Source for file jFormsBuilderHtml.class.php
Documentation is available at jFormsBuilderHtml.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage forms
- * @author Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Julien Issler, Dominique Papin
- * @copyright 2006-2011 Laurent Jouanneau
- * @copyright 2008-2011 Julien Issler, 2008 Dominique Papin
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence, see LICENCE file
- */
- /**
- * HTML form builder
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage jelix-plugins
- */
- class jFormsBuilderHtml extends jFormsBuilderBase {
- protected $jFormsJsVarName = 'jForms';
- protected $options;
- protected $isRootControl = true;
- public function outputAllControls() {
- echo '<table class="jforms-table" border="0">';
- foreach( $this->_form->getRootControls() as $ctrlref=>$ctrl){
- if($ctrl->type == 'submit' || $ctrl->type == 'reset' || $ctrl->type == 'hidden') continue;
- if(!$this->_form->isActivated($ctrlref)) continue;
- if($ctrl->type == 'group') {
- echo '<tr><td colspan="2">';
- $this->outputControl($ctrl);
- echo '</td></tr>';
- }else{
- echo '<tr><th scope="row">';
- $this->outputControlLabel($ctrl);
- echo '</th><td>';
- $this->outputControl($ctrl);
- echo "</td></tr>\n";
- }
- }
- echo '</table> <div class="jforms-submit-buttons">';
- if ( $ctrl = $this->_form->getReset() ) {
- if(!$this->_form->isActivated($ctrl->ref)) continue;
- $this->outputControl($ctrl);
- echo ' ';
- }
- foreach( $this->_form->getSubmits() as $ctrlref=>$ctrl){
- if(!$this->_form->isActivated($ctrlref)) continue;
- $this->outputControl($ctrl);
- echo ' ';
- }
- echo "</div>\n";
- }
- public function outputMetaContent($t) {
- global $gJCoord, $gJConfig;
- $resp= $gJCoord->response;
- if($resp === null || $resp->getType() !='html'){
- return;
- }
- $www =$gJConfig->urlengine['jelixWWWPath'];
- $bp =$gJConfig->urlengine['basePath'];
- $resp->addJSLink($www.'js/jforms_light.js');
- $resp->addCSSLink($www.'design/jform.css');
- foreach($t->_vars as $k=>$v){
- if($v instanceof jFormsBase && count($edlist = $v->getHtmlEditors())) {
- foreach($edlist as $ed) {
- if(isset($gJConfig->htmleditors[$ed->config.'.engine.file'])){
- if(is_array($gJConfig->htmleditors[$ed->config.'.engine.file'])){
- foreach($gJConfig->htmleditors[$ed->config.'.engine.file'] as $url) {
- $resp->addJSLink($bp.$url);
- }
- }else
- $resp->addJSLink($bp.$gJConfig->htmleditors[$ed->config.'.engine.file']);
- }
- if(isset($gJConfig->htmleditors[$ed->config.'.config']))
- $resp->addJSLink($bp.$gJConfig->htmleditors[$ed->config.'.config']);
- $skin = $ed->config.'.skin.'.$ed->skin;
- if(isset($gJConfig->htmleditors[$skin]) && $gJConfig->htmleditors[$skin] != '')
- $resp->addCSSLink($bp.$gJConfig->htmleditors[$skin]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected function outputHeaderScript(){
- echo '<script type="text/javascript">
- //<![CDATA[
- '.$this->jFormsJsVarName.'.tForm = new jFormsForm(\''.$this->_name.'\');
- '.$this->jFormsJsVarName.'.tForm.setErrorDecorator(new '.$this->options['errorDecorator'].'());
- '.$this->jFormsJsVarName.'.declareForm(jForms.tForm);
- //]]>
- </script>';
- }
- /**
- * output the header content of the form
- * @param array $params some parameters <ul>
- * <li>"errDecorator"=>"name of your javascript object for error listener"</li>
- * <li>"method" => "post" or "get". default is "post"</li>
- * </ul>
- */
- public function outputHeader($params){
- $this->options = array_merge(array('errorDecorator'=>$this->jFormsJsVarName.'ErrorDecoratorHtml',
- 'method'=>'post'), $params);
- if (isset($params['attributes']))
- $attrs = $params['attributes'];
- else
- $attrs = array();
- echo '<form';
- if (preg_match('#^https?://#',$this->_action)) {
- $urlParams = $this->_actionParams;
- $attrs['action'] = $this->_action;
- } else {
- $url = jUrl::get($this->_action, $this->_actionParams, 2); // retourne le jurl correspondant
- $urlParams = $url->params;
- $attrs['action'] = $url->getPath();
- }
- $attrs['method'] = $this->options['method'];
- $attrs['id'] = $this->_name;
- if($this->_form->hasUpload())
- $attrs['enctype'] = "multipart/form-data";
- $this->_outputAttr($attrs);
- echo '>';
- $this->outputHeaderScript();
- $hiddens = '';
- foreach ($urlParams as $p_name => $p_value) {
- $hiddens .= '<input type="hidden" name="'. $p_name .'" value="'. htmlspecialchars($p_value). '"'.$this->_endt. "\n";
- }
- foreach ($this->_form->getHiddens() as $ctrl) {
- if(!$this->_form->isActivated($ctrl->ref)) continue;
