hint,'>',htmlspecialchars($value),'</span>';
- break;
- case 'upload':
- if($ctrl->maxsize){
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="',$ctrl->maxsize,'"',$this->_endt;
- }
- echo '<input type="file"',$id,$readonly,$hint,$class,' value=""',$this->_endt; // ',htmlspecialchars($this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref)),'
- break;
- case 'submit':
- if($ctrl->standalone){
- echo '<input type="submit"',$id,$hint,' class="jforms-submit" value="',htmlspecialchars($ctrl->label),'"/>';
- }else{
- foreach($ctrl->datasource->getDatas() as $v=>$label){
- // because IE6 sucks with <button type=submit> (see ticket #431), we must use input :-(
- echo '<input type="submit" name="',$ctrl->ref,'" id="',$this->_name,'_',$ctrl->ref,'_',htmlspecialchars($v),'"',
- $hint,' class="jforms-submit" value="',htmlspecialchars($label),'"/> ';
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'reset':
- echo '<button type="reset"',$id,$hint,' class="jforms-reset">',htmlspecialchars($ctrl->label),'</button>';
- break;
- }
- if ($ctrl->hasHelp) {
- if($ctrl->type == 'checkboxes' || ($ctrl->type == 'listbox' && $ctrl->multiple)){
- $name=$ctrl->ref.'[]';
- }else{
- $name=$ctrl->ref;
- }
- echo '<span class="jforms-help"><a href="javascript:jForms.showHelp(\''. $this->_name.'\',\''.$name.'\')">?</a></span>';
- }
- }
- abstract public function getJavascriptCheck($errDecorator,$helpDecorator);
- }
- ?>
Documentation generated on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 13:47:24 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3