
By alphabetic order on the name

 - bug in jReponseRedirectUrl (#894)

Yoan Blanc (aka Greut)
 - bug fix in jDaoFactoryBase::findBy : it should not ignore limit=0 (#665)

Vincent Bonnard
 - bug fix in jXmlRpc.class.php (#190)

 - bug fix in the formdatafull plugin (#1027)
 - bug fix in jImageModifier (#1161)
 - improvement in crud controllers (#1189)

 - bug fix in jFile::read

Uriel Corfa
 - Support of class datasources in jForms (#323)
 - contribution à jResponseTcpdf (#131)

 - added counter_records tpl plugin (#370)

Olivier Demah (aka FoxMaSk)
 - bug fix in jFile::removeDir (#733)
 - little improvement in jtpl_function_html_diff(#720)
 - remove deprecated "value" attribute in breadcrumb function (#800)
 - fix charset in htmlfragment (#948)
 - jResponseHtml, balise meta content xhtml+xml (#984)
 - fixed issues in the sql script of jacl2db_admin, about the anonymous groups storage (#915)
 - little improvements on date_format tpl plugins (#654)
 - improvements in jInstallChecker.class.php (#1022)
 - tpl plugin hook (#1019)
 - tpl plugin gravatar (#993)
 - meta supplementaires (author,generator) (#1063)
 - install jacl2db sans prefix de table (#1119)
 - $ should not be allowed in parameters of dao methods  (#1129)
 - format of date / hour too permissive (#1046)
 - missing method groups:setdefault in ursl.xml jacl2db_admin (#1187)
 - jForms type email et chaine vide (#1401)

Antoine Detante (aka antoinefr)
 - support of persistant authentification in jAuth and auth plugin (#229)

 - fix little thing in crud template (#844)
 - added a native modifier in jtpl (#845)
 - little improvement in formdatafull (#847)

 Thibaud Fabre (aka fatbeard)
  - little improvements to ldap auth driver (#1145)

F. Fernandez (aka e-media)
 - little improvement in jLog.(#344)
 - little improvement in formcontrols plugin (#353)

Mickaël Fradin (aka mike/kewix)
 - improvements in the jtpl plugin: formcontrols (#223)
 - added style feature in the meta_html plugin (#553)
 - little other improvements (#835)
 - fixed bugs (#884)
 - correct _generateCondition doesn't handle some operators with NULL values (#992)
 - added jfullurl tpl plugin (#938)
 - bug fixed on number_format (#995)

Olivier Gambier (aka d-m-p)
 - code reviewer, bug fixes on jelix 1.0 beta-

 - fixed bug in jMailer about the support of html plugins into the template (#898)
 - fixed bug in jImageModifier (#945)
 - improved the simple url engine (#917)

Gildas Givaja (aka Giviz)
 - testor, bug fixes
 - bug fix in jXmlRpc.class.php (#192)

Frédéric Guillot (aka fg)
 - patch for multiple authentification in a same session (#207)
 - bug fixes in support of XML-RPC request and response

Florian Hatat (aka flh)
 - improvements on jDateTime + RFC2822 support (#379)
 - Fix bugs on duration calculation + new jDuration class (#425, #453)

Vincent Herr
 - fixed a bug in jDbPDOConnection related to the mssql support (#1389)

Emmanuel Hesry (aka m@noo)
 - improvement on jDateTime plugin for full date format (#796)

Didier Huguet (aka isepman)
 - tpl plugin: modifier truncatehtml (#760)
 - jDaoFactoryBase: methods getTables, getPrimaryTable (#1263)

Charles R. (aka Hugokernel)
 - fixed a bug in meta_html, about jquery effects

Julien Issler
 - updated JSON class (#231)
 - table prefix support in jDb and jDao (#293)
 - fixed a bug with jAuthDummyUser (#352)
 - jSession implementation (#354)
 - jResponsePdf and jTcpdf classes (#131)
 - fixed various bugs (ex: #451)
 - added Session Name support in jSession (#417)
 - fixed bug about infinite loop with non-existent charset (#442)
 - some enhancement in jSession (#445, #504, #506)
 - localization system should work with language code without country (#95)
 - jForms html shouldn't generate readonly attribute on select (#550)
 - jResponseZip: on windows files are view like folders (#538)
 - form plugin create always a form with method post (#592)
 - jDao: attribute groupby for method selectfirst (#447)
 - jDao: fixed bug with jDaoConditions and IN operator (#572)
 - jZipCreator: empty dirs are not included in the archive (#570)
 - jForms: fixed bugs in jforms.js based on Martus' report (#554)
 - jLocale: support multiline rendering in strings (#569)
 - some errors and missing help for jAcl2 command line scripts (#622)
 - jSession: old sessions are not purged with some PHP configurations (#645)
 - linebreaks in textareas in jtpl plugin (#646)
 - jForms: HTML builder does not generate right datatype in javascript (#686)
 - jForms: wymeditor fields don't get updated before javascript form check (#687)
 - jTpl plugins: number_format modifier (#679)
 - jForms: Javascript error handling does not work for element <checkboxes> (#636)
 - jForms: Add support of the required attribute on <checkbox> (#635)
 - fixes about table_prefix in jDb (#702, #703)
 - jForms: radiobutton with value 0 should not get selected by default (#691)
 - jTcpdf: added default font for header and footer (#693)
 - jDao: autoremove of empty groups in jDaoConditions (#724)
 - jForms: new addControlBefore() method (#728)
 - jForms: server side check for <input type="url"> doesn't work (#743)
 - jForms: date and datetime controls + jQuery UI datepicker (#196)
 - jForms: javascript check of secret control's confirmation does not work (#751)
 - jForms: some controls are selected by default if their values are "0" (#757)
 - jForms: patch for empty items (#977)
 - jCoordinator: exception loop when response's constructor fails (#749)
 - jAuth: update usersession when needed (#461)
 - jSession: cannot use NOW() in dao storage because sqlite doesn't support it (#949)
 - jDbPDOConnection: syntax error when setting utf-8 charset in mysql driver
 - fixed also #1331, #1334, #1335, #1338