- $hiddens .= '<input type="hidden" name="'. $ctrl->ref.'" id="'.$this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref.'" value="'. htmlspecialchars($this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref)). '"'.$this->_endt. "\n";
- }
- if($this->_form->securityLevel){
- $tok = $this->_form->createNewToken();
- $hiddens .= '<input type="hidden" name="__JFORMS_TOKEN__" value="'.$tok.'"'.$this->_endt. "\n";
- }
- if($hiddens){
- echo '<div class="jforms-hiddens">',$hiddens,'</div>';
- }
- $errors = $this->_form->getContainer()->errors;
- if(count($errors)){
- $ctrls = $this->_form->getControls();
- echo '<ul id="'.$this->_name.'_errors" class="jforms-error-list">';
- $errRequired='';
- foreach($errors as $cname => $err){
- if(!$this->_form->isActivated($ctrls[$cname]->ref)) continue;
- if ($err === jForms::ERRDATA_REQUIRED) {
- if ($ctrls[$cname]->alertRequired){
- echo '<li>', $ctrls[$cname]->alertRequired,'</li>';
- }
- else {
- echo '<li>', jLocale::get('jelix~formserr.js.err.required', $ctrls[$cname]->label),'</li>';
- }
- }else if ($err === jForms::ERRDATA_INVALID) {
- if($ctrls[$cname]->alertInvalid){
- echo '<li>', $ctrls[$cname]->alertInvalid,'</li>';
- }else{
- echo '<li>', jLocale::get('jelix~formserr.js.err.invalid', $ctrls[$cname]->label),'</li>';
- }
- }
- elseif ($err === jForms::ERRDATA_INVALID_FILE_SIZE) {
- echo '<li>', jLocale::get('jelix~formserr.js.err.invalid.file.size', $ctrls[$cname]->label),'</li>';
- }
- elseif ($err === jForms::ERRDATA_INVALID_FILE_TYPE) {
- echo '<li>', jLocale::get('jelix~formserr.js.err.invalid.file.type', $ctrls[$cname]->label),'</li>';
- }
- elseif ($err === jForms::ERRDATA_FILE_UPLOAD_ERROR) {
- echo '<li>', jLocale::get('jelix~formserr.js.err.file.upload', $ctrls[$cname]->label),'</li>';
- }
- elseif ($err != '') {
- echo '<li>', $err,'</li>';
- }
- }
- echo '</ul>';
- }
- }
- protected $jsContent = '';
- protected $lastJsContent = '';
- public function outputFooter(){
- echo '<script type="text/javascript">
- //<![CDATA[
- (function(){var c, c2;
- '.$this->jsContent.$this->lastJsContent.'
- })();
- //]]>
- </script>';
- echo '</form>';
- }
- public function outputControlLabel($ctrl){
- if($ctrl->type == 'hidden' || $ctrl->type == 'group') return;
- $required = ($ctrl->required == false || $ctrl->isReadOnly()?'':' jforms-required');
- $reqhtml = ($required?'<span class="jforms-required-star">*</span>':'');
- $inError = (isset($this->_form->getContainer()->errors[$ctrl->ref]) ?' jforms-error':'');
- $hint = ($ctrl->hint == ''?'':' title="'.htmlspecialchars($ctrl->hint).'"');
- $id = $this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref;
- $idLabel = ' id="'.$id.'_label"';
- if($ctrl->type == 'output' || $ctrl->type == 'checkboxes' || $ctrl->type == 'radiobuttons' || $ctrl->type == 'date' || $ctrl->type == 'datetime' || $ctrl->type == 'choice'){
- echo '<span class="jforms-label',$required,$inError,'"',$idLabel,$hint,'>',htmlspecialchars($ctrl->label),$reqhtml,"</span>\n";
- }else if($ctrl->type != 'submit' && $ctrl->type != 'reset'){
- echo '<label class="jforms-label',$required,$inError,'" for="',$id,'"',$idLabel,$hint,'>',htmlspecialchars($ctrl->label),$reqhtml,"</label>\n";
- }
- }
- public function outputControl($ctrl, $attributes=array()){
- if($ctrl->type == 'hidden') return;
- $ro = $ctrl->isReadOnly();
- $attributes['name'] = $ctrl->ref;
- $attributes['id'] = $this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref;
- if ($ro)
- $attributes['readonly'] = 'readonly';
- else
- unset($attributes['readonly']);
- if (!isset($attributes['title']) && $ctrl->hint) {
- $attributes['title'] = $ctrl->hint;
- }
- $class = 'jforms-ctrl-'.$ctrl->type;
- $class .= ($ctrl->required == false || $ro?'':' jforms-required');
- $class .= (isset($this->_form->getContainer()->errors[$ctrl->ref]) ?' jforms-error':'');
- $class .= ($ro && $ctrl->type != 'captcha'?' jforms-readonly':'');
- if (isset($attributes['class']))
- $attributes['class'].= ' '.$class;
- else
- $attributes['class'] = $class;
- $this->{'output'.$ctrl->type}($ctrl, $attributes);
- echo "\n";
- $this->{'js'.$ctrl->type}($ctrl);
- $this->outputHelp($ctrl);
- }
- protected function _outputAttr(&$attributes) {
- foreach($attributes as $name=>$val) {
- echo ' '.$name.'="'.htmlspecialchars($val).'"';
- }
- }
- protected function escJsStr($str) {
- return '\''.str_replace(array("'","\n"),array("\\'", "\\n"), $str).'\'';
- }
- protected function commonJs($ctrl) {
- if($ctrl->required){
- $this->jsContent .="c.required = true;\n";
- if($ctrl->alertRequired){
