Source for file jInstallChecker.class.php
Documentation is available at jInstallChecker.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * check a jelix installation
- *
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage core
- * @author Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Bastien Jaillot
- * @copyright 2007-2009 Laurent Jouanneau, 2008 Bastien Jaillot
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence see LICENCE file or
- * @since 1.0b2
- */
- /**
- * interface for objects which output result of the install check
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage core
- * @since 1.0b2
- */
- interface jIInstallCheckReporter {
- function start();
- function showError($message);
- function showWarning($message);
- function showOk($message);
- function showNotice($message);
- function end($checker);
- }
- /**
- * message provider for jInstallCheck
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage core
- * @since 1.0b2
- */
- class jInstallMessageProvider {
- protected $currentLang;
- protected $messages = array(
- 'fr'=>array(
- 'checker.title'=>'Vérification de l\'installation de Jelix',
- 'number.errors'=>' erreurs.',
- 'number.error'=>' erreur.',
- 'number.warnings'=>' avertissements.',
- 'number.warning'=>' avertissement.',
- 'number.notices'=>' remarques.',
- 'number.notice'=>' remarque.',
- 'build.not.found'=>'Le fichier BUILD de jelix est introuvable',
- 'conclusion.error'=>'Vous devez corriger l\'erreur pour faire fonctionner correctement votre application.',
- 'conclusion.errors'=>'Vous devez corriger les erreurs pour faire fonctionner correctement votre application.',
- 'conclusion.warning'=>'Votre application peut à priori fonctionner, mais il est préférable de corriger l\'avertissement pour être sûr.',
- 'conclusion.warnings'=>'Votre application peut à priori fonctionner, mais il est préférable de corriger les avertissements pour être sûr.',
- 'conclusion.notice'=>'L\'installation est correcte malgré la remarque.',
- 'conclusion.notices'=>'L\'installation est correcte malgré les remarques.',
- 'conclusion.ok'=>'L\'installation est correcte',
- 'cannot.continue'=>'Les vérifications ne peuvent continuer : ',
- 'extension.dom'=>'L\'extension DOM n\'est pas installée',
- 'extension.spl'=>'L\'extension spl n\'est pas installée',
- 'extension.simplexml'=>'L\'extension simplexml n\'est pas installée',
- 'extension.pcre'=>'L\'extension pcre n\'est pas installée',
- 'extension.session'=>'L\'extension session n\'est pas installée',
- 'extension.tokenizer'=>'L\'extension tokenizer n\'est pas installée',
- 'extension.iconv'=>'L\'extension iconv n\'est pas installée',
- 'extensions.required.ok'=>'Toutes les extensions obligatoires sont installées',
- 'extension.filter'=>'Cette édition de Jelix a besoin de l\'extension filter',
- 'extension.json'=>'Cette édition de Jelix a besoin de l\'extension json',
- 'extension.xmlrpc'=>'Cette édition de Jelix a besoin de l\'extension xmlrpc',
- 'extension.jelix'=>'Cette édition de Jelix a besoin de l\'extension jelix',
- 'extension.opcode.cache'=>'Cette édition de Jelix a besoin d\'une extension de cache d\'opcode (apc, eaccelerator...)',
- 'path.core'=>'Le fichier init.php de jelix ou le fichier application.ini.php de votre application n\'est pas chargé',
- 'path.temp'=>'Le repertoire temporaire n\'est pas accessible en écriture ou alors JELIX_APP_TEMP_PATH n\'est pas configurée comme il faut',
- 'path.log'=>'Le repertoire var/log dans votre application n\'est pas accessible en écriture ou alors JELIX_APP_LOG_PATH n\'est pas configurée comme il faut',
- 'path.var'=>'JELIX_APP_VAR_PATH n\'est pas configuré correctement : ce répertoire n\'existe pas',
- 'path.config'=>'JELIX_APP_CONFIG_PATH n\'est pas configuré correctement : ce répertoire n\'existe pas',
- 'path.www'=>'JELIX_APP_WWW_PATH n\'est pas configuré correctement : ce répertoire n\'existe pas',
- 'php.bad.version'=>'Mauvaise version de PHP',
- 'php.version.current'=>'Version courante :',
- 'php.version.required'=>'Cette édition de Jelix nécessite au moins PHP ',
