Class jLogErrorMessage


Implements interfaces:

this class is formatting an error message for a logger

Located in /core/log/jLogErrorMessage.class.php (line 15)

Variable Summary
mixed $category
mixed $code
mixed $file
mixed $format
mixed $line
mixed $message
mixed $trace
Method Summary
jLogErrorMessage __construct (string $category, integer $code, string $message, string $file, integer $line, array $trace)
string getCategory ()
string getCode ()
string getFile ()
string getFormatedMessage ()
integer getLine ()
string getMessage ()
array getTrace ()
void setFormat (string $format)
mixed $category (line 16)
  • access: protected
mixed $code (line 21)
  • access: protected
mixed $file (line 18)
  • access: protected
mixed $format = '%date%\t%ip%\t[%code%]\t%msg%\t%file%\t%line%\n\t%url%\n%params%\n%trace%' (line 22)
  • access: protected
mixed $line (line 19)
  • access: protected
mixed $message (line 17)
  • access: protected
mixed $trace (line 20)
  • access: protected
Constructor __construct (line 32)
  • access: public
jLogErrorMessage __construct (string $category, integer $code, string $message, string $file, integer $line, array $trace)
  • string $category: category of the message (error, warning...)
  • integer $code: error code
  • string $message: error message
  • string $file: file path + file name where the error appeared
  • integer $line: the line where the error appeared
  • array $trace: stack trace
getCategory (line 59)
  • return: category of the message (error, warning...)
  • access: public
string getCategory ()

Implementation of:
return the category of the message
getCode (line 52)
  • return: error code
  • access: public
string getCode ()
getFile (line 73)
  • return: file path + file name where the error appeared
  • access: public
string getFile ()
getFormatedMessage (line 94)
  • return: formated error message
  • access: public
string getFormatedMessage ()

Implementation of:
return the full message, formated for simple text output (it can contain informations
getLine (line 80)
  • return: the line where the error appeared
  • access: public
integer getLine ()
getMessage (line 66)
  • return: error message
  • access: public
string getMessage ()

Implementation of:
getTrace (line 87)
  • return: the stack trace
  • access: public
array getTrace ()
setFormat (line 45)

set the pattern to format the message output

  • access: public
void setFormat (string $format)
  • string $format

Documentation generated on Mon, 26 Oct 2015 21:55:07 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3