Source for file jConfigCompiler.class.php
Documentation is available at jConfigCompiler.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage core
- * @author Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Thibault Piront (nuKs), Christophe Thiriot, Philippe Schelté
- * @copyright 2006-2011 Laurent Jouanneau
- * @copyright 2007 Thibault Piront, 2008 Christophe Thiriot, 2008 Philippe Schelté
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence see LICENCE file or
- */
- /**
- * jConfigCompiler merge two ini file in a single array and store it in a temporary file
- * This is a static class
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage core
- * @static
- */
- class jConfigCompiler {
- static protected $commonConfig;
- private function __construct (){ }
- /**
- * read the given ini file, for the current entry point, or for the entrypoint given
- * in $pseudoScriptName. Merge it with the content of defaultconfig.ini.php
- * It also calculates some options.
- * If you are in a CLI script but you want to load a configuration file for a web entry point
- * or vice-versa, you need to indicate the $pseudoScriptName parameter with the name of the entry point
- * @param string $configFile the config file name
- * @param boolean $allModuleInfo may be true for the installer, which needs all informations
- * else should be false, these extra informations are
- * not needed to run the application
- * @param boolean $isCli indicate if the configuration to read is for a CLI script or no
- * @param string $pseudoScriptName the name of the entry point, relative to the base path,
- * corresponding to the readed configuration
- * @return object an object which contains configuration values
- */
- static public function read($configFile, $allModuleInfo = false, $isCli = false, $pseudoScriptName=''){
- $tempPath = jApp::tempBasePath();
- $configPath = jApp::configPath();
- if($tempPath=='/'){
- // if it equals to '/', this is because realpath has returned false in the application.init.php
- // so this is because the path doesn't exist.
- throw new Exception('Application temp directory doesn\'t exist !', 3);
- }
- if(!is_writable($tempPath)){
- throw new Exception('Application temp base directory ('.$tempPath.') is not writable', 4);
- }
- self::$commonConfig = jIniFile::read($configPath.'defaultconfig.ini.php',true);
- $config = jIniFile::read(JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH.'defaultconfig.ini.php');
- if (self::$commonConfig) {
- self::_mergeConfig($config, self::$commonConfig);
- }
- if($configFile !='defaultconfig.ini.php'){
- if(!file_exists($configPath.$configFile))
- throw new Exception("Config file $configFile is missing !", 5);
- if( false === ($userConfig = parse_ini_file($configPath.$configFile,true)))
- throw new Exception("Syntax error in the config file $configFile !", 6);
- self::_mergeConfig($config, $userConfig);
- }
- $config = (object) $config;
- self::prepareConfig($config, $allModuleInfo, $isCli, $pseudoScriptName);
- self::$commonConfig = null;
- return $config;
- }
- /**
- * Identical to read(), but also stores the result in a temporary file
- * @param string $configFile the config file name
- * @param boolean $isCli
- * @param string $pseudoScriptName
- * @return object an object which contains configuration values
- */
- static public function readAndCache($configFile, $isCli = null, $pseudoScriptName = '') {
- if ($isCli === null)
- $isCli = (PHP_SAPI == 'cli');
- $config = self::read($configFile, false, $isCli, $pseudoScriptName);
- $tempPath = jApp::tempPath();
- jFile::createDir($tempPath);
- $filename=$tempPath.str_replace('/','~',$configFile).'.conf.php';
- if ($f = @fopen($filename, 'wb')) {
- fwrite($f, '<?php $config = '.var_export(get_object_vars($config),true).";\n?>");
- fclose($f);
- } else {
- throw new Exception('(24)Error while writing config cache file '.$filename);
