Class significantUrlEngine


Implements interfaces:

an url engine to parse,analyse and create significant url

it needs an urls.xml file in the config directory (see documentation)

  • author: Laurent Jouanneau
  • copyright: 2005-2011 Laurent Jouanneau

Located in /plugins/urls/significant/significant.urls.php (line 87)

Variable Summary
Method Summary
jUrl create ( $urlact, jUrlAction $url)
jUrlAction parse (string $scriptNamePath, string $pathinfo, array $params)
jUrlAction parseFromRequest (jRequest $request, array $params)
jUrlAction _parse (string $scriptNamePath, string $pathinfo, array $params, boolean $isHttps)
array $dataCreateUrl = null (line 93)

data to create significant url

  • access: protected
array $dataParseUrl = null (line 99)

data to parse and anaylise significant url, and to determine action, module etc..

  • access: protected
create (line 348)

Create a jurl object with the given action data

  • return: the url correspondant to the action
  • author: Laurent Jouanneau
  • copyright: 2005 CopixTeam, 2005-2006 Laurent Jouanneau very few lines of code are copyrighted by CopixTeam, written by Laurent Jouanneau and released under GNU Lesser General Public Licence, in an experimental version of Copix Framework v2.3dev20050901,
  • access: public
jUrl create ( $urlact, jUrlAction $url)
  • jUrlAction $url: information about the action
  • $urlact

Implementation of:
Create a jurl object with the given action data
parse (line 137)

Parse some url components

  • access: public
jUrlAction parse (string $scriptNamePath, string $pathinfo, array $params)
  • string $scriptNamePath: /path/index.php
  • string $pathinfo: the path info part of the url (part between script name and query)
  • array $params: url parameters (query part e.g. $_REQUEST)

Implementation of:
Parse some url components
parseFromRequest (line 108)

Parse a url from the request

  • since: 1.1
  • access: public
jUrlAction parseFromRequest (jRequest $request, array $params)
  • jRequest $request
  • array $params: url parameters

Implementation of:
Parse a url from the request
_parse (line 176)
  • access: protected
jUrlAction _parse (string $scriptNamePath, string $pathinfo, array $params, boolean $isHttps)
  • string $scriptNamePath: /path/index.php
  • string $pathinfo: the path info part of the url (part between script name and query)
  • array $params: url parameters (query part e.g. $_REQUEST)
  • boolean $isHttps: says if the given url is asked with https or not

Documentation generated on Mon, 26 Oct 2015 21:58:16 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3