- $this->jsContent .="c.errRequired=".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->alertRequired).";\n";
- }
- else {
- $this->jsContent .="c.errRequired=".$this->escJsStr(jLocale::get('jelix~formserr.js.err.required', $ctrl->label)).";\n";
- }
- }
- if($ctrl->alertInvalid){
- $this->jsContent .="c.errInvalid=".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->alertInvalid).";\n";
- }
- else {
- $this->jsContent .="c.errInvalid=".$this->escJsStr(jLocale::get('jelix~formserr.js.err.invalid', $ctrl->label)).";\n";
- }
- if ($this->isRootControl) $this->jsContent .= $this->jFormsJsVarName.".tForm.addControl(c);\n";
- }
- protected function outputInput($ctrl, &$attr) {
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if ($ctrl->size != 0)
- $attr['size'] = $ctrl->size;
- $maxl= $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('maxLength');
- if($maxl !== null)
- $attr['maxlength']=$maxl;
- $attr['value'] = $value;
- $attr['type'] = 'text';
- echo '<input';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- protected function jsInput($ctrl) {
- $datatype = array('jDatatypeBoolean'=>'Boolean','jDatatypeDecimal'=>'Decimal','jDatatypeInteger'=>'Integer','jDatatypeHexadecimal'=>'Hexadecimal',
- 'jDatatypeDateTime'=>'Datetime','jDatatypeDate'=>'Date','jDatatypeTime'=>'Time',
- 'jDatatypeUrl'=>'Url','jDatatypeEmail'=>'Email','jDatatypeIPv4'=>'Ipv4','jDatatypeIPv6'=>'Ipv6');
- $isLocale = false;
- $data_type_class = get_class($ctrl->datatype);
- if(isset($datatype[$data_type_class]))
- $dt = $datatype[$data_type_class];
- else if ($ctrl->datatype instanceof jDatatypeLocaleTime)
- { $dt = 'Time'; $isLocale = true; }
- else if ($ctrl->datatype instanceof jDatatypeLocaleDate)
- { $dt = 'LocaleDate'; $isLocale = true; }
- else if ($ctrl->datatype instanceof jDatatypeLocaleDateTime)
- { $dt = 'LocaleDatetime'; $isLocale = true; }
- else
- $dt = 'String';
- $this->jsContent .="c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."Control".$dt."('".$ctrl->ref."', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- if ($isLocale)
- $this->jsContent .="c.lang='".$GLOBALS['gJConfig']->locale."';\n";
- $maxl= $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('maxLength');
- if($maxl !== null)
- $this->jsContent .="c.maxLength = '$maxl';\n";
- $minl= $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('minLength');
- if($minl !== null)
- $this->jsContent .="c.minLength = '$minl';\n";
- $re = $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('pattern');
- if($re !== null)
- $this->jsContent .="c.regexp = ".$re.";\n";
- $this->commonJs($ctrl);
- }
- protected function _outputDateControlDay($ctrl, $attr, $value){
- $attr['name'] = $ctrl->ref.'[day]';
- $attr['id'] .= 'day';
- if($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->forms['controls.datetime.input'] == 'textboxes'){
- $attr['value'] = $value;
- echo '<input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2"';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- else{
- echo '<select';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo '><option value="">'.htmlspecialchars(jLocale::get('')).'</option>';
- for($i=1;$i<32;$i++){
- $k = ($i<10)?'0'.$i:$i;
- echo '<option value="'.$k.'"'.($k == $value?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$k.'</option>';
- }
- echo '</select>';
- }
- }
- protected function _outputDateControlMonth($ctrl, $attr, $value){
- $attr['name'] = $ctrl->ref.'[month]';
- $attr['id'] .= 'month';
- if($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->forms['controls.datetime.input'] == 'textboxes') {
- $attr['value'] = $value;
- echo '<input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2"';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- else{
- $monthLabels = $GLOBALS['gJConfig']->forms['controls.datetime.months.labels'];
- echo '<select';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo '><option value="">'.htmlspecialchars(jLocale::get('')).'</option>';
- for($i=1;$i<13;$i++){
- $k = ($i<10)?'0'.$i:$i;
- if($monthLabels == 'names')
- $l = htmlspecialchars(jLocale::get('jelix~date_time.month.'.$k.'.label'));
- else if($monthLabels == 'shortnames')
- $l = htmlspecialchars(jLocale::get('jelix~date_time.month.'.$k.'.shortlabel'));
- else
- $l = $k;
- echo '<option value="'.$k.'"'.($k == $value?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$l.'</option>';
- }
- echo '</select>';
- }
- }
- protected function _outputDateControlYear($ctrl, $attr, $value){
- $attr['name'] = $ctrl->ref.'[year]';
- $attr['id'] .= 'year';