- }
- }else{
- jIniFile::write(get_object_vars($config), $tempPath.str_replace('/','~',$configFile).'.resultini.php', ";<?php die('');?>\n");
- }
- return $config;
- }
- /**
- * fill some config properties with calculated values
- * @param object $config the config object
- * @param boolean $allModuleInfo may be true for the installer, which needs all informations
- * else should be false, these extra informations are
- * not needed to run the application
- * @param boolean $isCli indicate if the configuration to read is for a CLI script or no
- * @param string $pseudoScriptName the name of the entry point, relative to the base path,
- * corresponding to the readed configuration
- */
- static protected function prepareConfig($config, $allModuleInfo, $isCli, $pseudoScriptName){
- $config->isWindows = (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\');
- if(trim( $config->startAction) == '') {
- $config->startAction = ':';
- }
- if ($config->domainName == "" && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))
- $config->domainName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
- $config->_allBasePath = array();
- self::getPaths($config->urlengine, $pseudoScriptName, $isCli);
- self::_loadModuleInfo($config, $allModuleInfo);
- self::_loadPluginsPathList($config);
- $coordplugins = array();
- foreach ($config->coordplugins as $name=>$conf) {
- if (!isset($config->_pluginsPathList_coord[$name])) {
- throw new Exception("Error in the main configuration. The coord plugin $name doesn't exist!", 7);
- }
- if ($conf) {
- if ($conf != '1' && !file_exists(jApp::configPath($conf))) {
- throw new Exception("Error in the main configuration. Configuration file '$conf' for coord plugin $name doesn't exist!", 8);
- }
- $coordplugins[$name] = $conf;
- }
- }
- $config->coordplugins = $coordplugins;
- self::_initResponsesPath($config->responses);
- self::_initResponsesPath($config->_coreResponses);
- if (trim($config->timeZone) === '') {
- $tz = ini_get('date.timezone');
- if ($tz != '')
- $config->timeZone = $tz;
- else
- $config->timeZone = "Europe/Paris";
- }
- if($config->sessions['storage'] == 'files'){
- $config->sessions['files_path'] = str_replace(array('lib:','app:'), array(LIB_PATH, jApp::appPath()), $config->sessions['files_path']);
- }
- $config->sessions['_class_to_load'] = array();
- if ($config->sessions['loadClasses'] != '') {
- $list = preg_split('/ *, */',$config->sessions['loadClasses']);
- foreach($list as $sel) {
- if(preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)~([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\\/]+)$/", $sel, $m)){
- if (!isset($config->_modulesPathList[$m[1]])) {
- throw new Exception('Error in config files, loadClasses: '.$m[1].' is not a valid or activated module');
- }
- if( ($p=strrpos($m[2], '/')) !== false){
- $className = substr($m[2],$p+1);
- $subpath = substr($m[2],0,$p+1);
- }else{
- $className = $m[2];
- $subpath ='';
- }
- $path = $config->_modulesPathList[$m[1]].'classes/'.$subpath.$className.'.class.php';
- if (!file_exists($path) || strpos($subpath,'..') !== false ) {
- throw new Exception('Error in config files, loadClasses, bad class selector: '.$sel);
- }
- $config->sessions['_class_to_load'][] = $path;
- }
- else
- throw new Exception('Error in config files, loadClasses, bad class selector: '.$sel);
- }
- }
- /*if(preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z]{2})(?:_([a-zA-Z]{2}))?$/",$config->locale,$m)){
- if(!isset($m[2])){
- $m[2] = $m[1];
- }
- $config->defaultLang = strtolower($m[1]);
- $config->defaultCountry = strtoupper($m[2]);
- $config->locale = $config->defaultLang.'_'.$config->defaultCountry;
- }else{
- throw new Exception("Syntax error in the locale parameter in config file $configFile !", 14);
- }*/
- }
- /**
- * Analyse and check the "lib:" and "app:" path.
