Source for file jFile.class.php
Documentation is available at jFile.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage utils
- * @author Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Thiriot Christophe
- * @contributor Loic Mathaud
- * @contributor Bastien Jaillot
- * @contributor Cedric (fix bug ticket 56)
- * @contributor Foxmask (#733)
- * @copyright 2005-2006 Laurent Jouanneau, 2006 Thiriot Christophe, 2006 Loic Mathaud, 2008 Bastien Jaillot, 2008 Foxmask
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence, see LICENCE file
- */
- /**
- * A class helper to read or create files
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage utils
- */
- class jFile {
- /**
- * Reads the content of a file.
- * @param string $filename the filename we're gonna read
- * @return string the content of the file. false if cannot read the file
- */
- public static function read ($filename){
- return @file_get_contents ($filename, false);
- }
- /**
- * Write a file to the disk.
- * This function is heavily based on the way smarty process its own files.
- * Is using a temporary file and then rename the file. We guess the file system will be smarter than us, avoiding a writing / reading
- * while renaming the file.
- * This method comes from CopixFile class of Copix framework
- * @author Croes GĂ©rald
- * @copyright 2001-2005 CopixTeam
- * @link
- */
- public static function write ($file, $data){
- $_dirname = dirname($file);
- //asking to create the directory structure if needed.
- self::createDir ($_dirname);
- if(!@is_writable($_dirname)) {
- // cache_dir not writable, see if it exists
- if(!@is_dir($_dirname)) {
- throw new jException('', array ($_dirname));
- }
- throw new jException('', array ($file, $_dirname));
- }
- // write to tmp file, then rename it to avoid
- // file locking race condition
- $_tmp_file = tempnam($_dirname, 'wrt');
- if (!($fd = @fopen($_tmp_file, 'wb'))) {
- $_tmp_file = $_dirname . '/' . uniqid('wrt');
- if (!($fd = @fopen($_tmp_file, 'wb'))) {
- throw new jException('jelix~errors.file.write.error', array ($file, $_tmp_file));
- }
- }
- fwrite($fd, $data);
- fclose($fd);
- // Delete the file if it allready exists (this is needed on Win,
- // because it cannot overwrite files with rename()
- if ($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->isWindows && file_exists($file)) {
- unlink($file);
- }
- rename($_tmp_file, $file);
- @chmod($file, 0664);
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * create a directory
- * It creates also all necessary parent directory
- * @param string $dir the path of the directory
- */
- public static function createDir ($dir){
- // recursive feature on mkdir() is broken with PHP 5.0.4 for Windows
- // so should do own recursion
- if (!file_exists($dir)) {
- self::createDir(dirname($dir));
- mkdir($dir, 0775);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Recursive function deleting a directory
- *
- * @param string $path The path of the directory to remove recursively
- * @param boolean $deleteParent If the path must be deleted too
- * @since 1.0b1
- * @author Loic Mathaud
- */
- public static function removeDir($path, $deleteParent=true) {
- $dir = new DirectoryIterator($path);
- foreach ($dir as $dirContent) {
- // file deletion
- if ($dirContent->isFile() || $dirContent->isLink()) {
- unlink($dirContent->getPathName());
- } else {
- // recursive directory deletion
- if (!$dirContent->isDot() && $dirContent->isDir()) {
- self::removeDir($dirContent->getPathName());
- }
- }
- }
- unset($dir); // see bug #733
- unset($dirContent);
- // removes the parent directory
- if ($deleteParent) {
- rmdir($path);
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
Documentation generated on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 13:47:18 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3