Source for file jResponseHtml.class.php
Documentation is available at jResponseHtml.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage core_response
- * @author Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Yann, Dominique Papin
- * @contributor Warren Seine, Alexis Métaireau, Julien Issler, Olivier Demah, Brice Tence
- * @copyright 2005-2009 Laurent Jouanneau, 2006 Yann, 2007 Dominique Papin
- * @copyright 2008 Warren Seine, Alexis Métaireau
- * @copyright 2009 Julien Issler, Olivier Demah
- * @copyright 2010 Brice Tence
- * few lines of code are copyrighted CopixTeam
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence see LICENCE file or
- */
- /**
- *
- */
- require_once(JELIX_LIB_PATH.'tpl/jTpl.class.php');
- require_once(JELIX_LIB_PATH.'utils/jMinifier.class.php');
- /**
- * HTML response
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage core_response
- */
- class jResponseHtml extends jResponse {
- /**
- * jresponse id
- * @var string
- */
- protected $_type = 'html';
- /**
- * Title of the document
- * @var string
- */
- public $title = '';
- /**
- * favicon url linked to the document
- * @var string
- * @since 1.0b2
- */
- public $favicon = '';
- /**
- * The template engine used to generate the body content
- * @var jTpl
- */
- public $body = null;
- /**
- * selector of the main template file
- * This template should contains the body content, and is used by the $body template engine
- * @var string
- */
- public $bodyTpl = '';
- /**
- * Selector of the template used when there are some errors, instead of $bodyTpl
- * @var string
- */
- public $bodyErrorTpl = '';
- /**
- * body attributes
- * This attributes are written on the body tags
- * @var array
- */
- public $bodyTagAttributes= array();
- /**
- * says what part of the html head has been send
- * @var integer
- */
- protected $_headSent = 0;
- /**
- * the charset of the document
- * @var string
- */
- protected $_charset;
- /**
- * the lang of the document
- * @var string
- */
- protected $_lang;
- /**
- * properties of the head content
- */
- /**#@+
- * content for the head
- * @var array
- */
- protected $_CSSLink = array ();
- protected $_CSSIELink = array ();
- protected $_Styles = array ();
- protected $_JSLink = array ();
- protected $_JSIELink = array ();
- protected $_JSCodeBefore = array ();
- protected $_JSCode = array ();
- protected $_Others = array ();
- protected $_MetaKeywords = array();
- protected $_MetaDescription = array();
- protected $_MetaAuthor = '';
- protected $_MetaGenerator = '';
- protected $_Link = array();
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * content for the body
- * @var array
- */
- protected $_bodyTop = array();
- protected $_bodyBottom = array();
- /**#@-*/
- /**
- * says if the document is in xhtml or html
- */
- protected $_isXhtml = true;
- protected $_endTag="/>\n";
- /**
- * says if the document uses a Strict or Transitional Doctype
- * @var boolean
- * @since 1.1.3
- */
- protected $_strictDoctype = true;
- /**
- * says if xhtml content type should be send or not.
- * it true, a verification of HTTP_ACCEPT is done.
