Class jDao


Factory to create DAO objects

Located in /dao/jDao.class.php (line 23)

Variable Summary
static mixed $_daoSingleton
Method Summary
static jDaoFactoryBase create ( $DaoId, [string $profile = ''], string|jSelectorDao $Daoid)
static jDaoConditions createConditions ([string $glueOp = 'AND'])
static jDaoRecordBase createRecord ( $DaoId, [string $profile = ''], string $Daoid)
static jDaoFactoryBase get ( $DaoId, [string $profile = ''], string|jSelectorDao $Daoid)
static void releaseAll ()
static mixed $_daoSingleton = array() (line 46)
  • access: protected
static create (line 33)

creates a new instance of a DAO.

If no dao is founded, try to compile a DAO from the dao xml file

  • return: the dao object
  • access: public
static jDaoFactoryBase create ( $DaoId, [string $profile = ''], string|jSelectorDao $Daoid)
  • string|jSelectorDao $Daoid: the dao selector
  • string $profile: the db profile name to use for the connection. If empty, use the default profile
  • $DaoId
static createConditions (line 101)

return an instance of a jDaoConditions object, to use with a findby method of a jDaoFactoryBase object.

  • see: jDaoFactoryBase::findby
  • access: public
static jDaoConditions createConditions ([string $glueOp = 'AND'])
  • string $glueOp: value should be AND or OR
static createRecord (line 83)

creates a record object for the given dao

  • return: a dao record object
  • access: public
static jDaoRecordBase createRecord ( $DaoId, [string $profile = ''], string $Daoid)
  • string $Daoid: the dao selector
  • string $profile: the db profile name to use for the connection. If empty, use the default profile
  • $DaoId
static get (line 56)

return a DAO instance. It Handles a singleton of the DAO.

If no dao is founded, try to compile a DAO from the dao xml file

  • return: the dao object
  • access: public
static jDaoFactoryBase get ( $DaoId, [string $profile = ''], string|jSelectorDao $Daoid)
  • string|jSelectorDao $Daoid: the dao selector
  • string $profile: the db profile name to use for the connection. If empty, use the default profile
  • $DaoId
static releaseAll (line 72)

Release dao singleton own by jDao. Internal use.

  • since: 1.3
  • access: public
static void releaseAll ()

Documentation generated on Mon, 26 Oct 2015 21:52:28 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3