Implements interfaces:
This is the compiler of templates: it converts a template into a php file.
Located in /tpl/jTplCompiler.class.php (line 19)
type of the output
true if the template doesn't come from an untrusted source.
if it comes from an untrusted source, like a template uploaded by a user, you should set to false.
tokens allowed into assignements
tokens allowed into expressions
tokens allowed in foreach statements
tokens allowed in output for variables
tokens not allowed in variable
native modifiers
list of user functions
Launch the compilation of a template
Store the result (a php content) into a cache file given by the selector.
for plugins, it says if the plugin is inside the given block
function called during the parsing of the template by a preg_replace_callback function
It is called on each template tag {xxxx }
Try to find a plugin
sub-function which analyse an expression
analyse the tag which have a name
analyse an "echo" tag : {$..} or {@..}
Documentation generated on Wed, 04 Jan 2017 22:57:10 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3