Class jDatatype

  • abstract:

Located in /utils/jDatatype.class.php (line 30)

Direct descendents
Class Description
jDatatypeString Datatype String.
jDatatypeHtml Datatype HTML String.
jDatatypeBoolean Datatype Booléen
jDatatypeDecimal Datatype Decimal
jDatatypeDateTime Datatype datetime
jDatatypeUrl Datatype url
jDatatypeIPv4 Datatype ipv4
jDatatypeIPv6 Datatype ipv6
jDatatypeEmail Datatype mail
Variable Summary
mixed $facets
mixed $hasFacets
Method Summary
void addFacet (string $type, [string $value = null])
boolean allowWhitespace ()
boolean check (string $value)
mixed getFacet (string $type)
void _addFacet ( $type,  $value)
mixed $facets = array() (line 33)
  • access: protected

Redefined in descendants as:
mixed $hasFacets = false (line 32)
  • access: protected
addFacet (line 40)

call it to add restriction on possible values

  • access: public
void addFacet (string $type, [string $value = null])
  • string $type
  • string $value
allowWhitespace (line 78)

says if the value can contain only whitespaces

  • since: 1.2.7
  • access: public
boolean allowWhitespace ()

Redefined in descendants as:
check (line 69)

verify a value : it should correspond to the datatype

  • return: true if the value is ok
  • access: public
boolean check (string $value)
  • string $value

Redefined in descendants as:
getFacet (line 53)

get a restriction value

  • return: the value
  • since: 1.0
  • access: public
mixed getFacet (string $type)
  • string $type
_addFacet (line 60)
  • access: protected
void _addFacet ( $type,  $value)
  • $type
  • $value

Redefined in descendants as:

Documentation generated on Wed, 04 Jan 2017 22:53:30 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3