- * @param object $config the config object
- * @param boolean $allModuleInfo may be true for the installer, which needs all informations
- * else should be false, these extra informations are
- * not needed to run the application
- */
- static protected function _loadModuleInfo($config, $allModuleInfo) {
- $installerFile = jApp::configPath('installer.ini.php');
- if ($config->disableInstallers) {
- $installation = array ();
- }
- else if (!file_exists($installerFile)) {
- if ($allModuleInfo)
- $installation = array ();
- else
- throw new Exception("installer.ini.php doesn't exist! You must install your application.\n", 9);
- }
- else
- $installation = parse_ini_file($installerFile,true);
- $section = $config->urlengine['urlScriptId'];
- if (!isset($installation[$section]))
- $installation[$section] = array();
- $list = preg_split('/ *, */',$config->modulesPath);
- if (isset(self::$commonConfig['modulesPath']))
- $list = array_merge($list, preg_split('/ *, */',self::$commonConfig['modulesPath']));
- array_unshift($list, JELIX_LIB_PATH.'core-modules/');
- $pathChecked = array();
- foreach($list as $k=>$path){
- if(trim($path) == '') continue;
- $p = str_replace(array('lib:','app:'), array(LIB_PATH, jApp::appPath()), $path);
- if (!file_exists($p)) {
- throw new Exception('The path, '.$path.' given in the jelix config, doesn\'t exist !', 10);
- }
- if (substr($p,-1) !='/')
- $p.='/';
- if (in_array($p, $pathChecked))
- continue;
- $pathChecked[] = $p;
- // don't include the core-modules into the list of base path. this list is to verify
- // if modules have been modified into repositories
- if ($k!=0 && $config->compilation['checkCacheFiletime'])
- $config->_allBasePath[]=$p;
- if ($handle = opendir($p)) {
- while (false !== ($f = readdir($handle))) {
- if ($f[0] != '.' && is_dir($p.$f)) {
- if ($config->disableInstallers)
- $installation[$section][$f.'.installed'] = 1;
- else if (!isset($installation[$section][$f.'.installed']))
- $installation[$section][$f.'.installed'] = 0;
- if ($f == 'jelix') {
- $config->modules['jelix.access'] = 2; // the jelix module should always be public
- }
- else {
- if ($config->enableAllModules) {
- if ($config->disableInstallers
- || $installation[$section][$f.'.installed']
- || $allModuleInfo)
- $config->modules[$f.'.access'] = 2;
- else
- $config->modules[$f.'.access'] = 0;
- }
- else if (!isset($config->modules[$f.'.access'])) {
- // no given access in defaultconfig and ep config
- $config->modules[$f.'.access'] = 0;
- }
- else if($config->modules[$f.'.access'] == 0){
- // we want to activate the module if it is not activated
- // for the entry point, but is declared activated
- // in the default config file. In this case, it means
- // that it is activated for an other entry point,
- // and then we want the possibility to retrieve its
- // urls, at least
- if (isset(self::$commonConfig['modules'][$f.'.access'])
- && self::$commonConfig['modules'][$f.'.access'] > 0)
- $config->modules[$f.'.access'] = 3;
- }
- else if (!$installation[$section][$f.'.installed']) {
- // module is not installed.
- // outside installation mode, we force the access to 0
- // so the module is unusable until it is installed
- if (!$allModuleInfo)
- $config->modules[$f.'.access'] = 0;
- }
- }
- if (!isset($installation[$section][$f.'.dbprofile']))
- $config->modules[$f.'.dbprofile'] = 'default';
- else
- $config->modules[$f.'.dbprofile'] = $installation[$section][$f.'.dbprofile'];
- if ($allModuleInfo) {
- if (!isset($installation[$section][$f.'.version']))
- $installation[$section][$f.'.version'] = '';
- if (!isset($installation[$section][$f.'.dataversion']))
- $installation[$section][$f.'.dataversion'] = '';
- if (!isset($installation['__modules_data'][$f.'.contexts']))
- $installation['__modules_data'][$f.'.contexts'] = '';
- $config->modules[$f.'.version'] = $installation[$section][$f.'.version'];