- 'too.critical.error'=>'Trop d\'erreurs critiques sont apparues. Corrigez les.',
- 'config.file'=>'La variable $config_file n\'existe pas ou le fichier qu\'elle indique n\'existe pas',
- 'paths.ok'=>'Les répertoires temp, log, var, config et www sont ok',
- 'ini.magic_quotes_gpc_with_plugin'=>'php.ini : le plugin magicquotes est activé mais vous devriez mettre magic_quotes_gpc à off',
- 'ini.magicquotes_plugin_without_php'=>'php.ini : le plugin magicquotes est activé alors que magic_quotes_gpc est déjà à off, désactivez le plugin',
- 'ini.magic_quotes_gpc'=>'php.ini : l\'activation des magicquotes n\'est pas recommandée pour jelix. Vous devez les désactiver ou activer le plugin magicquotes si ce n\'est pas fait',
- 'ini.magic_quotes_runtime'=>'php.ini : magic_quotes_runtime doit être à off',
- 'ini.session.auto_start'=>'php.ini : session.auto_start doit être à off',
- 'ini.safe_mode'=>'php.ini : le safe_mode n\'est pas recommandé pour jelix.',
- 'ini.register_globals'=>'php.ini : il faut désactiver register_globals, pour des raisons de sécurité et parce que Jelix n\'en a pas besoin.',
- 'ini.asp_tags'=>'php.ini : il est conseillé de désactiver asp_tags. Jelix n\'en a pas besoin.',
- 'ini.short_open_tag'=>'php.ini : il est conseillé de désactiver short_open_tag. Jelix n\'en a pas besoin.',
- 'ini.ok'=>'Les paramètres de php sont ok',
- ),
- 'en'=>array(
- 'checker.title'=>'Jelix Installation checking',
- 'number.errors'=>' errors.',
- 'number.error'=>' error.',
- 'number.warnings'=>' warnings.',
- 'number.warning'=>' warning.',
- 'number.notices'=>' notices.',
- 'number.notice'=>' notice.',
- 'build.not.found'=>'BUILD jelix file is not found',
- 'conclusion.error'=>'You must fix the error in order to run your application correctly.',
- 'conclusion.errors'=>'You must fix errors in order to run your application correctly.',
- 'conclusion.warning'=>'Your application may run without problems, but it is recommanded to fix the warning.',
- 'conclusion.warnings'=>'Your application may run without problems, but it is recommanded to fix warnings.',
- 'conclusion.notice'=>'The installation is ok, although there is a notice.',
- 'conclusion.notices'=>'The installation is ok, although there are notices.',
- 'conclusion.ok'=>'The installation is ok',
- 'cannot.continue'=>'Cannot continue the checking: ',
- 'extension.dom'=>'DOM extension is not installed',
- 'extension.spl'=>'SPL extension is not installed',
- 'extension.simplexml'=>'simplexml extension is not installed',
- 'extension.pcre'=>'pcre extension is not installed',
- 'extension.session'=>'session extension is not installed',
- 'extension.tokenizer'=>'tokenizer extension is not installed',
- 'extension.iconv'=>'iconv extension is not installed',
- 'extensions.required.ok'=>'All needed PHP extensions are installed',
- 'extension.filter'=>'This Jelix edition require the filter extension',
- 'extension.json'=>'This Jelix edition require the json extension',
- 'extension.xmlrpc'=>'This Jelix edition require the xmlrpc extension',
- 'extension.jelix'=>'This Jelix edition require the jelix extension',
- 'extension.opcode.cache'=>'This Jelix edition require an extension for opcode cache (apc, eaccelerator...)',
- 'path.core'=>'jelix init.php file or application.ini.php file is not loaded',
- 'path.temp'=>'temp/yourApp directory is not writable or JELIX_APP_TEMP_PATH is not correctly set !',
- 'path.log'=>'var/log directory (in the directory of your application) is not writable or JELIX_APP_LOG_PATH is not correctly set!',
- 'path.var'=>'JELIX_APP_VAR_PATH is not correctly set: var directory doesn\'t exist!',
- 'path.config'=>'JELIX_APP_CONFIG_PATH is not correctly set: config directory doesn\'t exist!',
- 'path.www'=>'JELIX_APP_WWW_PATH is not correctly set: www directory doesn\'t exist!',
- 'php.bad.version'=>'Bad PHP version',
- 'php.version.current'=>'Current version:',
- 'php.version.required'=>'This edition of Jelix require at least PHP ',
- 'too.critical.error'=>'Too much critical errors. Fix them.',
- 'config.file'=>'$config_file variable does not exist or doesn\'t contain a correct application config file name',
