Source for file jDb.class.php
Documentation is available at jDb.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage db
- * @author Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Yannick Le Guédart, Laurent Raufaste
- * @copyright 2005-2011 Laurent Jouanneau
- *
- * API ideas of this class were get originally from the Copix project (CopixDbFactory, Copix 2.3dev20050901,
- * No lines of code are copyrighted by CopixTeam
- *
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence, see LICENCE file
- */
- /**
- *
- */
- require(JELIX_LIB_PATH.'db/jDbConnection.class.php');
- require(JELIX_LIB_PATH.'db/jDbResultSet.class.php');
- /**
- * factory for database connector and other db utilities
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage db
- */
- class jDb {
- /**
- * @var array list of profiles currently used
- */
- static private $_profiles = null;
- /**
- * @var array list of opened connections
- */
- static private $_cnxPool = array();
- /**
- * return a database connector. It uses a temporay pool of connection to reuse
- * currently opened connections.
- *
- * @param string $name profile name to use. if empty, use the default one
- * @return jDbConnection the connector
- */
- public static function getConnection ($name = null) {
- $profile = self::getProfile ($name);
- // we set the name to avoid two connections for a same profile, when the given name
- // is an alias of a real profile and when we call getConnection several times,
- // with no name, with the alias name or with the real name.
- $name = $profile['name'];
- if (!isset(self::$_cnxPool[$name])) {
- self::$_cnxPool[$name] = self::_createConnector($profile);
- }
- return self::$_cnxPool[$name];
- }
- /**
- * create a new jDbWidget
- * @param string $name profile name to use. if empty, use the default one
- * @return jDbWidget
- */
- public static function getDbWidget ($name = null) {
- $dbw = new jDbWidget(self::getConnection($name));
- return $dbw;
- }
- /**
- * instancy a jDbTools object. Use jDbConnection::tools() instead.
- * @param string $name profile name to use. if empty, use the default one
- * @return jDbTools
- * @deprecated since 1.2
- */
- public static function getTools ($name = null) {
- $cnx = self::getConnection ($name);
- return $cnx->tools();
- }
- /**
- * load properties of a connector profile
- *
- * a profile is a section in the dbprofils.ini.php file
- *
- * the given name can be a profile name (it should correspond to a section name
- * in the ini file), or an alias of a profile. An alias is a parameter name
- * in the global section of the ini file, and the value of this parameter
- * should be a profile name.
- *
- * @param string $name profile name or alias of a profile name. if empty, use the default profile
- * @param boolean $noDefault if true and if the profile doesn't exist, throw an error instead of getting the default profile
- * @return array properties
- */
- public static function getProfile ($name='', $noDefault = false) {
- global $gJConfig;
- if (self::$_profiles === null) {
- self::$_profiles = parse_ini_file(JELIX_APP_CONFIG_PATH.$gJConfig->dbProfils , true);
- }
- if ($name == '')
- $name = 'default';
- $targetName = $name;
- // the name attribute created in this method will be the name of the connection
- // in the connections pool. So profiles of aliases and real profiles should have
- // the same name attribute.
- if (isset(self::$_profiles[$name])) {
- if (is_string(self::$_profiles[$name])) {
- $targetName = self::$_profiles[$name];
- }
- else { // this is an array, and so a section
- self::$_profiles[$name]['name'] = $name;
- return self::$_profiles[$name];
- }
- }
- // if the profile doesn't exist, we take the default one
- elseif (!$noDefault && isset(self::$_profiles['default'])) {
- trigger_error(jLocale::get('jelix~db.error.profile.use.default', $name), E_USER_NOTICE);
- if (is_string(self::$_profiles['default'])) {
- $targetName = self::$_profiles['default'];
- }
- else {
- self::$_profiles['default']['name'] = 'default';
- return self::$_profiles['default'];
- }
- }
- else {
- if ($name == 'default')
- throw new jException('jelix~db.error.default.profile.unknown');
- else
- throw new jException('jelix~db.error.profile.type.unknown',$name);
- }
- if (isset(self::$_profiles[$targetName]) && is_array(self::$_profiles[$targetName])) {
- self::$_profiles[$targetName]['name'] = $targetName;
- return self::$_profiles[$targetName];
- }
- else {
- throw new jException('jelix~db.error.profile.unknown', $targetName);
- }
- }
- /**
- * call it to test a profile (during an install for example)
- * @param array $profile profile properties
- * @return boolean true if properties are ok
- */
- public function testProfile ($profile) {
- try {
- self::_createConnector ($profile);
- $ok = true;
- }
- catch(Exception $e) {
- $ok = false;
- }
- return $ok;
- }
- /**
- * create a connector
- * @param array $profile profile properties
- * @return jDbConnection|jDbPDOConnection database connector
- */
- private static function _createConnector ($profile) {
- if ($profile['driver'] == 'pdo' || (isset($profile['usepdo']) && $profile['usepdo'])) {
- $dbh = new jDbPDOConnection($profile);
- return $dbh;
- }
- else {
- global $gJConfig;
- if (!isset($gJConfig->_pluginsPathList_db[$profile['driver']])
- || !file_exists($gJConfig->_pluginsPathList_db[$profile['driver']])) {
- throw new jException('jelix~db.error.driver.notfound', $profile['driver']);
- }
- $p = $gJConfig->_pluginsPathList_db[$profile['driver']].$profile['driver'];
- require_once($p.'.dbconnection.php');
- require_once($p.'.dbresultset.php');
- //creating of the connection
- $class = $profile['driver'].'DbConnection';
- $dbh = new $class ($profile);
- return $dbh;
- }
- }
- /**
- * create a temporary new profile
- * @param string $name the name of the profile
- * @param array|string$params parameters of the profile. key=parameter name, value=parameter value.
- * same kind of parameters we found in dbprofils.ini.php
- * we can also indicate a name of an other profile, to create an alias
- */
- public static function createVirtualProfile ($name, $params) {
- global $gJConfig;
- if ($name == '') {
- throw new jException('');
- }
- if (self::$_profiles === null) {
- self::$_profiles = parse_ini_file (JELIX_APP_CONFIG_PATH . $gJConfig->dbProfils, true);
- }
- self::$_profiles[$name] = $params;
- self::$_profiles[$name]['name'] = $name; // pool name
- unset (self::$_cnxPool[$name]); // close existing connection with the same pool name
- }
- /**
- * clear the loaded profiles to force to reload the db profiles file.
- * WARNING: it closes all opened connections !
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public static function clearProfiles() {
- self::$_profiles = null;
- self::$_cnxPool = array();
- }
- /**
- * perform a convertion float to str. It takes care about the decimal separator
- * which should be a '.' for SQL. Because when doing a native convertion float->str,
- * PHP uses the local decimal separator, and so, we don't want that.
- * @since 1.1.11
- */
- public static function floatToStr($value) {
- if (is_float($value)) // this is a float
- return rtrim(sprintf('%.20F', $value), '0'); // %F to not format with the local decimal separator
- else if (is_integer($value))
- return sprintf('%d', $value);
- // this is probably a string, so we expect that it contains a numerical value
- // is_numeric is true if the separator is ok for SQL
- // (is_numeric doesn't accept thousand separators nor other character than '.' as decimal separator)
- else if (is_numeric($value))
- return $value;
- // we probably have a malformed float number here
- // if so, floatval will ignore all character after an invalid character (a ',' for example)
- // no warning, no exception here, to keep the same behavior of previous Jelix version
- // in order to no break stable applications.
- // FIXME: do a warning in next versions (> 1.2)
- return (string)(floatval($value));
- }
- }
Documentation generated on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:03:54 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3