Source for file init.php
Documentation is available at init.php
- <?php
- /**
- * Initialize all defines and includes necessary files
- *
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage core
- * @author Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Loic Mathaud, Julien Issler
- * @copyright 2005-2012 Laurent Jouanneau
- * @copyright 2007 Julien Issler
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence see LICENCE file or
- */
- /**
- * Version number of Jelix
- */
- define ('JELIX_VERSION', '1.4.8');
- /**
- * base of namespace path used in xml files of jelix
- */
- define ('JELIX_NAMESPACE_BASE' , '');
- define ('JELIX_LIB_PATH', dirname (__FILE__).'/');
- define ('JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH', JELIX_LIB_PATH.'core/');
- define ('JELIX_LIB_UTILS_PATH', JELIX_LIB_PATH.'utils/');
- define ('LIB_PATH', dirname(JELIX_LIB_PATH).'/');
- define ('BYTECODE_CACHE_EXISTS', function_exists('apc_cache_info') || function_exists('eaccelerator_info') || function_exists('xcache_info'));
- if(!defined('E_DEPRECATED'))
- define ('E_DEPRECATED',8192);
- if(!defined('E_USER_DEPRECATED'))
- define ('E_USER_DEPRECATED',16384);
- error_reporting (E_ALL | E_STRICT);
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jApp.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jICoordPlugin.iface.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jISelector.iface.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jIUrlEngine.iface.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jBasicErrorHandler.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jException.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jContext.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jConfig.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jConfigAutoloader.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jSelector.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jServer.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'selector/jSelectorModule.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'selector/jSelectorActFast.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'selector/jSelectorAct.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'selector/jSelectorClass.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'selector/jSelectorDao.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'selector/jSelectorForm.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'selector/jSelectorIface.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'selector/jSelectorLoc.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'selector/jSelectorTpl.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'selector/jSelectorZone.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'selector/jSelectorSimpleFile.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'selector/jSelectorFile.lib.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jUrlBase.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jUrlAction.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jUrl.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jCoordinator.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jController.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jRequest.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jResponse.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jBundle.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jLocale.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jLog.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jIncluder.class.php');
- require (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jSession.class.php');
- /**
- * The main object of Jelix which process all things
- * @global jCoordinator $gJCoord
- * @name $gJCoord
- * @deprecated use jApp::coord() instead
- */
- $gJCoord = null;
- /**
- * Object that contains all configuration values
- * @global stdobject $gJConfig
- * @name $gJConfig
- * @deprecated use jApp::config() instead
- */
- $gJConfig = null;
- /**
- * contains path for __autoload function
- * @global array $gLibPath
- * @name $gLibPath
- * @see __autoload()
- */
- $gLibPath=array('Db'=>JELIX_LIB_PATH.'db/', 'Dao'=>JELIX_LIB_PATH.'dao/',
- 'Forms'=>JELIX_LIB_PATH.'forms/', 'Event'=>JELIX_LIB_PATH.'events/',
- 'Tpl'=>JELIX_LIB_PATH.'tpl/', 'Controller'=>JELIX_LIB_PATH.'controllers/',
- 'Auth'=>JELIX_LIB_PATH.'auth/', 'Installer'=>JELIX_LIB_PATH.'installer/',
- 'KV'=>JELIX_LIB_PATH.'kvdb/', 'Pref'=>JELIX_LIB_PATH.'pref/');
- /**
- * function used by php to try to load an unknown class
- */
- function jelix_autoload($class) {
- if(preg_match('/^j(Dao|Tpl|Event|Db|Controller|Forms|Auth|Installer|KV|Pref).*/i', $class, $m)){
- $f=$GLOBALS['gLibPath'][$m[1]].$class.'.class.php';
- }
- elseif($class == 'jAcl2'){
- $f = JELIX_LIB_PATH.'acl/jAcl2.class.php';
- }
- elseif(preg_match('/^cDao(?:Record)?_(.+)_Jx_(.+)_Jx_(.+)$/', $class, $m)){
- // for DAO which are stored in sessions for example
- if(!isset(jApp::config()->_modulesPathList[$m[1]])){
- //this may happen if we have several entry points, but the current one does not have this module accessible
- return;
- }
- $s = new jSelectorDao($m[1].'~'.$m[2], $m[3], false);
- if(jApp::config()->compilation['checkCacheFiletime']){
- // if it is needed to check the filetime, then we use jIncluder
- // because perhaps we will have to recompile the dao before the include
- jIncluder::inc($s);
- }else{
- $f = $s->getCompiledFilePath();
- // we should verify that the file is here and if not, we recompile
- // (case where the temp has been cleaned, see bug #6062 on
- if (!file_exists($f)) {
- jIncluder::inc($s);
- }
- else
- require($f);
- }
- return;
- }else{
- $f = JELIX_LIB_UTILS_PATH.$class.'.class.php';
- }
- if(file_exists($f)){
- require($f);
- }
- }
- spl_autoload_register("jelix_autoload");
- /**
- * check if the application is opened. If not, it displays the yourapp/install/closed.html
- * file with a http error (or lib/jelix/installer/closed.html), and exit.
- * This function should be called in all entry point, before the creation of the coordinator.
- * @see jAppManager
- * @todo migrate the code to jAppManager or jApp
- */
- function checkAppOpened() {
- if (!jApp::isInit()) {
- header("HTTP/1.1 500 Application not available");
- header('Content-type: text/html');
- echo "checkAppOpened: jApp is not initialized!";
- exit(1);
- }
- if (file_exists(jApp::configPath('CLOSED'))) {
- $message = file_get_contents(jApp::configPath('CLOSED'));
- if (jServer::isCLI()) {
- echo "Application closed.". ($message?"\n$message\n":"\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (file_exists(jApp::appPath('install/closed.html'))) {
- $file = jApp::appPath('install/closed.html');
- }
- else
- $file = JELIX_LIB_PATH.'installer/closed.html';
- header("HTTP/1.1 500 Application not available");
- header('Content-type: text/html');
- echo str_replace('%message%', $message, file_get_contents($file));
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /**
- * check if the application is not installed. If the app is installed, an
- * error message appears and the scripts ends.
- * It should be called only by some scripts
- * like an installation wizard, not by an entry point.
- * @todo migrate the code to jAppManager or jApp
- */
- function checkAppNotInstalled() {
- if (isAppInstalled()) {
- if (jServer::isCLI()) {
- echo "Application is installed. The script cannot be runned.\n";
- }
- else {
- header("HTTP/1.1 500 Application not available");
- header('Content-type: text/plain');
- echo "Application is installed. The script cannot be runned.\n";
- }
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @todo migrate the code to jAppManager or jApp
- */
- function isAppInstalled() {
- return file_exists(jApp::configPath('installer.ini.php'));
- }
Documentation generated on Mon, 26 Oct 2015 21:51:27 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3