- $config->modules[$f.'.dataversion'] = $installation[$section][$f.'.dataversion'];
- $config->modules[$f.'.installed'] = $installation[$section][$f.'.installed'];
- $config->_allModulesPathList[$f]=$p.$f.'/';
- }
- if ($config->modules[$f.'.access'] == 3) {
- $config->_externalModulesPathList[$f]=$p.$f.'/';
- }
- elseif ($config->modules[$f.'.access'])
- $config->_modulesPathList[$f]=$p.$f.'/';
- }
- }
- closedir($handle);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Analyse plugin paths
- * @param object $config the config container
- */
- static protected function _loadPluginsPathList($config) {
- $list = preg_split('/ *, */',$config->pluginsPath);
- array_unshift($list, JELIX_LIB_PATH.'plugins/');
- foreach($list as $k=>$path){
- if(trim($path) == '') continue;
- $p = str_replace(array('lib:','app:'), array(LIB_PATH, jApp::appPath()), $path);
- if(!file_exists($p)){
- trigger_error('The path, '.$path.' given in the jelix config, doesn\'t exists !',E_USER_ERROR);
- exit;
- }
- if(substr($p,-1) !='/')
- $p.='/';
- if ($handle = opendir($p)) {
- while (false !== ($f = readdir($handle))) {
- if ($f[0] != '.' && is_dir($p.$f)) {
- if($subdir = opendir($p.$f)){
- if($k!=0 && $config->compilation['checkCacheFiletime'])
- $config->_allBasePath[]=$p.$f.'/';
- while (false !== ($subf = readdir($subdir))) {
- if ($subf[0] != '.' && is_dir($p.$f.'/'.$subf)) {
- if($f == 'tpl'){
- $prop = '_tplpluginsPathList_'.$subf;
- $config->{$prop}[] = $p.$f.'/'.$subf.'/';
- }else{
- $prop = '_pluginsPathList_'.$f;
- $config->{$prop}[$subf] = $p.$f.'/'.$subf.'/';
- }
- }
- }
- closedir($subdir);
- }
- }
- }
- closedir($handle);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * calculate miscelaneous path, depending of the server configuration and other informations
- * in the given array : script path, script name, documentRoot ..
- * @param array $urlconf urlengine configuration. scriptNameServerVariable, basePath,
- * jelixWWWPath, jqueryPath and entrypointExtension should be present
- */
- static public function getPaths(&$urlconf, $pseudoScriptName ='', $isCli = false) {
- // retrieve the script path+name.
- // for cli, it will be the path from the directory were we execute the script (given to the php exec).
- // for web, it is the path from the root of the url
- if ($pseudoScriptName) {
- $urlconf['urlScript'] = $pseudoScriptName;
- }
- else {
- if($urlconf['scriptNameServerVariable'] == '') {
- $urlconf['scriptNameServerVariable'] = self::findServerName($urlconf['entrypointExtension'], $isCli);
- }
- $urlconf['urlScript'] = $_SERVER[$urlconf['scriptNameServerVariable']];
- }
- $lastslash = strrpos ($urlconf['urlScript'], '/');
- // now we separate the path and the name of the script, and then the basePath
- if ($isCli) {
- if ($lastslash === false) {
- $urlconf['urlScriptPath'] = ($pseudoScriptName? jApp::appPath('/scripts/'): getcwd().'/');
- $urlconf['urlScriptName'] = $urlconf['urlScript'];
- }
- else {
- $urlconf['urlScriptPath'] = getcwd().'/'.substr ($urlconf['urlScript'], 0, $lastslash ).'/';
- $urlconf['urlScriptName'] = substr ($urlconf['urlScript'], $lastslash+1);
- }
- $basepath = $urlconf['urlScriptPath'];
- $snp = $urlconf['urlScriptName'];
- $urlconf['urlScript'] = $basepath.$snp;
- }
- else {
- $urlconf['urlScriptPath'] = substr ($urlconf['urlScript'], 0, $lastslash ).'/';
- $urlconf['urlScriptName'] = substr ($urlconf['urlScript'], $lastslash+1);
- $basepath = $urlconf['basePath'];
- if ($basepath == '') {
- // for beginners or simple site, we "guess" the base path
- $basepath = $localBasePath = $urlconf['urlScriptPath'];
- }
- else {
- if ($basepath != '/') {
- if($basepath[0] != '/') $basepath='/'.$basepath;
- if(substr($basepath,-1) != '/') $basepath.='/';
- }
- if ($pseudoScriptName) {
- // with pseudoScriptName, we aren't in a true context, we could be in a cli context
- // (the installer), and we want the path like when we are in a web context.
