Source for file jIAuthDriver.iface.php
Documentation is available at jIAuthDriver.iface.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage auth
- * @author Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Frédéric Guillot, Antoine Detante, Julien Issler
- * @copyright 2005-2008 Laurent Jouanneau, 2007 Frédéric Guillot, 2007 Antoine Detante
- * @copyright 2007 Julien Issler
- *
- */
- /**
- * interface for auth drivers
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage auth
- * @static
- */
- interface jIAuthDriver {
- /**
- * constructor
- * @param array $params driver parameters, written in the ini file of the auth plugin
- */
- function __construct($params);
- /**
- * creates a new user object, with some first data..
- * Careful : it doesn't create a user in a database for example. Just an object.
- * @param string $login the user login
- * @param string $password the user password
- * @return object the returned object depends on the driver
- */
- public function createUserObject($login, $password);
- /**
- * store a new user.
- *
- * It create the user in a database for example
- * should be call after a call of createUser and after setting some of its properties...
- * @param object $user the user data container
- */
- public function saveNewUser($user);
- /**
- * Erase user data of the user $login
- * @param string $login the login of the user to remove
- */
- public function removeUser($login);
- /**
- * save updated data of a user
- * warning : should not save the password !
- * @param object $user the user data container
- */
- public function updateUser($user);
- /**
- * return user data corresponding to the given login
- * @param string $login the login of the user
- * @return object the user data container
- */
- public function getUser($login);
- /**
- * construct the user list
- * @param string $pattern '' for all users
- * @return array array of user object
- */
- public function getUserList($pattern);
- /**
- * change a user password
- *
- * @param string $login the login of the user
- * @param string $newpassword
- */
- public function changePassword($login, $newpassword);
- /**
- * verify that the password correspond to the login
- * @param string $login the login of the user
- * @param string $password the password to test
- * @return object|false
- */
- public function verifyPassword($login, $password);
- }
Documentation generated on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:05:21 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3