Julien Jacottet
 - tpl plugin link_to_remote (#30)

Bastien Jaillot (aka bastnic)
 - bug fix in jDaoGenerator (#282)
 - little improvement in the jControllerDaoCrud API (#330, #487, #618)
 - fixed minor bugs
 - default template and response generated by createapp (#496, #480, #515)
 - fixed bug in jFile::removeDir which crash if they are link inside (#519)
 - add a jFormBase prepareDaoFromControls which return a DAO filled by form (#497)
 - jforms tpl plugins : choice of builder (#583)
 - fixed bug in jacl2 events : conflict with jacl (#621)
 - fixed regression in createform jelix-script with optimized sources (#896)

Steven Jehannet (aka Catsoup)
 - bug fixed in jEvent for multi entry point (#1004)
 - invalid error locale in jMailer class  (#983)
 - meta_html plugin should allow additionnal parameters (#996)
 - fixed issue with history plugin and session (#1068)
 - fixed issue in the gravatar plugin (#1172)
 - fixed bug in jdao for sqlite + count+ distinct (#1225)
 - jforms, fixed bad detection in modified controls (#1234)
 - jforms, javascript, fixed bug with grouped data in ajax context (#1325)
 - fixed build in jFile for jFile::getMimeTypeForFilename

Nicolas Jeudy (aka njeudy)
 - auth driver: jAuthDriverLDS (pour les annuaires ldap LDS)
 - jResponseCss

 - fixed issue in jResponseLatexToPdf (#1070)

Laurent Jouanneau (laurentj):
 - Conceptor and main developer of Jelix. Too many tickets to list them here :-)

Gwendal Jouannic (aka obewan)
 - oracle support with PDO-OCI (#615)

Xavier L. (aka afroxav)
 - improved the conformance with HTTP specification in redirections (#957)

Denis Lallement (dlalleme)
 - tpl plugin break (#808)

Hadrien Lanneau
 - jDateTime::substract() (#623)
 - jDateTime::isNull() (#1179)
 - bug on jDateTime::now() (#1164)
 - jCrypt : default key in configuration (#1137)
 - jUrl::getFull() (#1186)
 - fixed an error in jLog with jRequest (#1273)
 - better length check in datatype (#1377)

Nicolas Lassalle
 - bug fix in jResponseBinary (#188)

Yann Lecommandoux (aka YannL)
 - mssql driver for jDb (#799)

Yannick Le Guédart (aka Torgan)
 - auth driver: jAuthDriverClass
 - jtpl plugin: date_format
 - some bug fixes and little improvements
 - Contribution on jResponseRss and jResponseAtom
 - jdb driver for Intuition
 - resolved memory exhausted errors in truncate modifier (#511)
 - fixed bug on jBundle (#639)
 - fixed bug on jDaoConditions (#906)
 - created jKVDb (#1048)
 - fixed bug on jDaoFactoryBase (#1192)
 - headers on jRequest (#1201)

Kévin Lepeltier (aka Lipki)
 - plugin image for jtpl (#474, #502, #558, #559, #560)
 - bug fixed in firebug support (#500)
 - trois plugin swf (#498)
 - plugin coord history (#507)
 - improvement in jMailer (#530)

Vincent Viaud (aka Litchi)
 - bug fix in jforms_jquery.js (#1132)
 - fixed misprint in ldap plugin (#1219)
 - acl listener for jauth::logout (#1236)
 - modifier round (#1206)
 - fixed auth_url_return transmission during a logout (#1258)
 - fixed issues in ckeditor bindings (#1329)

Hugues Magnier (aka BaGroN)
 - tpl plugin stripws (#140)

Aurélien Marcel
 - fixed bad variable name in jDbSchema (#1420)

