Source for file jDaoMethod.class.php
Documentation is available at jDaoMethod.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage dao
- * @author GĂ©rald Croes, Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Olivier Demah
- * @copyright 2001-2005 CopixTeam, 2005-2009 Laurent Jouanneau, 2010 Olivier Demah
- * This class was get originally from the Copix project (CopixDAODefinitionV1, Copix 2.3dev20050901,
- * Few lines of code are still copyrighted 2001-2005 CopixTeam (LGPL licence).
- * Initial authors of this Copix class are Gerald Croes and Laurent Jouanneau,
- * and this class was adapted/improved for Jelix by Laurent Jouanneau
- *
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence, see LICENCE file
- */
- /**
- * containers for properties of dao method
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage dao
- */
- class jDaoMethod {
- public $name;
- public $type;
- public $distinct=false;
- public $eventBeforeEnabled = false;
- public $eventAfterEnabled = false;
- private $_conditions = null;
- private $_parameters = array();
- private $_parametersDefaultValues = array();
- private $_limit = null;
- private $_values = array();
- private $_parser = null;
- private $_procstock=null;
- private $_body=null;
- private $_groupBy=null;
- /**
- * @param simpleXmlElement $method the xml element describing the method to generate
- * @param jDaoParser $parser the parser on a dao file
- */
- function __construct ($method, $parser){
- $this->_parser = $parser;
- $params = $parser->getAttr($method, array('name', 'type', 'call','distinct',
- 'eventbefore', 'eventafter', 'groupby'));
- if ($params['name']===null){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'missing.attr', array('name', 'method'));
- }
- $this->name = $params['name'];
- $this->type = $params['type'] ? strtolower($params['type']) : 'select';
- if (isset ($method->parameter)){
- foreach ($method->parameter as $param){
- $attr = $param->attributes();
- if (!isset ($attr['name'])){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.parameter.unknowname', array($this->name));
- }
- if (!preg_match('/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/', (string)$attr['name'])) {
- throw new jDaoXmlException($this->_parser->selector,'method.parameter.invalidname',array($method->name,$attr['name']));
- }
- $this->_parameters[]=(string)$attr['name'];
- if (isset ($attr['default'])){
- $this->_parametersDefaultValues[(string)$attr['name']]=(string)$attr['default'];
- }
- }
- }
- if($this->type == 'sql'){
- if($params['call'] === null){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, '');
- }
- $this->_procstock=$params['call'];
- return;
- }
- if($this->type == 'php'){
- if (isset ($method->body)){
- $this->_body = (string)$method->body;
- }else{
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.body.missing');
- }
- return;
- }
- $this->_conditions = new jDaoConditions();
- if (isset ($method->conditions)){
- $this->_parseConditions($method->conditions[0],false);
- }
- if ($this->type == 'update' || $this->type == 'delete') {
- if ($params['eventbefore'] == 'true')
- $this->eventBeforeEnabled = true;
- if ($params['eventafter'] == 'true')
- $this->eventAfterEnabled = true;
- }
- if($this->type == 'update'){
- if($this->_parser->hasOnlyPrimaryKeys)
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.update.forbidden',array($this->name));
- if(isset($method->values) && isset($method->values[0]->value)){
- foreach ($method->values[0]->value as $val){
- $this->_addValue($val);
- }
- }else{
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.values.undefine',array($this->name));
- }
- return;
- }
- if(strlen($params['distinct'])){
- if($this->type == 'select'){
- $this->distinct=$this->_parser->getBool($params['distinct']);
- }elseif($this->type == 'count'){
- $props = $this->_parser->getProperties();
- if (!isset ($props[$params['distinct']])){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, '', array($this->name, $params['distinct']));
- }
- $this->distinct=$params['distinct'];
- }else{
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'forbidden.attr.context', array('distinct', '<method name="'.$this->name.'"'));
- }
- }
- if($this->type == 'count')
- return;
- if (isset ($method->order) && isset($method->order[0]->orderitem)){
- foreach($method->order[0]->orderitem as $item){
- $this->_addOrder ($item);
- }
- }
- if(strlen($params['groupby'])){
- if($this->type == 'select' || $this->type == 'selectfirst'){
