Source for file jWSDL.class.php
Documentation is available at jWSDL.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage utils
- * @author Sylvain de Vathaire
- * @contributor Laurent Jouanneau
- * @copyright 2008 Sylvain de Vathaire, 2009-2011 Laurent Jouanneau
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence see LICENCE file or
- */
- require_once(LIB_PATH.'wshelper/WSDLStruct.class.php');
- require_once(LIB_PATH.'wshelper/WSDLException.class.php');
- require_once(LIB_PATH.'wshelper/WSException.class.php');
- require_once(LIB_PATH.'wshelper/IPXMLSchema.class.php');
- require_once(LIB_PATH.'wshelper/IPPhpDoc.class.php');
- require_once(LIB_PATH.'wshelper/IPReflectionClass.class.php');
- require_once(LIB_PATH.'wshelper/IPReflectionCommentParser.class.php');
- require_once(LIB_PATH.'wshelper/IPReflectionMethod.class.php');
- require_once(LIB_PATH.'wshelper/IPReflectionProperty.class.php');
- /**
- * object to generate WSDL files and web services documentation
- * we have 1 WSDL file for each soap web service, each service is implemented by 1 Jelix controller
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage utils
- */
- class jWSDL {
- /**
- * module name
- */
- public $module;
- /**
- * controller name
- */
- public $controller;
- /**
- * controller class name
- */
- private $controllerClassName;
- /**
- * WSDL file path (cached file)
- */
- public $WSDLfilePath;
- private $_ctrlpath;
- private $_dirname = 'WSDL';
- private $_cacheSuffix = '.wsdl';
- public function __construct($module, $controller){
- $this->module = $module;
- $this->controller = $controller;
- $this->_createPath();
- $this->_createCachePath();
- }
- /**
- * create the path for the cache file
- */
- private function _createPath(){
- global $gJConfig;
- //Check module availability
- if(!isset($gJConfig->_modulesPathList[$this->module])){
- throw new jExceptionSelector('jelix~errors.module.unknown', $this->module);
- }
- //Build controller path
- $this->_ctrlpath = $gJConfig->_modulesPathList[$this->module].'controllers/'.$this->controller.'.soap.php';
- //Check controller availability
- if(!file_exists($this->_ctrlpath)){
- throw new jException('jelix~errors.action.unknown',$this->controller);
- }
- //Check controller declaration
- require_once($this->_ctrlpath);
- $this->controllerClassName = $this->controller.'Ctrl';
- if(!class_exists($this->controllerClassName,false)){
- throw new jException('', array('jWSDL', $this->controllerClassName, $this->_ctrlpath));
- }
- //Check eAccelerator configuration in order to Reflexion API work
- if (extension_loaded('eAccelerator')) {
- $reflect = new ReflectionClass('jWSDL');
- if($reflect->getDocComment() == NULL) {
- throw new jException('jWSDL~errors.eaccelerator.configuration');
- }
- unset($reflect);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Build the WSDL cache file path
- */
- private function _createCachePath(){
- $this->_cachePath = jApp::tempPath('compiled/'.$this->_dirname.'/'.$this->module.'~'.$this->controller.$this->_cacheSuffix);
- }
- /**
- * Return the WSDL cache file path (WSDL is updated if necessary)
- */
- public function getWSDLFilePath(){
- $this->_updateWSDL();
- return $this->_cachePath;
- }
- /**
- * Return the WSDL file content (WSDL is updated if necessary)
- */
- public function getWSDLFile(){
- $this->_updateWSDL();
- return file_get_contents($this->_cachePath);
- }
- /**
- * Return array of params object for the operation $operationName
- * @param string $operationName Name of the operation (controller method)
- * @return array list params object (empty if no params)
- */
- public function getOperationParams($operationName){
- $IPReflectionMethod = new IPReflectionMethod($this->controllerClassName, $operationName);
- return $IPReflectionMethod->parameters;
- }
- /**
- * Update the WSDL cache file
- */
- private function _updateWSDL(){
- global $gJConfig;
- static $updated = FALSE;
- if($updated){
- return;
- }
- $mustCompile = $gJConfig->compilation['force'] || !file_exists($this->_cachePath);
- if($gJConfig->compilation['checkCacheFiletime'] && !$mustCompile){
- if( filemtime($this->_ctrlpath) > filemtime($this->_cachePath)){
- $mustCompile = true;
- }
- }
- if($mustCompile){
- jFile::write($this->_cachePath, $this->_compile());
- }
- $updated = TRUE;
- }
- /**
- * Generate the WSDL content
- */
- private function _compile(){
- global $gJConfig, $gJCoord;
- $url = jUrl::get($this->module.'~'.$this->controller.':index@soap',array(),jUrl::JURL);
- $url->clearParam ();
- $url->setParam('service',$this->module.'~'.$this->controller );
- $serviceURL = $serviceNameSpace = $gJCoord->request->getServerURI();
- $serviceURL .= $url->toString();
- $serviceNameSpace .= $gJConfig->urlengine['basePath'];
- $wsdl = new WSDLStruct($serviceNameSpace, $serviceURL, SOAP_RPC, SOAP_ENCODED);
- $wsdl->setService(new IPReflectionClass($this->controllerClassName));
- try {
- $gendoc = $wsdl->generateDocument();
- } catch (WSDLException $exception) {
- throw new JException('jWSDL~errors.wsdl.generation', $exception->msg);
- }
- return $gendoc;
- }
- /**
- * Load the class or service definition for doc purpose
- * @param string $classname Name of the class for witch we want the doc, default doc is the service one (controller)
- */
- public function doc($className=""){
- if($className != ""){
- if(!class_exists($className,false)){
- throw new jException('', array('WSDL generation', $className, $this->_ctrlpath));
- }
- $classObject = new IPReflectionClass($className);
- }else{
- $classObject = new IPReflectionClass($this->controllerClassName);
- }
- $documentation = Array();
- $documentation['menu'] = Array();
- if($classObject){
- $classObject->properties = $classObject->getProperties(false, false, false);
- $classObject->methods = $classObject->getMethods(false, false, false);
- foreach((array)$classObject->methods as $method) {
- $method->params = $method->getParameters();
- }
- $documentation['class'] = $classObject;
- $documentation['service'] = $this->module.'~'.$this->controller;
- }
- return $documentation;
- }
- /**
- * Return an array of all the soap controllers class available in the application
- * @return array Classname of controllers
- */
- public static function getSoapControllers(){
- global $gJConfig;
- $modules = $gJConfig->_modulesPathList;
- $controllers = array();
- foreach($modules as $module){
- if(is_dir($module.'controllers')){
- if ($handle = opendir($module.'controllers')) {
- $moduleName = basename($module);
- while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
- if (substr($file, strlen($file) - strlen('.soap.php')) == '.soap.php') {
- $controller = array();
- $controller['class'] = substr($file, 0, strlen($file) - strlen('.soap.php'));
- $controller['module'] = $moduleName;
- $controller['service'] = $moduleName.'~'.$controller['class'];
- array_push($controllers, $controller);
- }
- }
- closedir($handle);
- }
- }
- }
- return $controllers;
- }
- }
Documentation generated on Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:02:49 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3