Loic Mathaud (bballizlife):
 - testor, many bug fixes and many patches on jelix
 - jtpl contributor: standalone edition of jTpl, tag for comments, {for}, stripslashes modifier
 - sqlite driver for jdb
 - operators in jDao
 - features to run Jelix application from a command line
 - implementation of jResponseXML, jResponseRss20
 - documentation
 - many improvements (jClasses::inc(), jIniFile, jAppManager, jelix-scripts etc )
 - coord plugin for Zend Framework (#651)
 - added title feature in the meta_html plugin (#810)
 - translations in the config file (#940)
 - jelix-script createdao should'nt validate fieldname with '-' (#980)

Vincent Morel (aka dantahoua)

Alexis Métaireau
 - improvements on jtpl plugin formcontrol (#652)
 - added jResponseHtml::addLink(#657)

Aubanel Monnier
 - jResponseLatexToPdf and jtpl plugins for latex
 - patch for anchors support in jResponseRedirect

Dominique Papin (aka bibo)
 - added j_themepath variable in jtpl (#346)
 - improved addCssLink usability for IE (#348)
 - added support of 'else' keyword for block plugin in jtpl (#349)
 - added support of <reset> in jforms (#258)
 - fixed some bugs (#362,#585,#718,#713,#822,#872)
 - jforms dao datasource : enhancements (#581,#582)
 - added ifctrl block plugin (#601)
 - added addContent method to jResponseHtmlFragment (#610)
 - added config option to define default form builder (#696)

Thibault Piront (aka nuks)
 - fixed bug in significant url engine (#364)
 - big part of the patch about new action selectors (#317)
 - counter* plugins for jtpl (#375)
 - fixed bug in jAcl2 pgsql install file (#631)

  - possibility to disable zone caching (#717)

 - improvement on locale selectors : possibility to overload locales (#358)

Tahina Ramaroson
 - ldap driver for jAuth (#787)
 - jCache (#540)

Laurent Raufaste (aka analogue)
 - patches on postgresql driver (#123, #671, #672, #674)
 - replaced getParam (deprecated) with param in jZone (#680)

  - image plugin: alt attribute is not generated when it is empty (#1240)

Philippe Schelté (aka dubphil)
 - plugin tpl cycle (#149)
 - error in checkTrustedModules function (#715)

Warren Seine (aka SooW)
 - <script /> tags don't end with a newline (#536)

Brice G. (aka briceg)
 - short format in jDateTime (#1400)

Brice Tence (aka brayce/bricet)
 - small testapp bug solved about missing tables (#1064)
 - fixed bug in jInstallChecker (#1087)
 - introduced optional jMinifier for jResponseHtml for JS/CSS concatenation and minification (#860)
 - type attribut on link tag should be optional (#1188)
 - added lock on jCache::call to prevent multiple calls on CPU high-consuming functions (ticket #1237)
 - fixed the support of meta in included template (#1196)
 - http version setting (#1411)
 - support of referer in error lof messages (#1421)

Christophe Thiriot (aka Doubleface)
 - testor
 - bug fixes on PDO support in jDb
 - fixed minor bugs (#668, #1010...)
 - Added enhanced service handling (dependency injection) in jClasses (#523, #602)
 - implementation of "live" exit in command line (#406)
 - automatic timezone setting (#600)
 - bug in jFilter tests (#842)
 - fixed php bug on jtpl about ?>+line feed (#1025)

 - fixed bugs in jDao (#576, #643)
 - jDaoFactoryBase::countBy : allowing to do count on distinct fields (#580)
 - JDaoConditions::addItemGroup : add clause group by (#579)
 - jDbPDOConnection : fixed bug in query method with 3 arguments (#839)
 - better display of date/datetime values with jforms (#866)
 - jforms: attribute type on output control (#855)
 - Improvements on jResponseLatexPdf (#864)

Baptiste Toinot (aka Surfoo)
 - double / in path for locale selector
 - fixed little bugs in jForms (#789, #790)
 - little improvement in number_format modifier (#875)
 - support of sitemap (#12)

Christian Tritten
 - improvements on pagelinks plugin (#340)

 - improvements in jResponseHtml (description and keywords)

Sylvain de Vathaire (aka sylvain261)
 - Soap support : jSoapRequest, jResponseSoap etc... (#377)
 - little bug fix in exception handler (#356)
 - little improvement in exception handler and error handler (#357)
 - little improvement in jResponseXml (#465)
 - little bug fix in jZone (#508)
 - jResponseHtmlFragment for Ajax content response (#501)
 - little bug fix in mysql.dbconnection.php (#97bis)
 - jCache (#540)
 - additional generated events by jAuth (#1051)

  - fixed jFormsControlDate and jFormsControlDatetime (#1139)

Thanks for all users, especially those who reported bugs. :-)

Thanks for their works:

Brent R. Matzelle
    for his PHPMailer class (jMailer in Jelix)
Chris Ryan
    for his SMTP classe (jSmtp in Jelix)
Copix Team
    in particulary Gerald Croes, co-author of source parts from Copix project
    (version 2.3dev20050901), under copyright 2001-2005 Copix Team
    for a method into jCrypt

Documentation generated on Wed, 24 Sep 2014 21:54:23 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3