- $this->_groupBy = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $params['groupby']);
- $props = $this->_parser->getProperties();
- foreach($this->_groupBy as $p){
- if (!isset ($props[$p])) {
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, '', array($this->name, $p));
- }
- }
- }else{
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'forbidden.attr.context', array('groupby', '<method name="'.$this->name.'"'));
- }
- }
- if (isset($method->limit)){
- if(isset($method->limit[1])){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'tag.duplicate', array('limit', $this->name));
- }
- if($this->type == 'select'){
- $this->_addLimit($method->limit[0]);
- }else{
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.limit.forbidden', $this->name);
- }
- }
- }
- public function getConditions (){ return $this->_conditions;}
- public function getParameters (){ return $this->_parameters;}
- public function getParametersDefaultValues (){ return $this->_parametersDefaultValues;}
- public function getLimit (){ return $this->_limit;}
- public function getValues (){ return $this->_values;}
- public function getProcStock (){ return $this->_procstock;}
- public function getBody (){ return $this->_body;}
- public function getGroupBy() { return $this->_groupBy;}
- private function _parseConditions($conditions, $subcond=true){
- if (isset ($conditions['logic'])){
- $kind = strtoupper((string)$conditions['logic']);
- }else{
- $kind = 'AND';
- }
- if ($subcond){
- $this->_conditions->startGroup ($kind);
- }else{
- $this->_conditions->condition->glueOp =$kind;
- }
- foreach($conditions->children() as $op=>$cond){
- if($op !='conditions')
- $this->_addCondition ($op,$cond);
- else
- $this->_parseConditions ($cond);
- }
- if ($subcond) {
- $this->_conditions->endGroup();
- }
- }
- private $_op = array('eq'=>'=', 'neq'=>'<>', 'lt'=>'<', 'gt'=>'>', 'lteq'=>'<=', 'gteq'=>'>=',
- 'like'=>'LIKE', 'notlike'=>'NOT LIKE', 'isnull'=>'IS NULL', 'isnotnull'=>'IS NOT NULL','in'=>'IN', 'notin'=>'NOT IN',
- 'binary_op'=>'dummy');
- // 'between'=>'BETWEEN', 'notbetween'=>'NOT BETWEEN',
- private $_attrcond = array('property', 'expr', 'operator', 'driver'); //, 'min', 'max', 'exprmin', 'exprmax'
- private function _addCondition($op, $cond){
- $attr = $this->_parser->getAttr($cond, $this->_attrcond);
- $field_id = ($attr['property']!==null? $attr['property']:'');
- if(!isset($this->_op[$op])){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.condition.unknown', array($this->name, $op));
- }
- $operator = $this->_op[$op];
- $props = $this->_parser->getProperties();
- if (!isset ($props[$field_id])){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, '', array($this->name, $field_id));
- }
- if($this->type=='update'){
- if($props[$field_id]->table != $this->_parser->getPrimaryTable()){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, '', array($this->name, $field_id));
- }
- }
- if(isset($cond['value']))
- $value=(string)$cond['value'];
- else
- $value = null;
- if($value!==null && $attr['expr']!==null){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.condition.valueexpr.together', array($this->name, $op));
- }else if($value!==null){
- if($op == 'isnull' || $op =='isnotnull'){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.condition.valueexpr.notallowed', array($this->name, $op,$field_id));
- }
- if($op == 'binary_op') {
- if (!isset($attr['operator']) || empty($attr['operator'])) {
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.condition.operator.missing', array($this->name, $op,$field_id));
- }
- if (isset($attr['driver']) && !empty($attr['driver'])) {
- if ($this->_parser->selector->driver != $attr['driver']) {
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.condition.driver.notallowed', array($this->name, $op,$field_id));
- }
- }
- $operator = $attr['operator'];
- }
- $this->_conditions->addCondition ($field_id, $operator, $value);
- }else if($attr['expr']!==null){
- if($op == 'isnull' || $op =='isnotnull'){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.condition.valueexpr.notallowed', array($this->name, $op, $field_id));
- }
- if(($op == 'in' || $op =='notin')&& !preg_match('/^\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/', $attr['expr'])){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.condition.innotin.bad.expr', array($this->name, $op, $field_id));
- }
- if($op == 'binary_op') {