- * @var boolean
- */
- public $xhtmlContentType = false;
- /**
- * constructor;
- * setup the charset, the lang, the template engine
- */
- function __construct (){
- global $gJConfig;
- $this->_charset = $gJConfig->charset;
- $this->_lang = $gJConfig->locale;
- $this->body = new jTpl();
- parent::__construct();
- }
- /**
- * output the html content
- *
- * @return boolean true if the generated content is ok
- */
- public function output(){
- $this->doAfterActions();
- $this->_headSent = 0;
- if($this->_isXhtml && $this->xhtmlContentType && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'],'application/xhtml+xml')){
- $this->_httpHeaders['Content-Type']='application/xhtml+xml;charset='.$this->_charset;
- }else{
- $this->_httpHeaders['Content-Type']='text/html;charset='.$this->_charset;
- }
- $this->sendHttpHeaders();
- $this->outputDoctype();
- $this->_headSent = 1;
- if($this->bodyTpl != '')
- $this->body->meta($this->bodyTpl);
- $this->outputHtmlHeader();
- echo '<body ';
- foreach($this->bodyTagAttributes as $attr=>$value){
- echo $attr,'="', htmlspecialchars($value),'" ';
- }
- echo ">\n";
- $this->_headSent = 2;
- echo implode("\n",$this->_bodyTop);
- if($this->bodyTpl != '')
- $this->body->display($this->bodyTpl);
- if($this->hasErrors()){
- if($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->error_handling['showInFirebug']){
- echo '<script type="text/javascript">if(console){';
- foreach( $GLOBALS['gJCoord']->errorMessages as $e){
- switch ($e[0]) {
- case 'warning':
- echo 'console.warn("[warning ';
- break;
- case 'notice':
- echo '"[notice ';
- break;
- case 'strict':
- echo '"[strict ';
- break;
- case 'error':
- echo 'console.error("[error ';
- break;
- }
- $m = $e[2]. ($e[5]?"\n".$e[5]:"");
- echo $e[1],'] ',str_replace(array('"',"\n","\r","\t"),array('\"','\\n','\\r','\\t'),$m),' (',str_replace('\\','\\\\',$e[3]),' ',$e[4],')");';
- }
- echo '}else{alert("there are some errors, you should activate Firebug to see them");}</script>';
- }else{
- echo '<div id="jelixerror" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;border:3px solid red; background-color:#f39999;color:black;z-index:100;">';
- echo $this->getFormatedErrorMsg();
- echo '<p><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById(\'jelixerror\').style.display=\'none\';return false;">close</a></p></div>';
- }
- }
- echo implode("\n",$this->_bodyBottom);
- $msgs = & $GLOBALS['gJCoord']->logMessages;
- if(count($msgs)) {
- if(isset($msgs['response']) && count($msgs['response'])) {
- echo '<ul id="jelixlog">';
- foreach($msgs['response'] as $m) {
- echo '<li>',htmlspecialchars($m),'</li>';
- }
- echo '</ul>';
- }
- if(isset($msgs['firebug']) && count($msgs['firebug'])) {
- echo '<script type="text/javascript">if(console){';
- foreach($msgs['firebug'] as $m) {
- echo 'console.debug("',str_replace(array('"',"\n","\r","\t"),array('\"','\\n','\\r','\\t'),$m),'");';
- }
- echo '}else{alert("there are log messages, you should activate Firebug to see them");}</script>';
- }
- }
- echo '</body></html>';
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * The method you can overload in your inherited html response
- * overload it if you want to add processes (stylesheet, head settings, additionnal content etc..)
- * after all actions
- * @since 1.1
- */
- protected function doAfterActions(){
- }
- /**
- * output errors
- */
- public function outputErrors(){
- if($this->_headSent < 1){
- if(!$this->_httpHeadersSent){
- header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
- header('Content-Type: text/html;charset='.$this->_charset);
- }
- echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">', "\n<html>";
- }
- if($this->_headSent < 2){
- echo '<head><title>Errors</title></head><body>';
- }
- if($this->hasErrors()){
- echo $this->getFormatedErrorMsg();
- }else{
- echo '<p style="color:#FF0000">Unknown Error</p>';
- }
- echo '</body></html>';
- }
- /**
- * create html error messages
- * @return string html content
- */
- protected function getFormatedErrorMsg(){
- $errors='';
- foreach( $GLOBALS['gJCoord']->errorMessages as $e){
- $errors .= '<p style="margin:0;"><b>['.$e[0].' '.$e[1].']</b> <span style="color:#FF0000">';
