Class jMethodSniffer


Utility class to "sniff" method calls to a class instance so that those calls may be repeated later on. The sniffed method should not use any of the magic methods used here (namely __get, __set, __call and __toString).

Located in /utils/jMethodSniffer.class.php (line 19)

Variable Summary
Method Summary
jMethodSniffer __construct ( $classInst, [ $instanceString = '$classInstance'], [ $notSniffed = array()])
void __call ( $name,  $arguments)
void __get ( $propertyName)
void __set ( $propertyName,  $value)
void __toString ()
mixed $jMethodSnifferVars = null (line 22)
  • access: protected
Constructor __construct (line 24)
  • access: public
jMethodSniffer __construct ( $classInst, [ $instanceString = '$classInstance'], [ $notSniffed = array()])
  • $classInst
  • $instanceString
  • $notSniffed
__call (line 40)
  • access: public
void __call ( $name,  $arguments)
  • $name
  • array $arguments
__get (line 32)
  • access: public
void __get ( $propertyName)
  • $propertyName
__set (line 36)
  • access: public
void __set ( $propertyName,  $value)
  • $propertyName
  • $value
__toString (line 47)
  • access: public
void __toString ()

Documentation generated on Wed, 04 Jan 2017 22:55:57 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3