factory for database connector and other db utilities
Located in /db/jDb.class.php (line 27)
perform a convertion float to str. It takes care about the decimal separator which should be a '.' for SQL. Because when doing a native convertion float->str, PHP uses the local decimal separator, and so, we don't want that.
return a database connector Use a local pool.
create a new jDbWidget
DEPRECATED. same as getProfile
load properties of a connector profile
a profile is a section in the dbprofils.ini.php file
with getProfile('myprofile') (or getProfile('myprofile', false)), you get the profile which has the name "myprofile". this name should correspond to a section name in the ini file
with getProfile('myprofiletype',true), it will search a parameter named 'myprofiletype' in the ini file. This parameter should contains a profile name, and the corresponding profile will be loaded.
with getProfile(), it will load the default profile, (so the profile of "default" type)
instancy a jDbTools object
call it to test a profile (during an install for example)
Documentation generated on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 22:15:15 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3