- if($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->forms['controls.datetime.input'] == 'textboxes') {
- $attr['value'] = $value;
- echo '<input type="text" size="4" maxlength="4"';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- else{
- $minDate = $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('minValue');
- $maxDate = $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('maxValue');
- if($minDate && $maxDate){
- echo '<select';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo '><option value="">'.htmlspecialchars(jLocale::get('')).'</option>';
- for($i=$minDate->year;$i<=$maxDate->year;$i++)
- echo '<option value="'.$i.'"'.($i == $value?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$i.'</option>';
- echo '</select>';
- }
- else{
- $attr['value'] = $value;
- echo '<input type="text" size="4" maxlength="4"';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- }
- }
- protected function _outputDateControlHour($ctrl, $attr, $value){
- $attr['name'] = $ctrl->ref.'[hour]';
- $attr['id'] .= 'hour';
- if($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->forms['controls.datetime.input'] == 'textboxes') {
- $attr['value'] = $value;
- echo '<input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2"';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- else{
- echo '<select';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo '><option value="">'.htmlspecialchars(jLocale::get('jelix~jforms.time.hour.label')).'</option>';
- for($i=0;$i<24;$i++){
- $k = ($i<10)?'0'.$i:$i;
- echo '<option value="'.$k.'"'.( (string) $k === $value?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$k.'</option>';
- }
- echo '</select>';
- }
- }
- protected function _outputDateControlMinutes($ctrl, $attr, $value){
- $attr['name'] = $ctrl->ref.'[minutes]';
- $attr['id'] .= 'minutes';
- if($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->forms['controls.datetime.input'] == 'textboxes') {
- $attr['value'] = $value;
- echo '<input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2"';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- else{
- echo '<select';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo '><option value="">'.htmlspecialchars(jLocale::get('jelix~jforms.time.minutes.label')).'</option>';
- for($i=0;$i<60;$i++){
- $k = ($i<10)?'0'.$i:$i;
- echo '<option value="'.$k.'"'.( (string) $k === $value?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$k.'</option>';
- }
- echo '</select>';
- }
- }
- protected function _outputDateControlSeconds($ctrl, $attr, $value){
- $attr['name'] = $ctrl->ref.'[seconds]';
- $attr['id'] .= 'seconds';
- if(!$ctrl->enableSeconds)
- echo '<input type="hidden" id="'.$attr['id'].'" name="'.$attr['name'].'" value="'.$value.'"'.$this->_endt;
- else if($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->forms['controls.datetime.input'] == 'textboxes') {
- $attr['value'] = $value;
- echo '<input type="text"';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- else{
- echo '<select';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo '><option value="">'.htmlspecialchars(jLocale::get('jelix~jforms.time.seconds.label')).'</option>';
- for($i=0;$i<60;$i++){
- $k = ($i<10)?'0'.$i:$i;
- echo '<option value="'.$k.'"'.( (string) $k === $value?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$k.'</option>';
- }
- echo '</select>';
- }
- }
- protected function outputDate($ctrl, &$attr){
- $attr['id'] = $this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref.'_';
- $v = array('year'=>'','month'=>'','day'=>'');
- if(preg_match('#^(\d{4})?-(\d{2})?-(\d{2})?$#',$this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref),$matches)){
- if(isset($matches[1]))
- $v['year'] = $matches[1];
- if(isset($matches[2]))
- $v['month'] = $matches[2];
- if(isset($matches[3]))
- $v['day'] = $matches[3];
- }
- $f = jLocale::get('');
- for($i=0;$i<strlen($f);$i++){
- if($f[$i] == 'Y')
- $this->_outputDateControlYear($ctrl, $attr, $v['year']);
- else if($f[$i] == 'm')
- $this->_outputDateControlMonth($ctrl, $attr, $v['month']);
- else if($f[$i] == 'd')
- $this->_outputDateControlDay($ctrl, $attr, $v['day']);
- else
- echo ' ';
- }
- }
- protected function jsDate($ctrl){
- $this->jsContent .= "c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlDate('".$ctrl->ref."', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- $this->jsContent .= "c.multiFields = true;\n";
- $minDate = $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('minValue');
- $maxDate = $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('maxValue');
- if($minDate)