- $errors .= htmlspecialchars($e[2], ENT_NOQUOTES, $this->_charset)."</span> \t".$e[3]." \t".$e[4]."</p>\n";
- if ($e[5])
- $errors.= '<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($e[5], ENT_NOQUOTES, $this->_charset).'</pre>';
- }
- return $errors;
- }
- /**
- * add content to the body
- * you can add additionnal content, before or after the content generated by the main template
- * @param string $content additionnal html content
- * @param boolean $beforeTpl true if you want to add it before the template content, else false for after
- */
- function addContent($content, $beforeTpl = false){
- if($beforeTpl){
- $this->_bodyTop[]=$content;
- }else{
- $this->_bodyBottom[]=$content;
- }
- }
- /**
- * add a generic link to the head
- *
- * @param string $href url of the link
- * @param string $rel relation name
- * @param string $type mime type of the ressource
- * @param string $title
- */
- final public function addLink($href, $rel, $type='', $title='') {
- $this->_Link[$href] = array($rel, $type, $title);
- }
- /**
- * add a link to a javascript script in the document head
- *
- * $forIe parameter exists since 1.0b2
- *
- * @param string $src the link
- * @param array $params additionnals attributes for the script tag
- * @param boolean $forIE if true, the script sheet will be only for IE browser
- */
- final public function addJSLink ($src, $params=array(), $forIE=false){
- if($forIE){
- if (!isset ($this->_JSIELink[$src])){
- $this->_JSIELink[$src] = $params;
- }
- }else{
- if (!isset ($this->_JSLink[$src])){
- $this->_JSLink[$src] = $params;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * add a link to a css stylesheet in the document head
- *
- * $forIe parameter exists since 1.0b2
- *
- * @param string $src the link
- * @param array $params additionnals attributes for the link tag
- * @param mixed $forIE if true, the style sheet will be only for IE browser. string values possible (ex:'lt IE 7')
- */
- final public function addCSSLink ($src, $params=array (), $forIE=false){
- if($forIE){
- if (!isset ($this->_CSSIELink[$src])){
- if (!is_bool($forIE) && !empty($forIE))
- $params['_ieCondition'] = $forIE;
- $this->_CSSIELink[$src] = $params;
- }
- }else{
- if (!isset ($this->_CSSLink[$src])){
- $this->_CSSLink[$src] = $params;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * add inline css style into the document (inside a <style> tag)
- * @param string $selector css selector
- * @param string $def css properties for the given selector
- */
- final public function addStyle ($selector, $def=null){
- if (!isset ($this->_Styles[$selector])){
- $this->_Styles[$selector] = $def;
- }
- }
- /**
- * add additional content into the document head
- * @param string $content
- * @since 1.0b1
- */
- final public function addHeadContent ($content){
- $this->_Others[] = $content;
- }
- /**
- * add inline javascript code (inside a <script> tag)
- * @param string $code javascript source code
- * @param boolean $before will insert the code before js links if true
- */
- final public function addJSCode ($code, $before = false){
- if ($before)
- $this->_JSCodeBefore[] = $code;
- else
- $this->_JSCode[] = $code;
- }
- /**
- * add some keywords in a keywords meta tag
- * @author Yann
- * @param string $content keywords
- * @since 1.0b1
- */
- final public function addMetaKeywords ($content){
- $this->_MetaKeywords[] = $content;
- }
- /**
- * add a description in a description meta tag
- * @author Yann
- * @param string $content a description
- * @since 1.0b1
- */
- final public function addMetaDescription ($content){
- $this->_MetaDescription[] = $content;
- }
- /**
- * add author(s) in a author meta tag
- * @author Olivier Demah
- * @param string $content author(s)
- * @since 1.2
- */
- final public function addMetaAuthor($content){
- $this->_MetaAuthor = $content;
- }
- /**
- * add generator a generator meta tag
- * @author Olivier Demah
- * @param string $content generator
- * @since 1.2
- */
- final public function addMetaGenerator($content){
- $this->_MetaGenerator = $content;
- }
- /**
- * generate the doctype. You can override it if you want to have your own doctype, like XHTML+MATHML.
