Class jXMLFeedInfo

  • author: Yannick Le Guédart
  • copyright: 2006-2009 Laurent Jouanneau
  • copyright: 2006 Yannick Le Guédart
  • link:
  • abstract:
  • licence: GNU Lesser General Public Licence see LICENCE file or
  • contributor: Laurent Jouanneau
  • filesource: Source Code for this file

Located in /utils/jXMLFeedInfo.class.php (line 13)

Direct descendents
Class Description
Variable Summary
array $categories
string $copyright
string $description
string $generator
string $image
string $title
string $updated
string $webSiteUrl
mixed $_mandatory
Method Summary
void setFromXML ( $xml_element)
array $categories = array() (line 33)

list of category names

  • access: public
string $copyright (line 28)


  • access: public
string $description (line 48)

description of the channel. could be pure text or html

  • access: public
string $descriptionType = 'text' (line 54)

says the type of description : text or html (or xhtml for atom)

Values : 'text','html','xhtml'

  • access: public
string $generator = 'Jelix php framework' (line 38)

the name of the generator

  • access: public
string $image (line 43)

url of the image channel

  • access: public
string $title (line 18)

title of the channel (only text, no html)

  • access: public
string $updated (line 60)

date of the last update of the channel

format : yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

  • access: public
string $webSiteUrl (line 23)

url of the web site

  • access: public
mixed $_mandatory = array () (line 63)
  • access: protected
setFromXML (line 68)

fill info with the given xml node

  • abstract:
  • access: public
void setFromXML ( $xml_element)
  • SimpleXMLElement $xml_element

Redefined in descendants as:

Documentation generated on Mon, 26 Oct 2015 21:56:52 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3