- $this->jsContent .= "c.minDate = '".$minDate->toString(jDateTime::DB_DFORMAT)."';\n";
- if($maxDate)
- $this->jsContent .= "c.maxDate = '".$maxDate->toString(jDateTime::DB_DFORMAT)."';\n";
- $this->commonJs($ctrl);
- }
- protected function outputDatetime($ctrl, &$attr){
- $attr['id'] = $this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref.'_';
- $v = array('year'=>'','month'=>'','day'=>'','hour'=>'','minutes'=>'','seconds'=>'');
- if(preg_match('#^(\d{4})?-(\d{2})?-(\d{2})? (\d{2})?:(\d{2})?(:(\d{2})?)?$#',$this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref),$matches)){
- if(isset($matches[1]))
- $v['year'] = $matches[1];
- if(isset($matches[2]))
- $v['month'] = $matches[2];
- if(isset($matches[3]))
- $v['day'] = $matches[3];
- if(isset($matches[4]))
- $v['hour'] = $matches[4];
- if(isset($matches[5]))
- $v['minutes'] = $matches[5];
- if(isset($matches[7]))
- $v['seconds'] = $matches[7];
- }
- $f = jLocale::get('jelix~format.datetime');
- for($i=0;$i<strlen($f);$i++){
- if($f[$i] == 'Y')
- $this->_outputDateControlYear($ctrl, $attr, $v['year']);
- else if($f[$i] == 'm')
- $this->_outputDateControlMonth($ctrl, $attr, $v['month']);
- else if($f[$i] == 'd')
- $this->_outputDateControlDay($ctrl, $attr, $v['day']);
- else if($f[$i] == 'H')
- $this->_outputDateControlHour($ctrl, $attr, $v['hour']);
- else if($f[$i] == 'i')
- $this->_outputDateControlMinutes($ctrl, $attr, $v['minutes']);
- else if($f[$i] == 's')
- $this->_outputDateControlSeconds($ctrl, $attr, $v['seconds']);
- else
- echo ' ';
- }
- }
- protected function jsDatetime($ctrl){
- $this->jsContent .= "c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlDatetime('".$ctrl->ref."', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- $this->jsContent .= "c.multiFields = true;\n";
- $minDate = $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('minValue');
- $maxDate = $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('maxValue');
- if($minDate)
- $this->jsContent .= "c.minDate = '".$minDate->toString(jDateTime::DB_DTFORMAT)."';\n";
- if($maxDate)
- $this->jsContent .= "c.maxDate = '".$maxDate->toString(jDateTime::DB_DTFORMAT)."';\n";
- $this->commonJs($ctrl);
- }
- protected function outputCheckbox($ctrl, &$attr) {
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if($ctrl->valueOnCheck == $value){
- $attr['checked'] = "checked";
- }
- $attr['value'] = $ctrl->valueOnCheck;
- $attr['type'] = 'checkbox';
- echo '<input';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- protected function jsCheckbox($ctrl) {
- $this->jsContent .="c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlBoolean('".$ctrl->ref."', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- $this->commonJs($ctrl);
- }
- protected function echoCheckboxes($span, $id, &$values, &$attr, &$value, &$i) {
- foreach($values as $v=>$label){
- $attr['id'] = $id.$i;
- $attr['value'] = $v;
- echo $span;
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- if((is_array($value) && in_array((string) $v,$value,true)) || ($value === (string) $v))
- echo ' checked="checked"';
- echo $this->_endt,'<label for="',$id,$i,'">',htmlspecialchars($label),"</label></span>\n";
- $i++;
- }
- }
- protected function showRadioCheck($ctrl, &$attr, &$value, $span) {
- $id = $this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref.'_';
- $i=0;
- $data = $ctrl->datasource->getData($this->_form);
- if ($ctrl->datasource instanceof jIFormsDatasource2 && $ctrl->datasource->hasGroupedData()) {
- if (isset($data[''])) {
- $this->echoCheckboxes($span, $id, $data[''], $attr, $value, $i);
- }
- foreach($data as $group=>$values){
- if ($group === '')
- continue;
- echo '<fieldset><legend>'.htmlspecialchars($group).'</legend>'."\n";
- $this->echoCheckboxes($span, $id, $values, $attr, $value, $i);
- echo "</fieldset>\n";
- }
- }else{
- $this->echoCheckboxes($span, $id, $data, $attr, $value, $i);
- }
- }
- protected function outputCheckboxes($ctrl, &$attr) {
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- $attr['name'] = $ctrl->ref.'[]';
- unset($attr['title']);
- if(is_array($value) && count($value) == 1)
- $value = $value[0];
- $span ='<span class="jforms-chkbox jforms-ctl-'.$ctrl->ref.'"><input type="checkbox"';
- if(is_array($value)){
- $value = array_map(create_function('$v', 'return (string) $v;'),$value);
- }
- else {
- $value = (string) $value;
- }
- $this->showRadioCheck($ctrl, $attr, $value, $span);
- }
- protected function jsCheckboxes($ctrl) {
- $this->jsContent .="c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlString('".$ctrl->ref."[]', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- $this->commonJs($ctrl);
