Class jSignificantUrlsCompiler


Implements interfaces:

Compiler for significant url engine

Located in /plugins/urls/significant/jSignificantUrlsCompiler.class.php (line 52)

Variable Summary
Method Summary
void appendUrlInfo (significantUrlInfoParsing $u, string $path,  $secondaryAction)
void compile ( $aSelector)
string extractDynamicParams (simpleXmlElement $url, string $regexppath, significantUrlInfoParsing $u)
void getEntryPointConfig ( $entrypoint)
void newHandler (significantUrlInfoParsing $u, simpleXmlElement $url, [ $pathinfo = ''])
void readInclude (simpleXmlElement $url, significantUrlInfoParsing $uInfo)
void readProjectXml ()
void retrieveModulePaths (string $configFile)
mixed $checkHttps = true (line 60)
  • access: protected
mixed $createUrlContent (line 58)
  • access: protected
mixed $createUrlContentInc (line 59)
  • access: protected
mixed $createUrlInfos (line 57)
  • access: protected
mixed $defaultUrl (line 55)
  • access: protected
mixed $entryPoints = array() (line 334)

list all entry points and their config

  • access: protected
mixed $modulesPath = array() (line 344)

list all modules path

  • access: protected
mixed $modulesRepositories = array() (line 339)

list all modules repository

  • access: protected
mixed $parseInfos (line 56)
  • access: protected
mixed $requestType (line 54)
  • access: protected
mixed $typeparam = array('string'=>'([^\/]+)','char'=>'([^\/])', 'letter'=>'(\w)',
'number'=>'(\d+)', 'int'=>'(\d+)', 'integer'=>'(\d+)', 'digit'=>'(\d)',
'year'=>'([0-2]\d{3})', 'month'=>'(0[1-9]|1[0-2])', 'day'=>'([0-2][1-9]|[1-2]0|3[0-1])',
'path'=>'(.*)', 'locale'=>'(\w{2,3}(?:(?:\-|_)\w{2,3})?)', 'lang'=>'(\w{2,3})'
(line 62)
  • access: protected
appendUrlInfo (line 495)

register the given url informations

  • access: protected
void appendUrlInfo (significantUrlInfoParsing $u, string $path,  $secondaryAction)
compile (line 72)
  • access: public
void compile ( $aSelector)
  • $aSelector

Implementation of:
parse the given file, and store the result in a cache file
extractDynamicParams (line 430)

extract all dynamic parts of a pathinfo, and read <param> elements

  • return: the correponding regular expression
  • access: protected
string extractDynamicParams (simpleXmlElement $url, string $regexppath, significantUrlInfoParsing $u)
getEntryPointConfig (line 324)
  • access: protected
void getEntryPointConfig ( $entrypoint)
  • $entrypoint
newHandler (line 386)
  • access: protected
void newHandler (significantUrlInfoParsing $u, simpleXmlElement $url, [ $pathinfo = ''])
readInclude (line 515)
  • access: protected
void readInclude (simpleXmlElement $url, significantUrlInfoParsing $uInfo)
readProjectXml (line 313)
  • access: protected
void readProjectXml ()
retrieveModulePaths (line 353)

since urls.xml declare all entrypoints, current entry point does not have access to all modules, so doesn't know all their paths.

this method retrieve all module paths declared in the configuration of an entry point or the global configuration

  • access: protected
void retrieveModulePaths (string $configFile)
  • string $configFile: the config file name

Documentation generated on Wed, 04 Jan 2017 22:56:52 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3