- * @since 1.1
- */
- protected function outputDoctype (){
- if($this->_isXhtml){
- echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 '.($this->_strictDoctype?'Strict':'Transitional').'//EN" "'.($this->_strictDoctype?'strict':'transitional').'.dtd">
- <html xmlns="" xml:lang="',$this->_lang,'" lang="',$this->_lang,'">
- ';
- }else{
- echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01'.($this->_strictDoctype?'':' Transitional').'//EN" "'.($this->_strictDoctype?'strict':'loose').'.dtd">', "\n";
- echo '<html lang="',$this->_lang,'">';
- }
- }
- protected function outputJsScriptTag( $fileUrl, $scriptParams, $filePath = null ) {
- global $gJConfig;
- $params = '';
- if( is_array($scriptParams) ) {
- foreach ($scriptParams as $param_name=>$param_value){
- $params .= $param_name.'="'. htmlspecialchars($param_value).'" ';
- }
- } else {
- $params = $scriptParams;
- }
- $jsFilemtime = '';
- if( isset($gJConfig->jResponseHtml) && $gJConfig->jResponseHtml['jsUniqueUrlId']
- && $filePath !== null
- && (strpos($fileUrl,'http://')===FALSE) //path is not absolute
- ) {
- $jsFilemtime = "?".filemtime($filePath);
- }
- echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="',htmlspecialchars($fileUrl),$jsFilemtime,'" ',$params,'></script>',"\n";
- }
- protected function outputCssLinkTag( $fileUrl, $cssParams, $filePath = null ) {
- global $gJConfig;
- $params = '';
- if( is_array($cssParams) ) {
- foreach ($cssParams as $param_name=>$param_value){
- $params .= $param_name.'="'. htmlspecialchars($param_value).'" ';
- }
- } else {
- $params = $cssParams;
- }
- $cssFilemtime = '';
- if( isset($gJConfig->jResponseHtml) && $gJConfig->jResponseHtml['cssUniqueUrlId']
- && $filePath !== null
- && (strpos($fileUrl,'http://')===FALSE) //path is not absolute
- ) {
- $cssFilemtime = "?".filemtime($filePath);
- }
- echo '<link type="text/css" href="',htmlspecialchars($fileUrl),$cssFilemtime,'" ',$params,$this->_endTag,"\n";
- }
- protected function outputJsScripts( &$scriptList ) {
- global $gJConfig;
- $minifyJsByParams = array();
- $minifyExcludeJS = array();
- if( isset($gJConfig->jResponseHtml) && $gJConfig->jResponseHtml['minifyExcludeJS'] ) {
- $minifyExcludeJS = explode( ',', $gJConfig->jResponseHtml['minifyExcludeJS'] );
- }
- $basePath = $gJConfig->urlengine['basePath'];
- foreach ($scriptList as $src=>$params){
- //the extra params we may found in there.
- $scriptParams = '';
- $pathSrc = $src;
- if ( $basePath != '/' && $basePath != '' ) {
- $res = explode($basePath, $src);
- if ( count($res) > 1 )
- list(,$pathSrc) = $res;
- }
- $pathIsAbsolute = (strpos($pathSrc,'http://')!==FALSE);
- if( isset($gJConfig->jResponseHtml) && $gJConfig->jResponseHtml['minifyJS'] &&
- ! $pathIsAbsolute && ! in_array(basename($pathSrc), $minifyExcludeJS) ) {
- //this file should be minified
- $sparams=$params;
- ksort($sparams); //sort to avoid duplicity just because of params order
- foreach ($sparams as $param_name=>$param_value){
- $scriptParams .= $param_name.'="'. htmlspecialchars($param_value).'" ';
- }
- $minifyJsByParams[$scriptParams][] = "$src";
- } else {
- // current script should not be minified
- // thus to preserve scripts order we should apply previous pending minifications and generate its script tag
- // ex: a.js, b.js, c.js, d.js where c should not be minified. script tag generated must be min_a_+_b.js, c.js, min_d.js
- foreach ($minifyJsByParams as $param_value=>$js_files) {
- foreach (jMinifier::minify( $js_files, 'js' ) as $minifiedJs ) {
- $this->outputJsScriptTag( $basePath.$minifiedJs, $param_value, JELIX_APP_WWW_PATH.$minifiedJs);
- }
- }
- // minified operation finished on pending scripts. thus clear js array of scripts to minify :
- $minifyJsByParams = array();
- $this->outputJsScriptTag( $src, $params, JELIX_APP_WWW_PATH.$pathSrc );
- }
- }
- //minify all pending JS script files (may be all files if none was excluded or had absolute URL)
- foreach ($minifyJsByParams as $param_value=>$js_files) {
- foreach (jMinifier::minify( $js_files, 'js' ) as $minifiedJs ) {
- $this->outputJsScriptTag($basePath.$minifiedJs, $param_value, JELIX_APP_WWW_PATH.$minifiedJs);
- }
- }
- }
- protected function outputCssLinks( &$linkList ) {
- global $gJConfig;
- $minifyCssByParams = array();
- $minifyExcludeCSS = array();
- if( isset($gJConfig->jResponseHtml) && $gJConfig->jResponseHtml['minifyExcludeCSS'] ) {
- $minifyExcludeCSS = explode( ',', $gJConfig->jResponseHtml['minifyExcludeCSS'] );
- }
- $basePath = $gJConfig->urlengine['basePath'];
- foreach ($linkList as $src=>$params){
- //the extra params we may found in there.