- }
- protected function outputRadiobuttons($ctrl, &$attr) {
- $id = $this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref.'_';
- $attr['name'] = $ctrl->ref;
- unset($attr['title']);
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if(is_array($value)){
- if(isset($value[0]))
- $value = $value[0];
- else
- $value = '';
- }
- $value = (string) $value;
- $span ='<span class="jforms-radio jforms-ctl-'.$ctrl->ref.'"><input type="radio"';
- $this->showRadioCheck($ctrl, $attr, $value, $span);
- }
- protected function jsRadiobuttons($ctrl) {
- $this->jsContent .="c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlString('".$ctrl->ref."', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- $this->commonJs($ctrl);
- }
- protected function fillSelect($ctrl, $value) {
- $data = $ctrl->datasource->getData($this->_form);
- if ($ctrl->datasource instanceof jIFormsDatasource2 && $ctrl->datasource->hasGroupedData()) {
- if (isset($data[''])) {
- foreach($data[''] as $v=>$label){
- if(is_array($value))
- $selected = in_array((string) $v,$value,true);
- else
- $selected = ((string) $v===$value);
- echo '<option value="',htmlspecialchars($v),'"',($selected?' selected="selected"':''),'>',htmlspecialchars($label),"</option>\n";
- }
- }
- foreach($data as $group=>$values) {
- if ($group === '')
- continue;
- echo '<optgroup label="'.htmlspecialchars($group).'">';
- foreach($values as $v=>$label){
- if(is_array($value))
- $selected = in_array((string) $v,$value,true);
- else
- $selected = ((string) $v===$value);
- echo '<option value="',htmlspecialchars($v),'"',($selected?' selected="selected"':''),'>',htmlspecialchars($label),"</option>\n";
- }
- echo '</optgroup>';
- }
- }
- else {
- foreach($data as $v=>$label){
- if(is_array($value))
- $selected = in_array((string) $v,$value,true);
- else
- $selected = ((string) $v===$value);
- echo '<option value="',htmlspecialchars($v),'"',($selected?' selected="selected"':''),'>',htmlspecialchars($label),"</option>\n";
- }
- }
- }
- protected function outputMenulist($ctrl, &$attr) {
- unset($attr['readonly']);
- $attr['size'] = '1';
- echo '<select';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo ">\n";
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if(is_array($value)){
- if(isset($value[0]))
- $value = $value[0];
- else
- $value='';
- }
- $value = (string) $value;
- echo '<option value=""',($value===''?' selected="selected"':''),'>',htmlspecialchars($ctrl->emptyItemLabel),"</option>\n";
- $this->fillSelect($ctrl, $value);
- echo '</select>';
- }
- protected function jsMenulist($ctrl) {
- $this->jsContent .="c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlString('".$ctrl->ref."', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- $this->commonJs($ctrl);
- }
- protected function outputListbox($ctrl, &$attr) {
- unset($attr['readonly']);
- $attr['size'] = $ctrl->size;
- if($ctrl->multiple){
- $attr['name'] = $ctrl->ref.'[]';
- $attr['id'] = $this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref;
- $attr['multiple'] = 'multiple';
- echo '<select';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo ">\n";
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if($ctrl->emptyItemLabel !== null)
- echo '<option value=""',(in_array('',$value,true)?' selected="selected"':''),'>',htmlspecialchars($ctrl->emptyItemLabel),"</option>\n";
- if(is_array($value) && count($value) == 1)
- $value = $value[0];
- if(is_array($value)){
- $value = array_map(create_function('$v', 'return (string) $v;'),$value);
- $this->fillSelect($ctrl, $value);
- }else{
- $this->fillSelect($ctrl, (string)$value);
- }
- echo '</select>';
- }else{
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if(is_array($value)){
- if(count($value) >= 1)
- $value = $value[0];
- else
- $value ='';
- }
- $value = (string) $value;
- echo '<select';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo ">\n";
- if($ctrl->emptyItemLabel !== null)
- echo '<option value=""',($value===''?' selected="selected"':''),'>',htmlspecialchars($ctrl->emptyItemLabel),"</option>\n";
- $this->fillSelect($ctrl, $value);
- echo '</select>';
- }
- }
- protected function jsListbox($ctrl) {
- if($ctrl->multiple){
- $this->jsContent .= "c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlString('".$ctrl->ref."[]', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- $this->jsContent .= "c.multiple = true;\n";
- } else {
- $this->jsContent .= "c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlString('".$ctrl->ref."', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- }
