Source for file jDaoParser.class.php
Documentation is available at jDaoParser.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage dao
- * @author GĂ©rald Croes, Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Laurent Jouanneau
- * @copyright 2001-2005 CopixTeam, 2005-2006 Laurent Jouanneau
- * This class was get originally from the Copix project (CopixDAODefinitionV1, Copix 2.3dev20050901,
- * Few lines of code are still copyrighted 2001-2005 CopixTeam (LGPL licence).
- * Initial authors of this Copix class are Gerald Croes and Laurent Jouanneau,
- * and this class was adapted/improved for Jelix by Laurent Jouanneau
- *
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence, see LICENCE file
- */
- /**
- * extract data from a dao xml content
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage dao
- * @see jDaoCompiler
- */
- class jDaoParser {
- /**
- * the properties list.
- * keys = field code name
- * values = jDaoProperty
- */
- private $_properties = array ();
- /**
- * all tables with their properties, and their own fields
- * keys = table code name
- * values = array()
- * 'name'=> table code name, 'realname'=>'real table name',
- * 'primarykey'=> attribute , 'pk'=> primary keys list
- * 'onforeignkey'=> attribute, 'fk'=> foreign keys list
- * 'fields'=>array(list of field code name)
- */
- private $_tables = array();
- /**
- * primary table code name
- */
- private $_primaryTable = '';
- /**
- * code name of foreign table with a outer join
- * @var array of table code name
- */
- private $_ojoins = array ();
- /**
- * code name of foreign table with a inner join
- * @var array of array(table code name, 0)
- */
- private $_ijoins = array ();
- /**
- * @var array list of jDaoMethod objects
- */
- private $_methods = array();
- /**
- * list of main events to sent
- */
- private $_eventList = array();
- public $hasOnlyPrimaryKeys = false;
- public $selector;
- /**
- * Constructor
- */
- function __construct($selector) {
- $this->selector = $selector;
- }
- /**
- * parse a dao xml content
- * @param SimpleXmlElement $xml
- * @param jDbTools $tools
- * @param int $debug for debug only 0:parse all, 1:parse only datasource+record, 2;parse only datasource
- */
- public function parse( $xml, $tools){
- $this->parseDatasource($xml);
- $this->parseRecord($xml, $tools);
- $this->parseFactory($xml);
- }
- protected function parseDatasource($xml) {
- // -- tables
- if(isset ($xml->datasources) && isset ($xml->datasources[0]->primarytable)){
- $t = $this->_parseTable (0, $xml->datasources[0]->primarytable[0]);
- $this->_primaryTable = $t['name'];
- if(isset($xml->datasources[0]->primarytable[1])){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->selector, 'table.two.many');
- }
- foreach($xml->datasources[0]->foreigntable as $table){
- $this->_parseTable (1, $table);
- }
- foreach($xml->datasources[0]->optionalforeigntable as $table){
- $this->_parseTable (2, $table);
- }
- }else{
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->selector, 'datasource.missing');
- }
- }
- protected function parseRecord($xml, $tools) {
- $countprop = 0;
- //add the record properties
- if(isset($xml->record) && isset($xml->record[0]->property)){
- foreach ($xml->record[0]->property as $prop){
- $p = new jDaoProperty ($prop->attributes(), $this, $tools);
- $this->_properties[$p->name] = $p;
- $this->_tables[$p->table]['fields'][] = $p->name;
- if($p->ofPrimaryTable && !$p->isPK)
- $countprop ++;
- }
- $this->hasOnlyPrimaryKeys = ($countprop == 0);
- }else
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->selector, 'properties.missing');
- }
- protected function parseFactory($xml) {
- // get additionnal methods definition
- if (isset ($xml->factory)) {
- if (isset($xml->factory[0]['events'])) {
- $events = (string)$xml->factory[0]['events'];
- $this->_eventList = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $events);
- }
- if (isset($xml->factory[0]->method)){
- foreach($xml->factory[0]->method as $method){
- $m = new jDaoMethod ($method, $this);
- if(isset ($this->_methods[$m->name])){
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->selector, 'method.duplicate',$m->name);
- }
- $this->_methods[$m->name] = $m;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * parse a join definition
- */
- private function _parseTable ($typetable, $tabletag){
- $infos = $this->getAttr($tabletag, array('name','realname','primarykey','onforeignkey'));
- if ($infos['name'] === null )
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->selector, '');
- if($infos['realname'] === null)
- $infos['realname'] = $infos['name'];
- if($infos['primarykey'] === null)
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->selector, 'primarykey.missing');
- $infos['pk']= preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $infos['primarykey']);
- unset($infos['primarykey']);
- if(count($infos['pk']) == 0 || $infos['pk'][0] == '')
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->selector, 'primarykey.missing');
- if($typetable){ // pour les foreigntable et optionalforeigntable
- if($infos['onforeignkey'] === null)
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->selector, 'foreignkey.missing');
- $infos['fk']=preg_split("/[\s,]+/",$infos['onforeignkey']);
- unset($infos['onforeignkey']);
- if(count($infos['fk']) == 0 || $infos['fk'][0] == '')
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->selector, 'foreignkey.missing');
- if(count($infos['fk']) != count($infos['pk']))
- throw new jDaoXmlException ($this->selector, 'foreignkey.missing');
- if($typetable == 1){
- $this->_ijoins[]=$infos['name'];
- }else{
- $this->_ojoins[]=array($infos['name'],0);
- }
- }else{
- unset($infos['onforeignkey']);
- }
- $infos['fields'] = array ();
- $this->_tables[$infos['name']] = $infos;
- return $infos;
- }
- /**
- * try to read all given attributes
- * @param SimpleXmlElement $tag
- * @param array $requiredattr attributes list
- * @return array attributes and their values
- */
- public function getAttr($tag, $requiredattr){
- $res=array();
- foreach($requiredattr as $attr){
- if(isset($tag[$attr]) && trim((string)$tag[$attr]) != '')
- $res[$attr]=(string)$tag[$attr];
- else
- $res[$attr]=null;
- }
- return $res;
- }
- /**
- * just a quick way to retrieve boolean values from a string.
- * will accept yes, true, 1 as "true" values
- * all other values will be considered as false.
- * @return boolean true / false
- */
- public function getBool ($value) {
- return in_array (trim ($value), array ('true', '1', 'yes'));
- }
- public function getProperties () { return $this->_properties; }
- public function getTables(){ return $this->_tables;}
- public function getPrimaryTable(){ return $this->_primaryTable;}
- public function getMethods(){ return $this->_methods;}
- public function getOuterJoins(){ return $this->_ojoins;}
- public function getInnerJoins(){ return $this->_ijoins;}
- public function hasEvent($event){ return in_array($event,$this->_eventList);}
- }
Documentation generated on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:03:33 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3