Source for file jAuthDriverBase.class.php
Documentation is available at jAuthDriverBase.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage auth_driver
- * @author Laurent Jouanneau
- * @copyright 2011 Laurent Jouanneau
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence, see LICENCE file
- */
- /**
- * base class for some jAuth drivers
- */
- class jAuthDriverBase {
- protected $_params;
- protected $passwordHashMethod;
- protected $passwordHashOptions;
- function __construct($params){
- $this->_params = $params;
- $this->passwordHashOptions = $params['password_hash_options'];
- $this->passwordHashMethod = $params['password_hash_method'];
- }
- /**
- * hash the given password
- * @param string $password the password to hash
- * @return string the hash password
- */
- public function cryptPassword($password, $forceOldHash = false) {
- if (!$forceOldHash && $this->passwordHashMethod) {
- return password_hash($password, $this->passwordHashMethod, $this->passwordHashOptions);
- }
- if (isset($this->_params['password_crypt_function'])) {
- $f = $this->_params['password_crypt_function'];
- if ($f != '') {
- if ($f[1] == ':') {
- $t = $f[0];
- $f = substr($f, 2);
- if ($t == '1') {
- return $f((isset($this->_params['password_salt'])?$this->_params['password_salt']:''), $password);
- }
- else if ($t == '2') {
- return $f($this->_params, $password);
- }
- }
- return $f($password);
- }
- }
- return $password;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $givenPassword the password to verify
- * @param string $currentPasswordHash the hash of the real password
- * @return boolean|stringfalse if password does not correspond. True if it is ok. A string
- * containing a new hash if it is ok and need to store a new hash
- */
- public function checkPassword($givenPassword, $currentPasswordHash) {
- if ($currentPasswordHash[0] == '$' && $this->passwordHashMethod) {
- // ok, we have hash for standard API, let's use standard API
- if (!password_verify($givenPassword, $currentPasswordHash)) {
- return false;
- }
- // check if rehash is needed,
- if (password_needs_rehash($currentPasswordHash, $this->passwordHashMethod, $this->passwordHashOptions)) {
- return password_hash($givenPassword, $this->passwordHashMethod, $this->passwordHashOptions);
- }
- }
- else {
- // verify with the old hash api
- if ($currentPasswordHash != $this->cryptPassword($givenPassword, true)) {
- return false;
- }
- if ($this->passwordHashMethod) {
- // if there is a method to hash with the standard API, let's rehash the password
- return password_hash($givenPassword, $this->passwordHashMethod, $this->passwordHashOptions);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * function to use to crypt password. use the password_salt value in the config
- * file of the plugin.
- * @deprecated
- */
- function sha1WithSalt($salt, $password) {
- return sha1($salt.':'.$password);
- }
Documentation generated on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:02:22 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3