- // $pseudoScriptName is supposed to be relative to the basePath
- $urlconf['urlScriptPath'] = substr($basepath,0,-1).$urlconf['urlScriptPath'];
- $urlconf['urlScript'] = $urlconf['urlScriptPath'].$urlconf['urlScriptName'];
- }
- $localBasePath = $basepath;
- if ($urlconf['backendBasePath']) {
- $localBasePath = $urlconf['backendBasePath'];
- // we have to change urlScriptPath. it may contains the base path of the backend server
- // we should replace this base path by the basePath of the frontend server
- if (strpos($urlconf['urlScriptPath'], $urlconf['backendBasePath']) === 0) {
- $urlconf['urlScriptPath'] = $basepath.substr( $urlconf['urlScriptPath'], strlen($urlconf['backendBasePath']));
- }
- else {
- $urlconf['urlScriptPath'] = $basepath.substr($urlconf['urlScriptPath'], 1);
- }
- }elseif(strpos($urlconf['urlScriptPath'], $basepath) !== 0) {
- throw new Exception('Jelix Error: basePath ('.$basepath.') in config file doesn\'t correspond to current base path. You should setup it to '.$urlconf['urlScriptPath']);
- }
- }
- $urlconf['basePath'] = $basepath;
- if($urlconf['jelixWWWPath'][0] != '/')
- $urlconf['jelixWWWPath'] = $basepath.$urlconf['jelixWWWPath'];
- if($urlconf['jqueryPath'][0] != '/')
- $urlconf['jqueryPath'] = $basepath.$urlconf['jqueryPath'];
- $snp = substr($urlconf['urlScript'],strlen($localBasePath));
- if ($localBasePath == '/')
- $urlconf['documentRoot'] = jApp::wwwPath();
- else if(strpos(jApp::wwwPath(), $localBasePath) === false) {
- if (isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']))
- $urlconf['documentRoot'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
- else
- $urlconf['documentRoot'] = jApp::wwwPath();
- }
- else
- $urlconf['documentRoot'] = substr(jApp::wwwPath(), 0, - (strlen($localBasePath)));
- }
- $pos = strrpos($snp, $urlconf['entrypointExtension']);
- if($pos !== false){
- $snp = substr($snp,0,$pos);
- }
- $urlconf['urlScriptId'] = $snp;
- $urlconf['urlScriptIdenc'] = rawurlencode($snp);
- }
- static public function findServerName($ext = '.php', $isCli = false) {
- $varname = '';
- $extlen = strlen($ext);
- if(strrpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], $ext) === (strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) - $extlen)
- || $isCli) {
- return 'SCRIPT_NAME';
- }else if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'])
- && strrpos( $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], $ext) === (strlen( $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) -$extlen)) {
- return 'REDIRECT_URL';
- }else if (isset($_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME'])
- && strrpos( $_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME'], $ext) === (strlen( $_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME']) - $extlen)) {
- return 'ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME';
- }
- throw new Exception('In config file the parameter urlengine:scriptNameServerVariable is empty and Jelix doesn\'t find
- the variable in $_SERVER which contains the script name. You must see phpinfo and setup this parameter in your config file.', 11);
- }
- /**
- * get all physical paths of responses file
- */
- static private function _initResponsesPath(&$list){
- $copylist = $list; // because we modify $list and then it will search for "foo.path" responses...
- foreach($copylist as $type=>$class){
- if(file_exists($path=JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH.'response/'.$class.'.class.php')){
- $list[$type.'.path']=$path;
- }elseif(file_exists($path=jApp::appPath('responses/'.$class.'.class.php'))){
- $list[$type.'.path']=$path;
- }else{
- throw new Exception('Configuration Error: the class file of the response type "'.$type.'" is not found ('.$path.')',12);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * merge two array which are the result of a parse_ini_file call
- * @param array $array the main array
- * @param array $tomerge the array to merge in the first one
- */
- static private function _mergeConfig(&$array, $tomerge){
- foreach($tomerge as $k=>$v){
- if(!isset($array[$k])){
- $array[$k] = $v;
- continue;
- }
- if($k[1] == '_')
- continue;
- if(is_array($v)){
- $array[$k] = array_merge($array[$k], $v);
- }else{
- $array[$k] = $v;
- }
- }
- }
- }
Documentation generated on Mon, 19 Sep 2011 14:12:02 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3