- $cssParams = '';
- $pathSrc = $src;
- if ( $basePath != '/' && $basePath != '' ) {
- $res = explode($basePath, $src);
- if ( count($res) > 1 )
- list(,$pathSrc) = $res;
- }
- $pathIsAbsolute = (strpos($pathSrc,'http://')!==FALSE);
- if( isset($gJConfig->jResponseHtml) && $gJConfig->jResponseHtml['minifyCSS'] &&
- ! $pathIsAbsolute && ! in_array(basename($pathSrc), $minifyExcludeCSS) ) {
- //this file should be minified
- $sparams=$params;
- ksort($sparams); //sort to avoid duplicity just because of params order
- foreach ($sparams as $param_name=>$param_value){
- if( $param_name != "media" ) {
- $cssParams .= $param_name.'="'. htmlspecialchars($param_value).'" ';
- }
- }
- if(!isset($params['rel']))
- $cssParams .='rel="stylesheet" ';
- if( isset($params['media'] ) ) {
- //split for each media if specified
- foreach ( explode(',', $params['media']) as $medium) {
- $myCssParams = $cssParams . 'media="' . $medium . '" ';
- $minifyCssByParams[$myCssParams][] = "$src";
- }
- } else {
- $minifyCssByParams[$cssParams][] = "$src";
- }
- } else {
- // current stylesheet should not be minified
- // thus to preserve stylesheets order we should apply previous pending minifications and generate its link tag
- // ex: a.css, b.css, c.css, d.css where c should not be minified. script tag genrated must be min_a_+_b.css, c.js, min_d.js
- foreach ($minifyCssByParams as $param_value=>$css_files) {
- foreach (jMinifier::minify( $css_files, 'css' ) as $minifiedCss ) {
- $this->outputCssLinkTag( $basePath.$minifiedCss, $param_value, JELIX_APP_WWW_PATH.$minifiedCss);
- }
- }
- $minifyCssByParams = array();
- if(!isset($params['rel']))
- $params['rel'] ='stylesheet';
- $this->outputCssLinkTag( $src, $params, JELIX_APP_WWW_PATH.$pathSrc);
- }
- }
- //minify all pending CSS files (may be all files if none was excluded or had absolute URL)
- foreach ($minifyCssByParams as $param_value=>$css_files) {
- foreach (jMinifier::minify( $css_files, 'css' ) as $minifiedCss ) {
- $this->outputCssLinkTag( $basePath.$minifiedCss, $param_value, JELIX_APP_WWW_PATH.$minifiedCss);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * generate the content of the <head> content
- */
- protected function outputHtmlHeader (){
- global $gJConfig;
- echo '<head>'."\n";
- if($this->_isXhtml && $this->xhtmlContentType && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'],'application/xhtml+xml')){
- echo '<meta content="application/xhtml+xml; charset='.$this->_charset.'" http-equiv="content-type"'.$this->_endTag;
- } else {
- echo '<meta content="text/html; charset='.$this->_charset.'" http-equiv="content-type"'.$this->_endTag;
- }
- echo '<title>'.htmlspecialchars($this->title)."</title>\n";
- if(!empty($this->_MetaDescription)){
- // meta description
- $description = implode(' ',$this->_MetaDescription);
- echo '<meta name="description" content="'.htmlspecialchars($description).'" '.$this->_endTag;
- }
- if(!empty($this->_MetaKeywords)){
- // meta description
- $keywords = implode(',',$this->_MetaKeywords);
- echo '<meta name="keywords" content="'.htmlspecialchars($keywords).'" '.$this->_endTag;
- }
- if (!empty($this->_MetaGenerator)) {
- echo '<meta name="generator" content="'.htmlspecialchars($this->_MetaGenerator).'" '.$this->_endTag;
- }
- if (!empty($this->_MetaAuthor)) {
- echo '<meta name="author" content="'.htmlspecialchars($this->_MetaAuthor).'" '.$this->_endTag;
- }
- $this->outputCssLinks( $this->_CSSLink );
- foreach ($this->_CSSIELink as $src=>$params){