- $this->commonJs($ctrl);
- }
- protected function outputTextarea($ctrl, &$attr) {
- if (!isset($attr['rows']))
- $attr['rows'] = $ctrl->rows;
- if (!isset($attr['cols']))
- $attr['cols'] = $ctrl->cols;
- echo '<textarea';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo '>',htmlspecialchars($this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref)),'</textarea>';
- }
- protected function jsTextarea($ctrl, $withjsobj=true) {
- if ($withjsobj)
- $this->jsContent .="c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlString('".$ctrl->ref."', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- $maxl= $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('maxLength');
- if($maxl !== null)
- $this->jsContent .="c.maxLength = '$maxl';\n";
- $minl= $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('minLength');
- if($minl !== null)
- $this->jsContent .="c.minLength = '$minl';\n";
- $this->commonJs($ctrl);
- }
- protected function outputHtmleditor($ctrl, &$attr) {
- $this->outputTextarea($ctrl, $attr);
- }
- protected function jsHtmleditor($ctrl) {
- $this->jsContent .="c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlHtml('".$ctrl->ref."', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- $this->jsTextarea($ctrl, false);
- $engine = $GLOBALS['gJConfig']->htmleditors[$ctrl->config.''];
- $this->jsContent .= 'jelix_'.$engine.'_'.$ctrl->config.'("'.$this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref.'","'.$this->_name.'","'.$ctrl->skin."\",".$this->jFormsJsVarName.".config);\n";
- }
- protected function outputWikieditor($ctrl, &$attr) {
- $this->outputTextarea($ctrl, $attr);
- }
- protected function jsWikieditor($ctrl) {
- }
- protected function outputSecret($ctrl, &$attr) {
- if ($ctrl->size != 0)
- $attr['size'] = $ctrl->size;
- $maxl = $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('maxLength');
- if($maxl !== null)
- $attr['maxlength'] = $maxl;
- $attr['type'] = 'password';
- $attr['value'] = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- echo '<input';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- protected function jsSecret($ctrl) {
- $this->jsContent .="c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlSecret('".$ctrl->ref."', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- $maxl= $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('maxLength');
- if($maxl !== null)
- $this->jsContent .="c.maxLength = '$maxl';\n";
- $minl= $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('minLength');
- if($minl !== null)
- $this->jsContent .="c.minLength = '$minl';\n";
- $re = $ctrl->datatype->getFacet('pattern');
- if($re !== null)
- $this->jsContent .="c.regexp = ".$re.";\n";
- $this->commonJs($ctrl);
- }
- protected function outputSecretconfirm($ctrl, &$attr) {
- if ($ctrl->size != 0)
- $attr['size'] = $ctrl->size;
- $attr['type'] = 'password';
- $attr['value'] = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- echo '<input';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- protected function jsSecretconfirm($ctrl) {
- $this->jsContent .="c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlConfirm('".$ctrl->ref."', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- $this->commonJs($ctrl);
- }
- protected function outputOutput($ctrl, &$attr) {
- unset($attr['readonly']);
- unset($attr['class']);
- if (isset($attr['title'])){
- $hint = ' title="'.htmlspecialchars($attr['title']).'"';
- unset($attr['title']);
- }
- else $hint = '';
- $attr['type'] = 'hidden';
- $attr['value'] = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- echo '<input';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- echo '<span class="jforms-value"',$hint,'>',htmlspecialchars($attr['value']),'</span>';
- }
- protected function jsOutput($ctrl) {
- }
- protected function outputUpload($ctrl, &$attr) {
- /*if($ctrl->maxsize){
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="',$ctrl->maxsize,'"',$this->_endt;
- }*/
- $attr['type'] = 'file';
- $attr['value'] = '';
- echo '<input';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- protected function jsUpload($ctrl) {
- $this->jsContent .="c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlString('".$ctrl->ref."', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- $this->commonJs($ctrl);
- }
- protected function outputSubmit($ctrl, $attr) {
- unset($attr['readonly']);
- $attr['class'] = 'jforms-submit';
- $attr['type'] = 'submit';
- if($ctrl->standalone){
- $attr['value'] = $ctrl->label;
