Class jConfigCompiler


jConfigCompiler merge two ini file in a single array and store it in a temporary file

This is a static class

Located in /core/jConfigCompiler.class.php (line 20)

Variable Summary
static mixed $commonConfig
Method Summary
static void findServerName ([ $ext = '.php'], [ $isCli = false])
static void getPaths ( &$urlconf, [ $pseudoScriptName = ''], [ $isCli = false], array $urlconf)
static void prepareConfig (object $config, boolean $allModuleInfo, boolean $isCli, string $pseudoScriptName)
static object an read (string $configFile, [boolean $allModuleInfo = false], [boolean $isCli = false], [string $pseudoScriptName = ''])
static object an readAndCache (string $configFile, [boolean $isCli = null], [string $pseudoScriptName = ''])
static void readModuleFile ( $config,  $path)
static void _loadModuleInfo (object $config, boolean $allModuleInfo)
static void _loadPluginsPathList (object $config)
static mixed $commonConfig (line 22)
  • access: protected
static findServerName (line 591)
  • access: public
static void findServerName ([ $ext = '.php'], [ $isCli = false])
  • $ext
  • $isCli
static getPaths (line 493)

calculate miscelaneous path, depending of the server configuration and other informations in the given array : script path, script name, documentRoot ..

  • access: public
static void getPaths ( &$urlconf, [ $pseudoScriptName = ''], [ $isCli = false], array $urlconf)
  • array $urlconf: urlengine configuration. scriptNameServerVariable, basePath, jelixWWWPath, jqueryPath and entrypointExtension should be present
  • &$urlconf
  • $pseudoScriptName
  • $isCli
static prepareConfig (line 123)

fill some config properties with calculated values

  • access: protected
static void prepareConfig (object $config, boolean $allModuleInfo, boolean $isCli, string $pseudoScriptName)
  • object $config: the config object
  • boolean $allModuleInfo: may be true for the installer, which needs all informations else should be false, these extra informations are not needed to run the application
  • boolean $isCli: indicate if the configuration to read is for a CLI script or no
  • string $pseudoScriptName: the name of the entry point, relative to the base path, corresponding to the readed configuration
static read (line 41)

read the given ini file, for the current entry point, or for the entrypoint given in $pseudoScriptName. Merge it with the content of defaultconfig.ini.php It also calculates some options.

If you are in a CLI script but you want to load a configuration file for a web entry point or vice-versa, you need to indicate the $pseudoScriptName parameter with the name of the entry point

  • return: object which contains configuration values
  • access: public
static object an read (string $configFile, [boolean $allModuleInfo = false], [boolean $isCli = false], [string $pseudoScriptName = ''])
  • string $configFile: the config file name
  • boolean $allModuleInfo: may be true for the installer, which needs all informations else should be false, these extra informations are not needed to run the application
  • boolean $isCli: indicate if the configuration to read is for a CLI script or no
  • string $pseudoScriptName: the name of the entry point, relative to the base path, corresponding to the readed configuration
static readAndCache (line 90)

Identical to read(), but also stores the result in a temporary file

  • return: object which contains configuration values
  • access: public
static object an readAndCache (string $configFile, [boolean $isCli = null], [string $pseudoScriptName = ''])
  • string $configFile: the config file name
  • boolean $isCli
  • string $pseudoScriptName
static readModuleFile (line 370)
  • access: protected
static void readModuleFile ( $config,  $path)
  • $config
  • $path
static _loadModuleInfo (line 234)

Analyse and check the "lib:" and "app:" path.

  • access: protected
static void _loadModuleInfo (object $config, boolean $allModuleInfo)
  • object $config: the config object
  • boolean $allModuleInfo: may be true for the installer, which needs all informations else should be false, these extra informations are not needed to run the application
static _loadPluginsPathList (line 432)

Analyse plugin paths

  • access: protected
static void _loadPluginsPathList (object $config)
  • object $config: the config container

Documentation generated on Mon, 26 Oct 2015 21:52:10 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3