Class jDbPDOResultSet


a resultset based on PDOStatement

Located in /db/jDbPDOResultSet.class.php (line 19)

Variable Summary
array $modifier
mixed $_fetchMode
Method Summary
void addModifier (callback $function)
void fetch ([ $fetch_style = null], [ $cursor_orientation = PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT], [ $cursor_offset = 0])
array fetchAll ([integer $fetch_style = null], [integer $fetch_argument = null], [array $ctor_arg = null])
void setFetchMode (int $mode, [mixed $arg1 = null], [mixed $arg2 = null])
void unescapeBin (string $text)
array $modifier = array() (line 103)

a callback function which will modify on the fly record's value

  • var: of callback
  • since: 1.1.6
  • access: protected
mixed $_fetchMode = 0 (line 21)
  • access: protected

Inherited Variables

Inherited from PDOStatement (Internal Class)

addModifier (line 111)
  • since: 1.1.6
  • access: public
void addModifier (callback $function)
  • callback $function: a callback function the function should accept in parameter the record, and the resulset object
fetch (line 23)
  • access: public
void fetch ([ $fetch_style = null], [ $cursor_orientation = PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT],  $cursor_offset)
  • $fetch_style
  • $cursor_orientation
  • $cursor_offset

Redefinition of:
PDOStatement::fetch ( [$how = ], [$orientation = ], [$offset = ] )
fetchAll (line 47)

return all results from the statement.

  • return: list of object which contain all rows
  • access: public
array fetchAll ([integer $fetch_style = null], [integer $fetch_argument = null], [array $ctor_arg = null])
  • integer $fetch_style
  • integer $fetch_argument
  • array $ctor_arg

Redefinition of:
PDOStatement::fetchAll ( [$how = ], [$class_name = ], [$ctor_args = ] )
setFetchMode (line 79)

Set the fetch mode.

  • access: public
void setFetchMode (int $mode, [mixed $arg1 = null], [mixed $arg2 = null])
  • int $mode: the mode, a PDO::FETCH_* constant
  • mixed $arg1: a parameter for the given mode
  • mixed $arg2: a parameter for the given mode

Redefinition of:
PDOStatement::setFetchMode ( $mode, [$params = ] )
unescapeBin (line 94)
  • since: 1.1.6
  • access: public
void unescapeBin (string $text)
  • string $text: a binary string to unescape

Inherited Methods

Inherited From PDOStatement (Internal Class)

bindColumn ( $column, &$param, [$type = ], [$maxlen = ], [$driverdata = ] )
bindParam ( $paramno, &$param, [$type = ], [$maxlen = ], [$driverdata = ] )
bindValue ( $paramno, $param, [$type = ] )
closeCursor ( )
columnCount ( )
debugDumpParams ( )
errorCode ( )
errorInfo ( )
execute ( [$bound_input_params = ] )
fetch ( [$how = ], [$orientation = ], [$offset = ] )
fetchAll ( [$how = ], [$class_name = ], [$ctor_args = ] )
fetchColumn ( [$column_number = ] )
fetchObject ( [$class_name = ], [$ctor_args = ] )
getAttribute ( $attribute )
getColumnMeta ( $column )
nextRowset ( )
rowCount ( )
setAttribute ( $attribute, $value )
setFetchMode ( $mode, [$params = ] )
__sleep ( )
__wakeup ( )

Documentation generated on Wed, 04 Jan 2017 22:53:50 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3