Source for file mysql.dbresultset.php
Documentation is available at mysql.dbresultset.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage db_driver
- * @author GĂ©rald Croes, Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Laurent Jouanneau
- * @copyright 2001-2005 CopixTeam, 2005-2010 Laurent Jouanneau
- * This class was get originally from the Copix project (CopixDbResultsetMysql, Copix 2.3dev20050901,
- * Few lines of code are still copyrighted 2001-2005 CopixTeam (LGPL licence).
- * Initial authors of this Copix class are Gerald Croes and Laurent Jouanneau,
- * and this class was adapted/improved for Jelix by Laurent Jouanneau
- *
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence, see LICENCE file
- */
- /**
- * Couche d'encapsulation des resultset mysql.
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage db_driver
- */
- class mysqlDbResultSet extends jDbResultSet {
- protected function _fetch () {
- if($this->_fetchMode == jDbConnection::FETCH_CLASS) {
- if ($this->_fetchModeCtoArgs)
- $ret = mysql_fetch_object ($this->_idResult, $this->_fetchModeParam, $this->_fetchModeCtoArgs);
- else
- $ret = mysql_fetch_object ($this->_idResult, $this->_fetchModeParam);
- }else{
- $ret = mysql_fetch_object ($this->_idResult);
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- protected function _free (){
- return mysql_free_result ($this->_idResult);
- }
- protected function _rewind (){
- return @mysql_data_seek ( $this->_idResult, 0);
- }
- public function rowCount(){
- return mysql_num_rows($this->_idResult);
- }
- public function bindColumn($column, &$param , $type=null )
- {throw new jException('jelix~db.error.feature.unsupported', array('mysql','bindColumn')); }
- public function bindParam($parameter, &$variable , $data_type =null, $length=null, $driver_options=null)
- {throw new jException('jelix~db.error.feature.unsupported', array('mysql','bindParam')); }
- public function bindValue($parameter, $value, $data_type)
- {throw new jException('jelix~db.error.feature.unsupported', array('mysql','bindValue')); }
- public function columnCount()
- { return mysql_num_fields($this->_idResult); }
- public function execute($parameters=null)
- {throw new jException('jelix~db.error.feature.unsupported', array('mysql','bindColumn')); }
- }
Documentation generated on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:08:46 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3