- if (!isset($attr['operator']) || empty($attr['operator'])) {
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.condition.operator.missing', array($this->name, $op,$field_id));
- }
- if (isset($attr['driver']) && !empty($attr['driver'])) {
- if ($this->_parser->selector->driver != $attr['driver']) {
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.condition.driver.notallowed', array($this->name, $op,$field_id));
- }
- }
- $operator = $attr['operator'];
- }
- $this->_conditions->addCondition ($field_id, $operator, $attr['expr'], true);
- }else{
- if($op != 'isnull' && $op !='isnotnull'){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.condition.valueexpr.missing', array($this->name, $op, $field_id));
- }
- $this->_conditions->addCondition ($field_id, $operator, '', false);
- }
- }
- private function _addOrder($order){
- $attr = $this->_parser->getAttr($order, array('property','way'));
- $way = ($attr['way'] !== null ? $attr['way']:'ASC');
- if(substr ($way,0,1) == '$'){
- if(!in_array (substr ($way,1),$this->_parameters)){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.orderitem.parameter.unknown', array($this->name, $way));
- }
- }
- if ($attr['property'] != ''){
- $prop =$this->_parser->getProperties();
- if(isset($prop[$attr['property']])){
- $this->_conditions->addItemOrder($attr['property'], $way, true);
- }elseif(substr ($attr['property'],0,1) == '$'){
- if(!in_array (substr ($attr['property'],1),$this->_parameters)){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.orderitem.parameter.unknown', array($this->name, $way));
- }
- $this->_conditions->addItemOrder($attr['property'], $way, true);
- }else{
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.orderitem.bad', array($attr['property'], $this->name));
- }
- }else{
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, '', array($this->name));
- }
- }
- private function _addValue($attr){
- if(isset($attr['value']))
- $value=(string)$attr['value'];
- else
- $value = null;
- $attr = $this->_parser->getAttr($attr, array('property','expr'));
- $prop = $attr['property'];
- $props =$this->_parser->getProperties();
- if ($prop === null){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, '', array($this->name, $prop));
- }
- if(!isset($props[$prop])){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, '', array($this->name, $prop));
- }
- if($props[$prop]->table != $this->_parser->getPrimaryTable()){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, '', array($this->name,$prop ));
- }
- if($props[$prop]->isPK){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, '', array($this->name,$prop ));
- }
- if($value!==null && $attr['expr']!==null){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.values.valueexpr', array($this->name, $prop));
- }else if($value!==null){
- $this->_values [$prop]= array( $value, false);
- }else if($attr['expr']!==null){
- $this->_values [$prop]= array( $attr['expr'], true);
- }else{
- $this->_values [$prop]= array( '', false);
- }
- }
- private function _addLimit($limit){
- $attr = $this->_parser->getAttr($limit, array('offset','count'));
- extract($attr);
- if( $offset === null){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'missing.attr',array('offset','limit'));
- }
- if($count === null){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'missing.attr',array('count','limit'));
- }
- if(substr ($offset,0,1) == '$'){
- if(in_array (substr ($offset,1),$this->_parameters)){
- $offsetparam=true;
- }else{
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.limit.parameter.unknown', array($this->name, $offset));
- }
- }else{
- if(is_numeric ($offset)){
- $offsetparam=false;
- $offset = intval ($offset);
- }else{
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.limit.badvalue', array($this->name, $offset));
- }
- }
- if(substr ($count,0,1) == '$'){
- if(in_array (substr ($count,1),$this->_parameters)){
- $countparam=true;
- }else{
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.limit.parameter.unknown', array($this->name, $count));
- }
- }else{
- if(is_numeric($count)){
- $countparam=false;
- $count=intval($count);
- }else{
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->_parser->selector, 'method.limit.badvalue', array($this->name, $count));
- }
- }
- $this->_limit= compact('offset', 'count', 'offsetparam','countparam');
- }
- }
Documentation generated on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:03:30 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3