a resultset based on PDOStatement
Located in /db/jDbPDOResultSet.class.php (line 19)
PDOStatement | --jDbPDOResultSet
return all results from the statement.
Arguments are ignored. JDb don't care about it (fetch always as classes or objects) But there are here because of the compatibility of internal methods of PDOStatement
Set the fetch mode.
Inherited From PDOStatement (Internal Class)
bindColumn ( $column, &$param, [$type = ], [$maxlen = ], [$driverdata = ] )
bindParam ( $paramno, &$param, [$type = ], [$maxlen = ], [$driverdata = ] )
bindValue ( $paramno, $param, [$type = ] )
closeCursor ( )
columnCount ( )
debugDumpParams ( )
errorCode ( )
errorInfo ( )
execute ( [$bound_input_params = ] )
fetch ( [$how = ], [$orientation = ], [$offset = ] )
fetchAll ( [$how = ], [$class_name = ], [$ctor_args = ] )
fetchColumn ( [$column_number = ] )
fetchObject ( [$class_name = ], [$ctor_args = ] )
getAttribute ( $attribute )
getColumnMeta ( $column )
nextRowset ( )
rowCount ( )
setAttribute ( $attribute, $value )
setFetchMode ( $mode, [$params = ] )
__sleep ( )
__wakeup ( )
Documentation generated on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:04:03 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3