- 'paths.ok'=>'temp, log, var, config and www directory are ok',
- 'ini.magic_quotes_gpc_with_plugin'=>'php.ini : the magicquotes plugin is actived but you should set magic_quotes_gpc to off',
- 'ini.magicquotes_plugin_without_php'=>'php.ini : the magicquotes plugin is actived whereas magic_quotes_gpc is already off, you should disable the plugin',
- 'ini.magic_quotes_gpc'=>'php.ini : magicquotes are not recommended for Jelix. You should deactivate it or activate the magicquote jelix plugin',
- 'ini.magic_quotes_runtime'=>'php.ini : magic_quotes_runtime must be off',
- 'ini.session.auto_start'=>'php.ini : session.auto_start must be off',
- 'ini.safe_mode'=>'php.ini : safe_mode is not recommended.',
- 'ini.register_globals'=>'php.ini : you must deactivate register_globals, for security reasons, and because Jelix doesn\'t need it.',
- 'ini.asp_tags'=>'php.ini : you should deactivate asp_tags. Jelix doesn\'t need it.',
- 'ini.short_open_tag'=>'php.ini : you should deactivate short_open_tag. Jelix doesn\'t need it.',
- 'ini.ok'=>'php settings are ok',
- /* ''=>'',*/
- ),
- );
- function __construct($lang=''){
- if($lang == ''){
- $languages = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
- foreach($languages as $bl){
- // pour les user-agents qui livrent un code internationnal
- if(preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z]{2})(?:[-_]([a-zA-Z]{2}))?(;q=[0-9]\\.[0-9])?$/",$bl,$match)){
- $lang = strtolower($match[1]);
- break;
- }
- }
- }elseif(preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z]{2})(?:[-_]([a-zA-Z]{2}))?$/",$lang,$match)){
- $lang = strtolower($match[1]);
- }
- if(!isset($this->messages[$lang])){
- $lang = 'en';
- }
- $this->currentLang = $lang;
- }
- function get($key){
- if(isset($this->messages[$this->currentLang][$key])){
- return $this->messages[$this->currentLang][$key];
- }else{
- throw new Exception ("Error : don't find error message '$key'");
- }
- }
- function getLang(){
- return $this->currentLang;
- }
- }
- /**
- * check an installation of a jelix application
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage core
- * @since 1.0b2
- */
- class jInstallCheck {
- /**
- * the object responsible of the results output
- * @var jIInstallCheckReporter
- */
- protected $reporter;
- /**
- * @var JInstallMessageProvider
- */
- public $messages;
- public $nbError = 0;
- public $nbOk = 0;
- public $nbWarning = 0;
- public $nbNotice = 0;
- protected $buildProperties;
- function __construct ($reporter, $lang=''){
- $this->reporter = $reporter;
- $this->messages = new jInstallMessageProvider($lang);
- }
- function run(){
- $this->nbError = 0;
- $this->nbOk = 0;
- $this->nbWarning = 0;
- $this->nbNotice = 0;
- $this->reporter->start();
- try {
- $this->checkAppPaths();
- $this->loadBuildFile();
- $this->checkPhpExtensions();
- $this->checkPhpSettings();
- }catch(Exception $e){
- $this->reporter->showError($this->messages->get('cannot.continue').$e->getMessage());
- $this->nbError ++;
- }
- $this->reporter->end($this);
- }
- protected function error($msg){
- if($this->reporter)
- $this->reporter->showError($this->messages->get($msg));
- $this->nbError ++;
- }
- protected function ok($msg){
- if($this->reporter)
- $this->reporter->showOk($this->messages->get($msg));
- $this->nbOk ++;
- }
- /**
- * generate a warning
- * @param string $msg the key of the message to display
- */
- protected function warning($msg){
- if($this->reporter)
- $this->reporter->showWarning($this->messages->get($msg));
- $this->nbWarning ++;
- }
- protected function notice($msg){
- if($this->reporter)
- $this->reporter->showNotice($this->messages->get($msg));
- $this->nbNotice ++;
- }
- function checkPhpExtensions(){
- $ok=true;
- if(!version_compare($this->buildProperties['PHP_VERSION_TARGET'], phpversion(), '<=')){
- $this->error('php.bad.version');
- $notice = $this->messages->get('php.version.required')
- .$this->buildProperties['PHP_VERSION_TARGET'];
- $notice.= '. '.$this->messages->get('php.version.current').phpversion();
- $this->reporter->showNotice($notice);
- $ok=false;
- }
- if(!class_exists('DOMDocument',false)){
- $this->error('extension.dom');
