Source for file jDaoConditions.class.php
Documentation is available at jDaoConditions.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage dao
- * @author Gérald Croes, Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Laurent Jouanneau, Julien Issler, Yannick Le Guédart
- * @copyright 2001-2005 CopixTeam, 2005-2009 Laurent Jouanneau
- * @copyright 2008 Thomas
- * @copyright 2008 Julien Issler, 2009 Yannick Le Guédart
- * This classes was get originally from the Copix project (CopixDAOSearchConditions, Copix 2.3dev20050901,
- * Some lines of code are copyrighted 2001-2005 CopixTeam (LGPL licence).
- * Initial authors of this Copix classes are Gerald Croes and Laurent Jouanneau,
- * and this classes was adapted for Jelix by Laurent Jouanneau
- *
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence, see LICENCE file
- */
- /**
- * content a sub group of conditions
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage dao
- */
- class jDaoCondition {
- /**
- * the parent group if any
- */
- public $parent = null;
- /**
- * the conditions in this group
- */
- public $conditions = array ();
- /**
- * the sub groups
- */
- public $group = array ();
- /**
- * the kind of group (AND/OR)
- */
- public $glueOp;
- function __construct ($glueOp='AND', $parent =null ){
- $this->parent = $parent;
- $this->glueOp = $glueOp;
- }
- public function isEmpty(){
- return empty($this->conditions) && empty($this->group);
- }
- }
- /**
- * container for all criteria of a query
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage dao
- */
- class jDaoConditions {
- /**
- * @var jDaoCondition
- */
- public $condition;
- /**
- * the orders we wants the list to be
- */
- public $order = array ();
- /**
- * the groups we wants the list to be
- */
- public $group = array ();
- /**
- * the condition we actually are browsing
- */
- private $_currentCondition;
- /**
- * @param string $glueOp the logical operator which links each conditions : AND or OR
- */
- function __construct ($glueOp = 'AND'){
- $this->condition = new jDaoCondition ($glueOp);
- $this->_currentCondition = $this->condition;
- }
- /**
- * add an order clause
- * @param string $field_id the property name used to order results
- * @param string $way the order type : asc or desc
- * @param boolean $allowAnyWay true if the value of $way should be checked. Internal use.
- * Not recommended because it may cause security issues
- */
- function addItemOrder ($field_id, $way='ASC', $allowAnyWay=false) {
- if (!$allowAnyWay && strtoupper($way) !='DESC' && strtoupper($way) != 'ASC')
- throw new jException('jelix~dao.error.bad.operator', $way);
- $this->order[$field_id] = $way;
- }
- /**
- * add a group clause
- *
- * @param string $field_id the property name used to group results
- */
- function addItemGroup($field_id) {
- $this->group[] = $field_id;
- }
- /**
- * says if there are no conditions nor order
- * @return boolean false if there isn't condition
- */
- function isEmpty (){
- return (count ($this->condition->group) == 0) &&
- (count ($this->condition->conditions) == 0) &&
- (count ($this->order) == 0) ;
- }
- /**
- * says if there are no conditions
- * @return boolean false if there isn't condition
- * @since 1.0
- */
- function hasConditions (){
- return (count ($this->condition->group) || count ($this->condition->conditions));
- }
- /**
- * starts a new condition group
- * @param string $glueOp the logical operator which links each conditions in the group : AND or OR
- */
- function startGroup ($glueOp = 'AND'){
- $glueOp = strtoupper($glueOp);
- if ($glueOp !='AND' && $glueOp != 'OR')
- throw new jException('jelix~dao.error.bad.operator', $glueOp);
- $cond= new jDaoCondition ($glueOp, $this->_currentCondition);
- $this->_currentCondition = $cond;
- }
- /**
- * ends a condition group
- */
- function endGroup (){
- if ($this->_currentCondition->parent !== null){
- if(!$this->_currentCondition->isEmpty())
- $this->_currentCondition->parent->group[] = $this->_currentCondition;
- $this->_currentCondition = $this->_currentCondition->parent;
- }
- }
- /**
- * adds a condition
- * @param string $field_id the property name on which the condition applies
- * @param string $operator the sql operator
- * @param string $value the value which is compared to the property
- * @param boolean $foo parameter for internal use : don't use it or set to false
- */
- function addCondition ($field_id, $operator, $value, $foo = false){
- $operator = trim(strtoupper($operator));
- if(preg_match ('/^[^\w\d\s;\(\)]+$/', $operator) ||
- in_array($operator, array('LIKE', 'NOT LIKE', 'ILIKE', 'IN', 'NOT IN', 'IS', 'IS NOT', 'IS NULL',
- 'IS NOT NULL', 'MATCH', 'REGEXP', 'NOT REGEXP', '~', '!~', '~*', '!~*', 'RLIKE', 'SOUNDS LIKE'))) {
- $this->_currentCondition->conditions[] = array (
- 'field_id'=>$field_id,
- 'value'=>$value,
- 'operator'=>$operator, 'isExpr'=>$foo);
- }
- else
- throw new jException('jelix~dao.error.bad.operator', $operator);
- }
- }
Documentation generated on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:03:08 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3