Class jSelectorModule


Implements interfaces:

base class for all selector concerning module files

General syntax for them : "module~resource". Syntax of resource depend on the selector type. module is optional.

  • abstract:

Located in /core/selector/jSelectorModule.class.php (line 22)

Direct descendents
Class Description
jSelectorActFast Special Action selector for jcoordinator Don't use it ! Only for internal purpose.
jSelectorForm Form selector
jSelectorDao Selector for dao file syntax : "module~daoName".
jSelectorClass selector for business class
jSelectorTpl Template selector
jSelectorZone Zone selector
jSelectorLoc selector for localisation string
Variable Summary
mixed $module
mixed $resource
mixed $type
mixed $_cachePath
mixed $_compiler
mixed $_dirname
mixed $_path
mixed $_suffix
Method Summary
jSelectorModule __construct ( $sel)
void getCompiler ()
void getPath ()
void toString ([ $full = false])
void _createPath ()
mixed $module = null (line 23)
  • access: public
mixed $resource = null (line 24)
  • access: public
mixed $_cachePath (line 31)
  • access: protected
mixed $_cacheSuffix = '.php' (line 29)
  • access: protected
mixed $_compiler = null (line 32)
  • access: protected

Redefined in descendants as:
mixed $_compilerPath (line 33)
  • access: protected
mixed $_path (line 30)
  • access: protected
mixed $_useMultiSourceCompiler = false (line 34)
  • access: protected
getCompiledFilePath (line 55)
  • access: public
void getCompiledFilePath ()

Implementation of:
getCompiler (line 59)
  • access: public
void getCompiler ()

Implementation of:
getPath (line 51)
  • access: public
void getPath ()

Implementation of:
toString (line 71)
  • access: public
void toString ([ $full = false])
  • $full

Implementation of:

Redefined in descendants as:
useMultiSourceCompiler (line 67)
  • access: public
void useMultiSourceCompiler ()

Implementation of:

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