- $ok=false;
- }
- if(!class_exists('DirectoryIterator',false)){
- $this->error('extension.spl');
- $ok=false;
- }
- $funcs=array(
- 'simplexml_load_file'=>'simplexml',
- 'preg_match'=>'pcre',
- 'session_start'=>'session',
- 'token_get_all'=>'tokenizer',
- 'iconv_set_encoding'=>'iconv',
- );
- foreach($funcs as $f=>$name){
- if(!function_exists($f)){
- $this->error('extension.'.$name);
- $ok=false;
- }
- }
- if($this->buildProperties['ENABLE_PHP_FILTER'] == '1' && !extension_loaded ('filter')) {
- $this->error('extension.filter');
- $ok=false;
- }
- if($this->buildProperties['ENABLE_PHP_JSON'] == '1' && !extension_loaded ('json')) {
- $this->error('extension.json');
- $ok=false;
- }
- /*if($this->buildProperties['ENABLE_PHP_XMLRPC'] == '1' && !extension_loaded ('xmlrpc')) {
- $this->error('extension.xmlrpc');
- $ok=false;
- }*/
- if($this->buildProperties['ENABLE_PHP_JELIX'] == '1' && !extension_loaded ('jelix')) {
- $this->error('extension.jelix');
- $ok=false;
- }
- if($this->buildProperties['WITH_BYTECODE_CACHE'] != 'auto' &&
- $this->buildProperties['WITH_BYTECODE_CACHE'] != '') {
- if(!extension_loaded ('apc') && !extension_loaded ('eaccelerator') && !extension_loaded ('xcache')) {
- $this->error('extension.opcode.cache');
- $ok=false;
- }
- }
- if($ok)
- $this->ok('extensions.required.ok');
- return $ok;
- }
- function checkAppPaths(){
- $ok = true;
- if(!defined('JELIX_LIB_PATH') || !defined('JELIX_APP_PATH')){
- throw new Exception($this->messages->get('path.core'));
- }
- if(!file_exists(JELIX_APP_TEMP_PATH) || !is_writable(JELIX_APP_TEMP_PATH)){
- $this->error('path.temp');
- $ok=false;
- }
- if(!file_exists(JELIX_APP_LOG_PATH) || !is_writable(JELIX_APP_LOG_PATH)){
- $this->error('path.log');
- $ok=false;
- }
- if(!file_exists(JELIX_APP_VAR_PATH)){
- $this->error('path.var');
- $ok=false;
- }
- if(!file_exists(JELIX_APP_CONFIG_PATH)){
- $this->error('path.config');
- $ok=false;
- }
- if(!file_exists(JELIX_APP_WWW_PATH)){
- $this->error('path.www');
- $ok=false;
- }
- if($ok)
- $this->ok('paths.ok');
- else
- throw new Exception($this->messages->get('too.critical.error'));
- if(!isset($GLOBALS['config_file']) ||
- empty($GLOBALS['config_file']) ||
- !file_exists(JELIX_APP_CONFIG_PATH.$GLOBALS['config_file'])){
- throw new Exception($this->messages->get('config.file'));
- }
- return $ok;
- }
- function loadBuildFile() {
- if (!file_exists(JELIX_LIB_PATH.'BUILD')){
- throw new Exception($this->messages->get('build.not.found'));
- } else {
- $this->buildProperties = parse_ini_file(JELIX_LIB_PATH.'BUILD');
- }
- }
- function checkPhpSettings(){
- $ok = true;
- $defaultconfig = parse_ini_file(JELIX_APP_CONFIG_PATH."defaultconfig.ini.php", true);
- $indexconfig = parse_ini_file(JELIX_APP_CONFIG_PATH."index/config.ini.php", true);
- if ((isset ($defaultconfig['coordplugins']['magicquotes']) && $defaultconfig['coordplugins']['magicquotes'] == 1) ||
- (isset ($indexconfig['coordplugins']['magicquotes']) && $indexconfig['coordplugins']['magicquotes'] == 1)) {
- if(ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') == 1){
- $this->notice('ini.magic_quotes_gpc_with_plugin');
- }
- else {
- $this->error('ini.magicquotes_plugin_without_php');
- $ok=false;
- }
- }
- else {
- if(ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') == 1){
- $this->warning('ini.magic_quotes_gpc');
- $ok=false;
- }
- }
- if(ini_get('magic_quotes_runtime') == 1){
- $this->error('ini.magic_quotes_runtime');
- $ok=false;
- }
- if(ini_get('session.auto_start') == 1){
- $this->error('ini.session.auto_start');
- $ok=false;
- }
- if(ini_get('safe_mode') == 1){
- $this->warning('safe_mode');
- $ok=false;
- }
- if(ini_get('register_globals') == 1){
- $this->warning('ini.register_globals');
- $ok=false;
- }
- if(ini_get('asp_tags') == 1){
- $this->notice('ini.asp_tags');
- }
- if(ini_get('short_open_tag') == 1){
- $this->notice('ini.short_open_tag');
- }
- if($ok){
- $this->ok('ini.ok');
- }
- return $ok;
- }
- }
Documentation generated on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 22:16:21 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3