Class jFormsControl


base class for all jforms control

  • abstract:

Located in /forms/jFormsControl.class.php (line 17)

Direct descendents
Variable Summary
mixed $container
mixed $datatype
mixed $form
mixed $help
mixed $hint
mixed $label
mixed $ref
mixed $required
mixed $type
Method Summary
jFormsControl __construct ( $ref)
void check ()
void deactivate ([ $deactivation = true])
void getDisplayValue ( $value)
boolean isActivated ()
void isContainer ()
void isHtmlContent ()
boolean isReadOnly ()
void setData ( $value)
void setDataFromDao ( $value,  $daoDatatype)
void setForm ( $form)
void setReadOnly ([ $r = true])
void setValueFromRequest ( $request)
mixed $alertInvalid = '' (line 26)
  • access: public
mixed $alertRequired = '' (line 27)
  • access: public
mixed $container (line 33)
  • access: protected
mixed $datatype (line 20)
  • access: public
mixed $form (line 32)
  • access: protected
mixed $help = '' (line 24)
  • access: public
mixed $hint = '' (line 25)
  • access: public
mixed $initialActivation = true (line 30)
  • access: public
mixed $initialReadOnly = false (line 29)
  • access: public
mixed $label = '' (line 22)
  • access: public
mixed $ref = '' (line 19)
  • access: public
mixed $required = false (line 21)
  • access: public

Redefined in descendants as:
deactivate (line 101)
  • access: public
void deactivate ([ $deactivation = true])
  • $deactivation

Redefined in descendants as:
isActivated (line 109)

check if the control is activated

  • return: true if it is activated
  • access: public
boolean isActivated ()
isContainer (line 53)

says if the control can have multiple values

void isContainer ()

Redefined in descendants as:
isHtmlContent (line 97)

says if the content is html or not

  • since: 1.2
  • access: public
void isHtmlContent ()

Redefined in descendants as:
isReadOnly (line 117)

check if the control is readonly

  • return: true if it is readonly
  • access: public
boolean isReadOnly ()
setData (line 73)
void setData ( $value)
  • $value

Redefined in descendants as:
setDataFromDao (line 85)
void setDataFromDao ( $value,  $daoDatatype)
  • $value
  • $daoDatatype

Redefined in descendants as:
setForm (line 41)
void setForm ( $form)
  • $form
setReadOnly (line 77)
void setReadOnly ([ $r = true])
  • $r

Redefined in descendants as:

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