- // special params for conditions on IE versions
- if (!isset($params['_ieCondition']))
- $params['_ieCondition'] = 'IE' ;
- echo '<!--[if '.$params['_ieCondition'].' ]>';
- unset($params['_ieCondition']);
- $cssIeLink = array($src=>$params); //make a var to pass it by ref
- $this->outputCssLinks( $cssIeLink );
- echo '<![endif]-->';
- }
- if($this->favicon != ''){
- $fav = htmlspecialchars($this->favicon);
- echo '<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="',$fav,'" ',$this->_endTag;
- echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="',$fav,'" ',$this->_endTag;
- }
- // others links
- foreach($this->_Link as $href=>$params){
- $more = array();
- if( !empty($params[1]))
- $more[] = 'type="'.$params[1].'"';
- if (!empty($params[2]))
- $more[] = 'title = "'.htmlspecialchars($params[2]).'"';
- echo '<link rel="',$params[0],'" href="',htmlspecialchars($href),'" ',implode($more, ' '),$this->_endTag;
- }
- // js code
- if(count($this->_JSCodeBefore)){
- echo '<script type="text/javascript">
- // <![CDATA[
- '.implode ("\n", $this->_JSCodeBefore).'
- // ]]>
- </script>';
- }
- $this->outputJsScripts( $this->_JSLink );
- if(count($this->_JSIELink)){
- echo '<!--[if IE]>';
- $this->outputJsScripts( $this->_JSIELink );
- echo '<![endif]-->';
- }
- // styles
- if(count($this->_Styles)){
- echo '<style type="text/css">
- ';
- foreach ($this->_Styles as $selector=>$value){
- if (strlen ($value)){
- //il y a une paire clef valeur.
- echo $selector.' {'.$value."}\n";
- }else{
- //il n'y a pas de valeur, c'est peut être simplement une commande.
- //par exemple @import qqchose, ...
- echo $selector, "\n";
- }
- }
- echo "\n </style>\n";
- }
- // js code
- if(count($this->_JSCode)){
- echo '<script type="text/javascript">
- // <![CDATA[
- '.implode ("\n", $this->_JSCode).'
- // ]]>
- </script>';
- }
- echo implode ("\n", $this->_Others), '</head>';
- }
- /**
- * used to erase some head properties
- * @param array $what list of one or many of this strings : 'CSSLink', 'CSSIELink', 'Styles', 'JSLink', 'JSIELink', 'JSCode', 'Others','MetaKeywords','MetaDescription'. If null, it cleans all values.
- */
- public function clearHtmlHeader ($what=null){
- $cleanable = array ('CSSLink', 'CSSIELink', 'Styles', 'JSLink','JSIELink', 'JSCode', 'Others','MetaKeywords','MetaDescription');
- if($what==null)
- $what= $cleanable;
- foreach ($what as $elem){
- if (in_array ($elem, $cleanable)){
- $name = '_'.$elem;
- $this->$name = array ();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * change the type of html for the output
- * @param boolean $xhtml true if you want xhtml, false if you want html
- */
- public function setXhtmlOutput($xhtml = true){
- $this->_isXhtml = $xhtml;
- if($xhtml)
- $this->_endTag = "/>\n";
- else
- $this->_endTag = ">\n";
- }
- /**
- * activate / deactivate the strict Doctype (activated by default)
- * @param boolean $val true for strict, false for transitional
- * @since 1.1.3
- */
- final public function strictDoctype($val = true){
- $this->_strictDoctype = $val;
- }
- /**
- * says if the response will be xhtml or html
- * @return boolean true if it is xhtml
- */
- final public function isXhtml(){ return $this->_isXhtml; }
- /**
- * return the end of a html tag : "/>" or ">", depending if it will generate xhtml or html
- * @return string
- */
- final public function endTag(){ return $this->_endTag;}
- }
Documentation generated on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:06:41 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3