- echo '<input';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }else{
- $id = $this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref.'_';
- $attr['name'] = $ctrl->ref;
- foreach($ctrl->datasource->getData($this->_form) as $v=>$label){
- // because IE6 sucks with <button type=submit> (see ticket #431), we must use input :-(
- $attr['value'] = $label;
- $attr['id'] = $id.$v;
- echo ' <input';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- }
- }
- protected function jsSubmit($ctrl) {
- // no javascript
- }
- protected function outputReset($ctrl, &$attr) {
- unset($attr['readonly']);
- $attr['class'] = 'jforms-reset';
- $attr['type'] = 'reset';
- echo '<button';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo '>',htmlspecialchars($ctrl->label),'</button>';
- }
- protected function jsReset($ctrl) {
- // no javascript
- }
- protected function outputCaptcha($ctrl, &$attr) {
- $ctrl->initExpectedValue();
- echo '<span class="jforms-captcha-question">',htmlspecialchars($ctrl->question),'</span> ';
- unset($attr['readonly']);
- $attr['type'] = 'text';
- $attr['value'] = '';
- echo '<input';
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo $this->_endt;
- }
- protected function jsCaptcha($ctrl) {
- $this->jsTextarea($ctrl);
- }
- protected function outputGroup($ctrl, &$attr) {
- echo '<fieldset id="',$attr['id'],'"><legend>',htmlspecialchars($ctrl->label),"</legend>\n";
- echo '<table class="jforms-table-group" border="0">',"\n";
- foreach( $ctrl->getChildControls() as $ctrlref=>$c){
- if($c->type == 'submit' || $c->type == 'reset' || $c->type == 'hidden') continue;
- if(!$this->_form->isActivated($ctrlref)) continue;
- echo '<tr><th scope="row">';
- $this->outputControlLabel($c);
- echo "</th>\n<td>";
- $this->outputControl($c);
- echo "</td></tr>\n";
- }
- echo "</table></fieldset>";
- }
- protected function jsGroup($ctrl) {
- //no javacript
- }
- protected function outputChoice($ctrl, &$attr) {
- echo '<ul class="jforms-choice jforms-ctl-'.$ctrl->ref.'" >',"\n";
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if(is_array($value)){
- if(isset($value[0]))
- $value = $value[0];
- else
- $value='';
- }
- $i=0;
- $attr['name'] = $ctrl->ref;
- $id = $this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref.'_';
- $attr['type']='radio';
- unset($attr['class']);
- $readonly = (isset($attr['readonly']) && $attr['readonly']!='');
- $this->jsChoiceInternal($ctrl);
- $this->jsContent .="c2 = c;\n";
- $this->isRootControl = false;
- foreach( $ctrl->items as $itemName=>$listctrl){
- if (!$ctrl->isItemActivated($itemName))
- continue;
- echo '<li><label><input';
- $attr['id'] = $id.$i;
- $attr['value'] = $itemName;
- if ($itemName==$value)
- $attr['checked'] = 'checked';
- else
- unset($attr['checked']);
- $this->_outputAttr($attr);
- echo ' onclick="'.$this->jFormsJsVarName.'.getForm(\'',$this->_name,'\').getControl(\'',$ctrl->ref,'\').activate(\'',$itemName,'\')"', $this->_endt;
- echo htmlspecialchars($ctrl->itemsNames[$itemName]),"</label>\n";
- $displayedControls = false;
- foreach($listctrl as $ref=>$c) {
- if(!$this->_form->isActivated($ref) || $c->type == 'hidden') continue;
- $displayedControls = true;
- echo ' <span class="jforms-item-controls">';
- $this->outputControlLabel($c);
- echo ' ';
- $this->outputControl($c);
- echo "</span>\n";
- $this->jsContent .="c2.addControl(c, ".$this->escJsStr($itemName).");\n";
- }
- if(!$displayedControls) {
- $this->jsContent .="c2.items[".$this->escJsStr($itemName)."]=[];\n";
- }
- echo "</li>\n";
- $i++;
- }
- echo "</ul>\n";
- $this->isRootControl = true;
- }
- protected function jsChoice($ctrl) {
- $value = $this->_form->getData($ctrl->ref);
- if(is_array($value)){
- if(isset($value[0]))
- $value = $value[0];
- else
- $value='';
- }
- $this->jsContent .= "c2.activate('".$value."');\n";
- }
- protected function jsChoiceInternal($ctrl) {
- $this->jsContent .="c = new ".$this->jFormsJsVarName."ControlChoice('".$ctrl->ref."', ".$this->escJsStr($ctrl->label).");\n";
- $this->commonJs($ctrl);
- }
- protected function outputHelp($ctrl) {
- if ($ctrl->help) {
- if($ctrl->type == 'checkboxes' || ($ctrl->type == 'listbox' && $ctrl->multiple)){
- $name=$ctrl->ref.'[]';
- }else{
- $name=$ctrl->ref;
- }
- // additionnal  , else background icon is not shown in webkit
- echo '<span class="jforms-help" id="'. $this->_name.'_'.$ctrl->ref.'-help"> <span>'.htmlspecialchars($ctrl->help).'</span></span>';
- }
- }
- }
Documentation generated on Mon, 19 Sep 2011 14:12:45 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3